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1  Bitcoin / Mining support / Running Antminer + USB Erupter simultaneously on: January 08, 2014, 05:44:09 PM

Just looking for someone Running atleast 1 x Antminer + 1 x USB Erupter simultaneously..
I can get mine working but any time either of them stop I must go through another half hour of plugging in, out, installing drivers and restarting programs to get them all working again - Very frustrating I'm sure you can imagine to have X speed and be mining at B speed Sad

I'm using Bitminter for my USB Erupters as when they first arrived, it was the first program I got them to run through..
& my antMiner I have running through CGMiner (although it constantly is flooding error messages, it is still mining Tongue )

I would be over the moon if Bitminter, added antminer compatability and my hubs/ports/miners were all behaving themselves..

- Anyone else having similar problems or can lend a hand?

.. Sad I also have another type of USB miner on order! - this will be hellish to get running!
2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: HELP! - USB Miners driving me insane on: January 07, 2014, 01:34:52 PM
I currently have them all working at once - it seems to be getting the order right of inserting usb's, installing drivers, and starting programs! Tongue
- scared to ever close a program -
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: HELP! - USB Miners driving me insane on: January 07, 2014, 01:03:31 PM
Thank you for your speedy response! - so frustrating having mining ability and, not to be! lol
& yeah, I came across that download myself - I am currently using that to run the antminer..

- but as soon as I plug in any of the 335 Mh/s erupters, I start receiving errors in CG

& My computer doesn't seem to like me running the Bitminter tool & CG, simultaneously Sad
4  Other / Beginners & Help / HELP! - USB Miners driving me insane on: January 07, 2014, 12:54:43 PM
Hey everybody,

Stumbled upon this forum after googling for help getting my USB miners up and running.

I currently have 9 x USB Block erupters (although I think I've broken one? Cry! ) & 1 x usb antminer

I can get the Block erupters running using Bitminter fairly easily although it seems I can't use Bitminter for the antminer..

I tried unplugging my block erupters and following the antminer userguide, I eventually got it to work by it's self using CGMiner..
although when I plug in the block erupters, I start getting errors on CGMiner about goldenonce etc.?

I've tried running CGMiner with Bitcoin-qt open and various things..

I am aiming to have all the miners running at once obviously and directed towards the same pool but when I think I get close, I get back to square one.. 

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