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So I have run minera for a couple of days on my 5 chip Gridseeds now and its great!
I have then modified the Gridseeds for OC Mode meaning that I'll be able run them at a much higher frequency. Autotune is probably already finished and saved. Will I have to delete some parts of the DB to make cpuminer forget the old autotune settings?
I know its kind of a cpuminer question.
Thanks for your work michelem
Just if anyone has wondered: Minera works with up to 32 5-Chip Gridseeds on a raspberry pie.
I think that is the rasberry limit. I know that other distributions for rpi have a limit of sometimes 18 GS Devices. The only distribution I have come across so far that could run up to 32 devices is the zoomhash image without webinterface.
Great great work!!
Michellem: it would be great if there was a client/host version of minera that made it possible to run minera on a dedicated server to control a couple of Raspberries in a LAN network. What do you think? Do you like the idea?
Cheers, Stefna
great piece of software! Thank you for your work Michelem,
Did anyone collect experience with how many gridseeds you can run this on a raspberry?