With the announcement of the Festy (
www.festy.ie) pre-sale in September we would like to invite the community to have a look through our Bounty campaign and the rewards on offer to participants.
The Bounty system allows for incentivised reward mechanisms available to individuals and companies where a company (Festy) introducing a product/service can offer rewards in exchange for a set of tasks outlined on their Bounty program. (see below for bounty listings)
The cryptocurrency space has proved to be a massively conducive environment for bounty programs. This is because it offers great rewards and incentives for both the cryptocurrency start-up and individuals alike.
The primary aim of the Festy bounty programme is to create brand-awareness and hype around the Festy brand and our upcoming public token sale. Users are given an incentive by earning FESTY tokens by doing sales and marketing promoting the sale. A total of 20 million FESTY tokens (valued at 800 ETH) will be allocated for sales & marketing and related DAO rewards for this campaign.
Here is a detailed list of the current Festy Bounty Programme, the rewards system and the requirements for each catagory:
Facebook & TwitterMake a positive post about our updates/progress posts or a positive experience with festy. Posts must be of original thought and content, nothing defamatory.
https://www.facebook.com/festypay/Twitter: @festypay
100-249 Followers
25 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
250-749 Followers
100 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
750-1499 Followers
200 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
1500-10,000 Followers
400 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
Accounts with fake followers will be disqualified (we audit all activity).
Influencers MUST follow AND like our facebook page until the end of token sale.
May not delete posts/shares/unfollow/unlike.
Influencers’ profile page must be set to public.
Shared post must not be older than 60 days from original post and a maximum of 1 share per day.
Shared post must include links to the following:
www.festy.ie + our Telegram/Reddit/Discord channels/Twitter/Facebook
Youtube/VideoMake a positive video about festy and its application and share it on your Youtube, Steemit, Medium, Facebook or Twitter channel.
Festy YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5yBGBsCZiAsAmvy2pGmtpQ500-1,999 Views
5,000 FESTY
2,000-4,999 Views
1,500 FESTY
5,000-9,999 Views
2,500 FESTY
10,000+ Views
5,000 FESTY
Bonus per 10k Views (Max 50k)
To join the campaign, you must be subscribed to our YouTube page for the duration of the token sale.
Your account must be at least 6 months old and only one YouTube account per person is allowed.
The video must have a positive tone and reviews must be positive and constructive. Negative reviews will be discounted and may provoke exclusion from the campaign.
You must have accumulated at least 500 views per video.
The description must contain a link to our Website (with a tracker to your own website/channel) and Telegram/Discord accounts.
The maximum amount of tokens earned per person is 600,000 FESTY
NewsletterA newsletter of 500 words or more detailing your positive experiences/the benefits of using Festy and share it across your blog or across the channels listed below to qualify.
Only articles/posts on Steemit, Medium, Reddit, BitcoinTalk authority sites (Cointelegraph, Coindesk etc) and personal blogs will be accepted.
Article must be written implementing correct grammar, spelling and punctuation with a high-quality tone.
Your article must be unique and not plagiarised.
It must be published publicly, private submissions will not be accepted.
It must amount to 500 words or more.
It must contain a link to our website and contain these parameters: (link with tracker to your site/channel).
The article must have a link to our website and any Festy so social media
The bounty is first come first served and when all bounties are allocated the program will close.
The maximum amount of tokens earned per person is 200,000 FESTY
Max 2 newsletters per day
We reserve the right to consider any article ineligible for this campaign and will provide indication why your article is rejected.
LinkedInPost about Festy on LinkedIn of your thoughts and original ideas involving the project, a blog, status or video. The less copy/paste of information the better for getting a higher reward. Posts must contain positive content, nothing defamatory, and must contain links to the Festy LinkedIn company page and our website
www.festy.ie Quality* Grading Scale:
Low/poor: 10 FESTY (may be denied or receive lower reward)
Good: 20 FESTY
Great: 50 FESTY
Extraordinary: 500 FESTY
Bonus: 10 FESTY for every share
Quality* is based on content, reach of post, spelling/grammar, original content, reaction from community, shares, and number of replies.
Post must have little to no grammar errors.
Must contain at least one link to Festy website, LinkedIn and represent original thought
Applicants must have 100+ connections, and get at least 20 likes.
Max 2 posts per day
RedditPost positive writings no less than 250 words about your positive experiences with Festy. Posts must be of original thought and content, nothing defamatory, how much info that is copy/paste from whitepaper or websites also hurts the score. must contain a link to
www.festy.ie and our Discord/Telegram channels.
Festy reddit:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Festy/ Quality* Grading Scale:
Low/poor: 20 FESTY (may be denied or receive lower reward)
Good: 50 FESTY
Great: 100 FESTY
Extraordinary: 500 FESTY
Bonus: 25 FESTY for every unique upvote.
Quality* is based on content, reach of post, reaction of community, karma received, original thought, amount of information copy/pasted, and spelling/grammar.
Your Reddit account must be at least 20 days-old and have 10 posts or 20 comment karma.
Posts and comments with negative or neutral karma will not be accepted.
Spam will not be accepted.
250 word post minimum for self post.
Self post must contain a link to the website
www.festy.ie and our Telegram
Must get at least 2 upvotes to qualify for any reward
20 submissions per influencer
Max 2 posts per day
InstagramMake a positive post about our updates/progress posts or a positive experience with festy.
Festy instagram:
100-499 Followers
5 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
500-1999 Followers
25 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
2000-4999 Followers
50 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
5000-9999 Followers
100 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
10,000+ Followers
200 FESTY per Like + Share/Retweet
Influencers MUST follow Festypay’s Instagram account
Influencers must participate liking/commenting a minimum of 10 times throughout the campaign period
Comments must include all of the following: @festypay #FestyPay #BeFesty #WearYourWallet
Telegram referrals Referrals to our telegram channel:
https://t.me/joinchat/H3HWkVMkUMyrlANvijLEHw1 - 4 Referrals
100 FESTY per referral
5 - 9 Referrals
150 FESTY per referral
10 - 19 Referrals
300 FESTY per referral
20 - 29 Referrals
500 FESTY per referral
30+ Referrals
1,000 FESTY per referral (Max 50)
No Bots or fake accounts (we check).
Referees must participate in conversation (at least 10 posts).
Referees MUST stay in the Festy Telegram group until end of campaign.
Limit to 5,000 referrals.
Hosting Meetups/Events/ConferenceIn bringing payments and blockchain technology to everyday people, education is paramount to increase adoption. For organising a Festy meetup in your city, we will cover the full cost of the venue hire and food (receipts required).
Send email to
support@festy.ie containing the following:
Full name
Linkedin or Facebook account
City, Country
Date and Time
Meetup.com page
Link to Facebook/ Twitter announcement
We will always help and assist you get a speaker wherever possible. All photos, videos, social media engagements must be emailed maximum 7 days following the event to claim tokens.
Advertising/ SponsorshipPlease refer any advertising and sponsorship opportunities to
support@festy.ie and we will consider each proposal. If the event is your event, please supply sponsorship details and a website.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Bounty programme, should you have any queries please contact