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if you mine to nicehash activate the Check Nonce submit else, leave it off. this will make performance degraded for other pools, and they don't require this nonce submit
how do you activate check nonce?
I have sent them an email..ty
Anyone know where I can get a new control board?
If anyone has a Dayun zig z1 that is for parts, I am interested. I need the board where the usb/network cable plugs into. I am in Canada
Or, point it to Nicehash and sell the hashrate directly. It's your choice...
Are we not selling directly when we use zpool or block? what is the difference using nice?
Any idea on how and how long to recompound?
What do you mean "how long" ? how long would it take to disassemble, redo compound and reassemble the zig
this is happening to me and i have a few in the red as well. Does this mean its time to clean the chips and install new thermal compound paste? This is firmware problems, and chip qualities -> you can use firmware 0930 oc mode to fixed this and If you have enough fund to spend in thermal compound you can change it , because the old thermal compound isn't good enough . It will improved stabilities to mining what should i oc it to? any particular compound to use? I have some cheap stuff and not sure that it would be any better. Any idea on how and how long to recompound?
here is my feedback. got the miner 3 days ago to make it go online had to change the ip to .10 instead of .100 and put manually DNS server name then tried different pools. nicehash, MPH, powermining. all same performance, 1 board not hashing fine. changing frequency doesn't seem to do a big deal, with 900 one board stays dead all the time, with 800 dies after a while. sent message to crypto drilling (shop I bought) and told me to freq 845 (which I can only put 850) waiting for their technical team to reply.. this is my configuration { "pools": [ { "url": "stratum+tcp:\/\/", "user": "3GKgz3dj7nE3NFdrEECKdqjQf1US5rz6YR", "pass": "x" }, { "url": "stratum+tcp:\/\/", "user": "MErJBFcuRdAYCSidG3P8UQYmXVFmhpK53j", "pass": "x" }, { "url": "stratum+tcp:\/\/", "user": "roberto_f.zig", "pass": "x" } ], "api-allow": "W:0\/0", "api-description": "cgminer 4.11.1", "api-listen": true, "api-mcast-addr": "", "api-mcast-code": "FTW", "api-mcast-des": "", "api-mcast-port": "4028", "api-network": true, "api-port": "4028", "expiry": "120", "failover-switch-delay": "300", "log": "5", "queue": "9999", "scan-time": "60", "shares": "0", "lyra2rev2-clk": "850", "lyra2rev2-vol": "0", "lyra2rev2-asic-x": "4", "lyra2rev2-asic-y": "24", "lyra2rev2-asic-num": "50", "lyra2rev2-cutofftemperature": "50", "lyra2rev2-cutofffanspeedin": "100", "lyra2rev2-cutofffanspeedout": "100", "lyra2rev2-restarthashrate": "3", "lyra2rev2-restartfailedcount": "100", "lyra2rev2-fan": "LV1", "lyra2rev2-check-testnonce": true, "lyra2rev2-scan-serial": "\/dev\/ttyS3", "lyra2rev2-restartenable": true, "lyra2rev2-cutoffenable": true } and this is the results hash rate quite erratic but never higher than 5GH nicehash stats any feedback or suggestion, very welcome Hello Roberto_F About the non active chips you have on the "ASIC Status" page. Here is what i do when i have the same problem (Status black, yellow or red) Go on the Settings page and just hit the "Save and Restart Miner" button. Check after 2-3 mins on the "ASIC Status" page if its better. If not...hit that "Save and Restart Miner" button again. Again, go check after 2-3 mins on the "ASIC Status" page if its better. If not, try this tome the "Save and Restart Machine" button. Now wait 5mins and then check the "ASIC Status" page. If its's better...good, if not, pull the plug from the PSU and wait 10-15min. Pull the plug back in and wait... Again, check the "ASIC Status" page...if it's not better, repeate the steps above. Sometime i need "only" 15 mins to make the chips all green... One time it took my almost 1h...but it works. My config is with 900MHz, mining on NH and the new Firmware. Good luck and have fun. EDIT: Sometimes some chips need more time to turn from black to green. So if most chips on a card are green and just a few black, i just wait 2-3mins and then they turn green. this is happening to me and i have a few in the red as well. Does this mean its time to clean the chips and install new thermal compound paste?
You probably need to set fixed difficulty, Z1+ does 7.2GH/s and higher if configured properly.
what would you recommend for difficulty setting?
does anyone know what this means? "lyra2rev2-dynamic-frequency": false....should it be true or false?
Hi Guys and Girls! I have now activated automatic ASIC recognition on pool. This ensures that your miners starts at a much better difficulty optimized for these new ASIC`s coming in these days This ensures that you will get a lot lower amount of rejected shares. We already hava a couple mining with they're Zig Z1`s online Lyra2v2 Coins available; Monacoin Vertcoin VERGE Shield Will be adding a couple more tomorrow. Join us @ https://www.powermining.pwDiscord: difficulty are people using for mining? ie zpool? zpool c=BTC,d=2000 NLpool c=BTC,d=512 only 2% rejects. Thanks to @yezzuurrr What firmware and frequency are you running at
Hi Guys and Girls! I have now activated automatic ASIC recognition on pool. This ensures that your miners starts at a much better difficulty optimized for these new ASIC`s coming in these days This ensures that you will get a lot lower amount of rejected shares. We already hava a couple mining with they're Zig Z1`s online Lyra2v2 Coins available; Monacoin Vertcoin VERGE Shield Will be adding a couple more tomorrow. Join us @ https://www.powermining.pwDiscord: difficulty are people using for mining? ie zpool?
I am not sure how to start a new post here but is anyone else having trouble changing the time zone in Version 20181130? I figured it out, had to change the jason file
you actually probably CAN overclock it if you manually change the config files to greater than 900 mhz... but overall I agree with your assessment.
how do i change the config files?