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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Happy Bitcoin pizza day! on: July 17, 2018, 06:02:05 PM
I couldn't help myself after reading many of these comments...

I had to order a pizza to celebrate "Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day"... The countdown to arrival begins
2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Advice on exchange fees when buying and selling on: July 16, 2018, 05:36:43 AM
open an Excel document and fill it like this:

sell price|=(B4+(B4*B6))/(B2*(1-B3))

'###' are variables, you should fill in each time. for example buying 100 (vol) of some coin at 0.00001000BTC (price) will (cost) 0.00100200BTC.
if you want 5% (profit) you need to sell it at 0.00001054BTC

if you want the bare minimum price to sell at and that you just get your money back with no profit just set the profit to 0% and in the example above you get 0.00001004BTC as the price you should sell at.

now you just have to decide how much % profit you want out of each coin that you sell.

sell price =(B4+(B4*B5))/(B2*(1-B3))

Thanks so much for the information... exactly what I was having trouble with  =^_^=
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Advice on exchange fees when buying and selling on: July 16, 2018, 04:12:16 AM
Hi All

I am totally new here and still trying to get my head around several things.

I have bought a few altcoins on the Binance and IDEX exchanges and I am trying to work out how much these coins would need to go up to cover fees when selling. That way I can factor this into if i will actually make anything from selling them.

I have tried to work this out several times and keep getting a different answer with my results...  So I was really wondering what a good rule of thumb would be in general? What other people might use as a strategy, percentage etc.  when buying and selling as a beginner?

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