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So true. Do not exist and are unhappy until people and users are panicked because Crypto prices, especially Ethereum and Bitcoin, are falling. I think if many people panic and sell their coins it will worsen the situation of the Crypto world. Because the price will decrease if many people panic and sell their coins at low prices.
I think you need to be careful about the projects that are in ICO bro. I just heard about this Ripper Project, bro. I think before you go too deep, you should be careful and examine more deeply about the Project, bro, my advice is like that. Because lately a lot of Scam Projects are popping up at ICO, bro.
After I noticed the development of crypto recently, I began to think that the rise and fall of prices was a correction. But because it's still like this, I'm not sure crypto will pump at the end of the year like 2017. Even though there are a lot of good news but it looks like it hasn't been able to raise the crypto anymore.
In my country, the minister of communication has banned payments using bitcoin. And this is not profitable for us. But as a crypto coin holder, I am a little calm because there are still many crypto exchange in my country. This means that bitcoin is still allowed to be traded, but cannot be used as payment.
Baru tau ada proyek bagus kaya Feedchain ini. Gagasan yang dibuat proyek ini sangat brilian, mengubah setiap rumah menjadi bisnis. Ini bisa menjadi solusi bagi perempuan yang ingin memiliki penghasilan tanpa harus meninggalkan rumah. Semoga proyek ini sukses ke depannya.
Saya setuju gan, teknik menganalis harga koin memang perlu dilakukan oleh masing-masing orang. Hanya saja, setiap orang kan memiliki analisis yang berbeda-beda gan. Jadi yang perlu ditekankan disini menurut saya, kalau punya modal jangan bernafsu invest di salah satu koin saja karena ini bisa menjadi boomerang untuk kita. Mending beli di beberapa koin jadi kalau rugi di 1 koin, masih bisa untung di koin yang lain.
After a few months of falling sharply, crypto again rose again. Crypto returns without gas and prepares to glide perfectly. This is the moment that we have been waiting for as the crypto sword. Hopefully there is new hope at the end of the year for the crypto world.
One good project at this time in my opinion is Cryptasis. Besides that, I also saw that there were good projects that were new, like d'Clinic. D'clinic is a project that is engaged in health, which connects patients and nurses. Which patients are at the center of their service process.
Penyebab pastinya sih gak tahu gan. Mungkin sih, disaat harga bitcoin terlihat naik, orang banyak meninggalkan ethereum untuk berinvestasi di bitcoin. Ini bisa aja terjadi kan gan? Namanya pedagang, lihat barang yang punya potensi profit ya udah dibeli aja biar untung.
Poryek asuransi berbasis blockchain sejenis ini pernah ada dan selesai dengan baik. Dan semoga kesuksesan yang sama juga bisa terjadi lagi pada proyek Inscoin ini. Sukses terus untuk Inscoin ke depannya.
Akan sulit koin dari berbagai negara-negara Diatas jika ingin melampaui Bitcoin. Bagi saya Bitcoin sampai sekarang masih menjadi koin terbaik di Dunia, dari segi Pengguna saja sudah jutaan orang, Dan itu akan sulit bagi negara yang memiliki koin sendiri untuk menyalib Bitcoin.
I was quite surprised to see the Crypto World condition now. In my opinion this is very worrying, because the price of coins that have dropped more than 50% of the stable price. I hope this will not last long and be stable again. Perhaps this is due to the large number of people who sell coins on a large scale so that all the prices of coins fall. Maybe like that.
There are so many risks that investors will face. One of them is found or wrong in investing. if there is no careful consideration, it can happen. The second is that the project is found to be a Scam, the most reliable way in this case is to first examine the Project to be Invested, First carefully examine the Team first, Team Work, Marketing Strategy, Target to be made, Legal basis and so on which are considered important for you as a prospective investor.
Maybe it's not just bored. but investors are also afraid to invest their funds in the ICO. because many ICO Projects are scams and scams. therefore there are also many projects in the ICO that die because there are no investors who actually enter, maybe the day the ICO will get worse and be abandoned by many of its users.
I think here the more profitable is Bitcoin. like this ICO can have a good influence on bitcoin, more ICO coins more traders enter and circulation of bitcoin can occur and improve. But it will be different if the ICO does not succeed or fails. Investors will leave the ICO and return to investing only in bitcoin and they can hold their coins for a better price by waiting for the coin price to rise and they will sell it.
Jika melihat konsep proyek yang diusung oleh Rateonium ini, saya yakin akan banyak investor yang bergabung di dalam proyek ini. Dimana mereka menawarkan rating yang inovatif yang akan berguna untuk para mitranya. Dan tentunya ini akan menjadi kabar baik untuk para bounty jika proyek yang mereka garap mencapai kesuksesan besar.
Memang benar sekali. sekarang ini Bitcoin cenderung turun dan bahkan harga koinnya anjlok. saya harap untuk Akhir bulan Agustus ini akan membaik dan untuk bulan-bulan berikutnya. ini yang menyebabkan kita semua panik, karena memang bitcoin yang sangat mempengaruhi harga coin di pasar.
Ini sangat sering terjadi kepada saya, ketika sedang berselancar tiba-tiba muncul web tak bersertifikat. Untuk teman-teman yang lain, mohon lebih berhati-hati dengan web semacam itu. Jangan sembarangan klik, karena biasanya itu adalah web nakal yang akan mencuri data pribadi kita.
maybe now the rise of this Scam Project is causing the price of coins on the market to fall. I hope this does not continue. many people are anxious. especially Bounty players and Investors. because they have an important role in the Project.
in my opinion it's very good. if the party from Samsung has received Crypto as payment it is a very great step. because in the future there will certainly be many more who accept crypto as a medium of exchange