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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 27, 2015, 09:45:12 PM
I wonder if anyone remembers this message:

ATTENTION: Please be aware that at this time, due to insolvency and site ownership changes, all deposits and trades are to be considered at your own risk. Depleted wallets will not be able to fund coin withdrawals. Affected Wallets: BTC, LTC, POT, AUR, QRK, WAS and BAT

I mention it because we are now told that ALL wallets are now either insolvent or dead.  If we know for sure that a wallet will synchronise (DRK, for example) then we are told that it is now to be considered insolvent.  The only coins that might be solvent are the dead ones.  This news has only been released after literally months of asking for "something", and speculating about theft from within.

Apparently asking for coins, or even feeling entitled to them in the first place, is considered trolling.  If that's the case then everyone who has posted here in the last year is considered a troll by CR.  That is unacceptable.

I strongly encourage CR to buy back the formerly-solvent coins they sold, at whatever price they can, and release them to their rightful owners.  I encourage them to do that right now.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 27, 2015, 04:13:58 AM
If you persist in your troll efforts, the I must ask that you spell "synch" as "sync." Sync is what a blockchain does. Synch is what you do to a saddle to ensure you don't fall off of your horse.
I know how difficult this must be for you, so I'll spell the whole word out as "synchronise" in future so you don't accidentally confuse wallets with horses.

If you don't have anything useful to add to the thread then might I suggest that you stop messing about and get back to work?
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 26, 2015, 10:58:24 PM
You are asking for help.  Posting a list of coins you can and cannot connect to will go a long way at helping community to help you.  Please post it in this thread.

Another option would be to ask for help in the coin announcement thread.  Several coins that I had on CR 1 are still alive and kicking, and there is still no information from CR 2 team on whether these coins are solvent or not.

Emailing people (and you should have a list of accounts with emails from original CR) will go a long way in keeping people informed about status of their coins (POT is an example where you are saying that people still haven't "claimed their coins" whatever that means).  Do you expect people to log into the site every day to check upon the coins status?

Posting a link to KD's presentation doesn't answer questions the community is asking, which is primarily - when are the inactive coins going to be active on the CR 2?
He's stated that the only solvent coins are those currently available for withdrawal on the CR website.  The rest are are either newly-insolvent or won't synch.  If we know that a particular coin would synch without any drama then it's not on CR because it's now to be considered insolvent.  Asking for the list of coins that simply won't synch (or any information at all) is considered trolling.

Basically, if the coin is alive and has value then it's insolvent.  If it's dead then it may be solvent but won't synch due to death.

"But trust us with fresh coins because CR2 has only been hacked once"

The whole thing is a joke.  We only have this latest information because we pestered for a year while they were tweaking the colour scheme and socialising on IRC.  I wouldn't expect anything else - especially a list of coins.

RIP CryptoRush
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 25, 2015, 11:33:56 PM
I cannot (for security reasons) post my list of CR 1.0 coins publicly.

Based upon this spreadsheet, DRK was never posted as solvent.
None of the coins were posted as "solvent".  There was a list of insolvent coins, along with the now-famous timeline showing when each coin was apparently stolen.  There was also a list of coins on each customer's portfolio page showing how many 1.0 coins they have.  The insolvent coins were "credited" as jelly beans and the apparently-solvent coins just stated a 1.0 figure.

I have a bunch of DRK and others.  I mentioned UTC as an example of a coin that would synch, but I didn't actually have any of those.  Not having access to the website, I couldn't give an example of another synchable coin that I considered to be solvent based upon it (1) not being on the insolvent list and (2) being listed as a 1.0 balance with no associated jelly beans.

But for the record, you are now saying DRK and UTC are both completely insolvent and this fact was completely unknown up until this point.

I have taken over the audits, but I have absolutely no access to the wallets to confirm.
Having access to the figures when performing an audit is overrated.

I never stated that any updates have been listed in this thread. Reread what I actually said, and think long and hard about it so you understand before bringing it up again. The OP has links to all of the places we have been updating the community. The info is there, plain as day, and everyone else seemed to figure it out. I don't understand how you seem to be the one person who can't figure it out. They are not hidden, you simply failed to do your own due-diligence as I pointed out before. This is not my fault, and I am sorry that you seem to think it is.
Give me a break.  You scatter crumbs of information all over the Internet and sneak un-dated updates into the OP text, and then expect each of your customers to go on an Easter Egg hunt?  You do realise that you could just as easily copy/paste the information to this thread to avoid people having to constantly monitor 37,000 locations and carefully check text for sneaky updates all the time?  Who does that?  If a copy/paste into this thread is too much of an effort, or is impractical for some reason, then maybe an update here that says "look over there for an update" would work equally well.  That would take hardly any time out of your busy IRC social schedule and would save lot of customers the hassle of having to do "due diligence" every single day in the hope that there might be an update somewhere on the Internet sometime this year.

It's a win/win.  We get updates and you get to avoid having me in your face demanding updates.

What is this "speech in front of a huge three-letter subliminal message (CON)" you are referring to? I have given no speeches in front of anyone. I think you may be confused as to who you are actually speaking to.
My mistake.  I mistook you for the speaker who I now recall was King Dragon.  He was the one who set out the "theft" timeline and told us which coins were "stolen", when and apparently by whom etc.  Oddly enough the coins you are now auditing as depleted were not mentioned at all in the list, either in the speech nor elsewhere.

I will also NOT be releasing a list of the next 10 coins as you demanded, not requested. Since the latest events, we have switched gears a bit regarding repayment plans.
That suggestion was made so that we could see which coins you are auditing and bringing online.  Once done, we could clearly see which were skipped due to coin death and which were fully solvent or newly insolvent etc.  But if you don't want to do that then another method of keeping us fully informed would be equally acceptable.

What's not acceptable is to have no information for six months and then come back and say "oops - all the coins are newly insolvent now.  We promise we didn't cash them out months ago, as per the speculation."

Plenty of work is occurring behind the scenes. There is absolutely nothing you can say or do to extract that information from ANY CryptoRush employee at this time. The possibilities presented to us at this time are too great to possibly risk losing out on because you demand answers. Any subsequent posts you make, you are essentially wasting your breath. It is what it is.
I have no intention of attempting to extract information about any plans beyond what you intend to do to get the "solvent" coins released.  It seems that those previously-"solvent" coins are all insolvent now, so my use of quotes around the word "solvent" throughout this thread has been fully justified.

So, to sum up, your bottom line message is three-fold:  Firstly, CR2 is now to be considered utterly insolvent apart from the coins listed on the OP, but there's no need to be upset about newly-announced losses as we weren't considered entitled to the coins anyway.  Secondly, there are some top secret plans afoot (that have absolutely nothing to do with website colour changes) that will make us all feel better about it all once announced in one of 37,000 possible places (but not here in this thread of course).  Thirdly, anyone who asks for updates is a troll.

Got it.  My unentitled and unworthy self thanks you for the info.  I think.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 25, 2015, 08:53:41 PM
What part of, "Every solvent coin that will sync has been repaid" do you not understand? Just because the 2 coins you mentioned have not been repaid does not mean that they will not sync or are dead to anyone. How about the more plausible assumption that it wasn't solvent?
So now you are adding DRK to the insolvent list?  That coin was listed as solvent before the website went down, and the 1.0 coin balance was visible.

Seriously?  You're going to just declare all coins as insolvent now?  What a crock.

Your claim of, "no updates are posted for months on end" couldn't be further from the truth.
Except that the truth can be easily verified by scrolling this thread back.  You may have hidden updates all over the Internet as if they were Easter Eggs for people to hunt down, but the fact remains that you haven't been bothered to tell anyone.

The site, until now, has never been down for days or weeks at a time. In fact, the way you talk leads me to believe you have not even looked at the site in days or weeks, otherwise you would be a little more informed of our current situation. Let me make this a little easier for you...
The site is down RIGHT NOW.  And has been down for days.  It does this quite often, with no updates in the thread.  The first anyone notices is when they go to check to see if a coin has been released, or come over here to check this thread for updates and find others (not CR staff) reporting that it's down.  This is the first time you have posted ANYTHING here in months, let alone updates.

So, to sum up, are you saying DRK, UTC and all of the other coins with value are now suddenly insolvent?  When did this happen?  We know it didn't happen during the last "hack" because no mention of it was given anywhere - not even in your speech in front of a huge three-letter subliminal message (CON).

Is there a new list of insolvent coins you might want to share to update the previous list we were given?

Do you plan on listing the next 10 coins you plan on tackling, as requested?

Are you going to do some work or just continue to throw your toys around when chased up by your customers?
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 25, 2015, 10:49:11 AM
1) Every solvent coin that has a wallet that syncs has been repaid.

2) ...Same as #1 but with more words...
Seriously?  There are seven coins (apart from BTC and LTC) listed on the OP.  You're seriously saying that all other coins do not sync because they have no nodes?  So DRK is dead in your world then?  Really?  What about UTC?  Dead too?  There are quite a few that are NOT dead and WILL synch on the first attempt.  If they are not synching for you then maybe check that the server is plugged in and that the hamster hasn't chewed through the network cable.

5) By exciting things happening I was referring to world changing events.
World changing events can happen after you have covered the basics.

6) Unfortunately for you, being a demanding (entitled) person on the internet is perceived as trolling.
Well, I must apologise for feeling entitled to the (supposedly) solvent coins you are holding for me until the end of time.  You're right - nobody who transfers coins to you should ever feel that they are entitled to get them back.  I'll keep that in mind when CR2 is fully operational, and will be sure to let others know.

7) Which message are you referring to by, "Even this message says "we haven't done anything but might do something soon."?"
I was referring to the article I quoted.  When I said "this message", I meant the one quote directly above my text.  Sorry for the confusion.  Basically I quoted a message that said that you might be doing something soon, and for the time being there's nothing new here.

8 ) Speculate all you want, but don't spew it publicly in our forum as if it were truth. Again, if we COULD say more, we WOULD.
I don't need you to say more about your plans to take over the world of crypto exchanges, and I have no interest in speculating what they might or might not be.  You can keep all those plans top secret and I will continue to not ask about them.  They are of no interest to me.

Understand this: I lost absolutely nothing in the hacks last year.
Of course you didn't lose anything.  Knowing that the site was about to close, you bought up lots of coins at panic prices and withdrew them.  Once your coins were safely out, you closed the site.  Inside information is the key to not losing anything when an exchange is about to be closed down.

You seem to think you are entitled for some reason, and you are not
I disagree.  See #6.

You have absolutely no idea what is going on
Which tends to happen when no updates are posted for months on end, when no changes are visible on the website and when the website just suddenly goes down for days or weeks at a time.  Maybe better communications and/or progress that's plain to see would go some way towards making sure that your customers do have an idea what's going on.

Oh, and that "customer" word I used;  It doesn't mean "people who should feel honoured to have a formidable programmer and security expert such as yourself making sure the colour scheme is correct."  That's not the dictionary definition anyway, as far as I know.

I would like to see a list of the next 10 coins you plan to work on posted here.  Once you get through those, post an update here saying which of them were skipped and which are online, along with the next 10 coins to be worked on.  Rince, repeat.  Top secret masterplans for world domination can come after you've covered the basics.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 24, 2015, 05:16:54 PM
Well clearly the trolls here prefer to run their mouth instead of paying attention to what actually takes place regarding CryptoRush and fund reimbursements. Prove it you say? Sure thing!
Great!  The proof will be clear for all to see when "solvent" coin balances start showing up and people can withdraw the various coins that still have value.

For those who haven't been paying attention, I recently took over the audits of CR 1.0 coins.
I have been paying close attention to this thread and I've not seen a lot going on.  All we get is "we are working on it" and "we changed some colours here and there".  How difficult is it to being a wallet online and allow people to withdraw their coins.  If bringing a wallet online really is beyond your skillset then just say so and maybe some help can be offered.  You will probably find that bringing wallets online is the most essential part of any exchange, without which people can't get funds into or out of the system to even consider trading.  You can mess with the colours and other things later.  Build from the ground up.

The problem I have been running into, and have posted in several places asking for help, is getting some of the wallets running and synced.
Then skip those and move to the ones that do synch.  Come back to the tricky coins later.  The coins that don't even synch are probably worthless anyway, so do those last.  Get something up and running to show progress.  Doing the easy ones first will show a steady stream of coins coming online.  It's not rocket science and you've been at this for a year now.  Is this really beyond your ability?

There are a total of 3.7 million POT on CR 2.0 waiting to be claimed and never have been. At the time of the hack, the approximate value was $66,000 USD.
If coins are available for withdrawal and people want to leave them with you then that's up to them.  Bring the rest up.  Start with what you consider to be the most popular and if the wallet doesn't synch then skip it and move to the next.  Come back and do the skipped coins once the ones that do synch are up.

I will say that some very exciting things are happening
The most exciting thing you can do for the exchange will be to bring coins online so they can be traded or withdrawn.  You can add toys afterwards.

Don't believe it? Okay, don't. It will in no way hurt my feelings that the trolls, who love to spread fear from their parent's basement instead of deal with the facts, will continue to run their mouth.  Kiss
It's not trolling.  It's demanding.  And you have forfeited any right to call for anyone to be more concerned about about your feelings.  A little professionalism would be preferred.

For those who actually read this forum for real information, stay tuned. Certain things cannot be released at this time, but details will be given as soon as we are in a spot to do so.
I read this forum for information.  The problem is none is ever posted.  Even this message says "we haven't done anything but might do something soon."

Remember, the trolls simply spew speculation and have ZERO idea what is really going on. When full details are released, they will become quiet pretty f*&#in' quick  Wink
Without information, all we have is speculation.

Please define "pretty f*&#in' quick" so you can be held to it.  Ballpark.  One day, one week, one month, one year, the year 3000?

Get back to work on releasing coins.  Skip the ones that won't synch now due to your inaction and come back to them later.  Show at least some progress.  I, for one, don't care at all about any exciting new features until the basics are up and working, and that means bringing wallets online, bringing the website itself online and allowing withdrawals.

Some might choose to trade once they have their coins.  I, for one, will be withdrawing instantly and running to a more professional exchange.

Now get back to work.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 22, 2015, 06:18:11 PM
From IRC #cryptorush:
LATEST NEWS 2-18-15.1945GMT: Someone exploited an ability to gain 2x what they withdrew.  Already patched.  Looking into fund replacement.
More funds stolen?
It looks like that. This coming week we will know more about what happened...or so said KingDragon.
At least the "announcement" can be read to mean that only the withdrawable pool of funds were available for theft, and that the "solvent" coins are still as "solvent" (or as spent) as they were last week.  There wouldn't have been much to steal if only the insolvent coins were up for grabs.

So much for being re-written from the ground-up for security.  And these are the same people who were mocking the "previous owners" for their security.  I suggest that the "solvent" coins are released and withdrawn as a matter of urgency to avoid any danger of people popping the site security again in future.  Maybe if the site owners did some work instead of socialising on IRC all day, something would get done.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 20, 2015, 04:14:00 PM
Didn't you guys lose enough using this site last year...? Nobody noticed that when they shut down last year a lot of them went to start a new exchange...?

Honestly...are you guys fucking retarded?
Honestly .... +1
+1.  Anyone who put fresh coins in certainly is.  Nobody's that gullible though, right?
Scammer will be scammer. This is just another confirmation ..
What happens next may be along the lines of the following:

Dear customer.

We had just finished our extensive one year search for all of the solvent coins and, having found them all down the back of the sofa, were about to hand them back.  Believe us, they were right here and we were just about to do it.  We didn't cash it all out.  Honest.  We couldn't have done it any earlier because the colour scheme on the website had to be just right.  Any less than the correct colour on the correct pixel would be a disservice to our customers.

We were just about to press the button to release the coins when... Oh no... Someone broke in and stole the lot.  Maybe we should have cashed them all out and paid ourselves after all.  Anyway, here are some pictures of jelly beans by way of compensation.  Feel free to trade them for 0.0001% of their original value.  If cash ever comes in, we will promise to buy up all of the sell orders at a fraction of the price and then pay ourselves the full value.  You have our word on that.

We thank you for your custom, and will think of you while in the Bahamas.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 20, 2015, 08:05:47 AM
Didn't you guys lose enough using this site last year...? Nobody noticed that when they shut down last year a lot of them went to start a new exchange...?

Honestly...are you guys fucking retarded?
Honestly .... +1
+1.  Anyone who put fresh coins in certainly is.  Nobody's that gullible though, right?
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 20, 2015, 08:02:50 AM
LATEST NEWS 2-17-15.2200GMT: The site was affected by the massive hacking spree of 9+ exchange this weekend. Will update more soon.  Shocked  Stolen debts. It's cool.
There's no mention of that on their Blog, Twitter or OP article in this thread.  Do they know yet?  Do the other 8+ exchanges know either?
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 19, 2015, 09:17:17 PM
Exchange unavailable for several days. Support is not responding. The forum was silence. What is it. All died.  Shocked
One of two things is happening here:  Either (1) they have decided that they have milked it for all the fresh cash they are going to get and so now it's time to make a run for the hills, or (2) they have taken it offline for a couple of months to make another "major" change to the colour scheme.

Of course there's the third possibility that the exchange is just down and none of the "staff" have noticed yet.  That would explain why there has been no announcement of this event.

One thing's for absolute sure, which is that no "solvent" coins of any value will ever be handed back to their rightful owners.  They were cashed out and spent long ago.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: February 03, 2015, 06:31:33 PM
Have you been keeping up with the OP?
Not so much.  I stupidly tend to expect new information to be announced into the thread instead of being quietly edited at the top.  Both places would be good, with timestamps on the top edits.  There was a "couple of updates" article a couple of messages ago that made no mention of this development.  I just took a look at the original article and there appears to be an update saying that a couple of coins have been returned after almost a year of sitting on hands.  Well, it's a start, I suppose, but I can't help feeling a sense of deja vu.

I would like to see a schedule of the next 10 coins to be tackled, along with an ETA for each.  Once those have been released for withdrawal, the next 10 can be selected and ETAs can be given for those.  This would give people a sense that something is being done, instead of just the same list of "updates" being posted over and over again in between blocks of complete silence and inactivity.  These are supposed to be "solvent" coins, after all.  If the coins still exist then I don't see the difficulty.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: January 17, 2015, 01:22:20 PM
there is no hope now or never was of getting "solvent" coins back. like how long does it f@cking take!! they obviously dont have them and they fill us full of shit that they going to repay them, not a good way to start of an exchange with lies. if they had the brains they would be giving people back these coins or going out of their way to buy some coins from other exchanges to repay people even a little to boost confidence, silly people. and wtf is these CRB all about?, wel to me its a load of f@cking bullshit!!! wont be long to this will be 1 year from this fiasco and i aint got nothing back!!!
I think most of the solvent coins are coins that have been abandoned and may or may not have functioning block chains. Basically, I think anything that had some worth in last April or so was stolen, and so what you're left with is like Rabbitcoin and Industrycoin and other stuff that had very little value back 9 months ago, and at this point probably doesn't even have a single node or miner left. I agree that there should be some accounting of what is left in the coffers, but to be honest, I don't think there's much of value left from the hacks.
Maybe that's the idea.  They sell all the alts coins like DRK and others that still have a little value, wait a few months/years in the hope that they get abandoned, and then say "there's no point giving them back now."  It's a great idea, and it might even work if we stay quiet and let it.

Abandoned or not, I would like to see all of my coins back out of principle.  I have some worthless coins and I have a pile of coins with real value.  If they were made available then I'd move the coins with value to a real exchange as fast as the blockchain would allow.

So come on CR.  You clearly don't want to pump any of the cash from donations and fraudulent share sales into refunding BTC, so spend it buying back the alts you sold instead.  I for one am not going to keep quiet purely out of principle.  I really don't like theft.  And yes - at this point they have lost the right to all "benefit of the doubt", and I am making that direct accusation.  I challenge CR to prove me wrong.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: January 03, 2015, 02:43:53 PM
anybody know when old balances will be returned?? been so long now  Sad
Yes.  Never.

They have no intention of allowing the so-called "solvent" coins to be withdrawn by their owners or they would have made them available months ago.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: December 29, 2014, 07:42:06 PM
I purchased some CCN (cannacoin) via cryptorush and cannot withdraw it, I opened a ticket about 24 hours ago and still haven't received any response (ticket #491792)

Is this site a scam?
Your ticket is just not assigned yet, probably thx to time off with families.

Over 1300 tickets have been answered/closed since august!
Yes.  1300 tickets all asking why the solvent coins are being held onto and why people can't withdraw.  All answered with "go away" or just closed.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: December 19, 2014, 01:54:37 PM
For everyone who cares..

I just noticed that their blog is now filled with some information:
Well it's good to see what their priorities have been, and where their attention has been focused all this time.  I'm over the moon that not only will I will be treated to a unified colour scheme, but I'll be able to sort my portfolio of the coins I'll never see in whatever order I prefer.  They managed all that in less than a year?  Outstanding!  No wonder they haven't had time to return the "solvent" coins that were entrusted to them.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: December 14, 2014, 07:34:30 PM
We should not trust our eyes and ears that were watching the drama unfold,
nor we should pay attention to any of the people that were actually involved in keeping the place alive.
I'd pay more attention if they were posting status reports here and releasing the "solvent" coins instead of sitting around and not communicating at all.  When did you last see a status/activity report posted here with regard to releasing the so-called "solvent" coins to their owners?

You can trust them all you like, but I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid associated with this one.  Trust can be earned, and trust can easily be lost.  Trust is not automatic.  Some form of communication would be helpful if they are still around.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: December 13, 2014, 07:21:37 AM
why has some of the old coin balances not been returned yet? i had a right few ruby coin, where are they at i wonder!!
No reason.  They have just been refusing to give the solvent coins to their rightful owners.  If there was ever any trust in the "new team's" ability to run a coin exchange, it evaporated months ago.
Now CSL, move your pathetic excuse of a butt over to phazebook and help the rest in hunting the purp down.

The thief has been found and identified by multiple sources,
but i can't find a single post of yours that would acknowledge that.

It's like you are posting with the sole purpose of shitting on CR.
A full 100% agree!

Thanks for your statement, you're absolutely right.

I also don't even understand what those FUD guys want to achieve by posting this kind of crap.
It's not FUD.  It's a statement of fact that they are sitting on the "solvent" coins and are refusing to release them.  I post a nudge every now and again, but they continue to refuse to release the coins.  I'm not talking about the coins that they say were stolen;  I'm talking about the other coins they claim to be "solvent".

If they can't be trusted to release coins in their possession then what's the point in further developing the exchange?  If I add coins to the new exchange then how do I know I'll ever get them back if they decide they just want to keep them?  They can easily do something about this by releasing the "solvent" coins for withdrawal, but they just don't want to do that.  Maybe having people log in every couple of days to check their balance gives nice exchange usage statistics they can point at to try to claim that the exchange is not as dead as it clearly is.

I don't believe they have any intention of releasing the "solvent" coins.  I'll be happy to be proven wrong in this regard, but it's a matter of principle now that we get those coins regardless of their actual worth after all this time.  Ok, so my BTC and some other coins are just plain lost.  I accept that and, sad as it is, I have written those off.  That's not the point.  If they had released the "solvent" coins a few months ago when I and others were asking for them, then there might be some germ of trust that could be built upon.  Instead they have chosen to just sit on the coins (if they still even have them) and basically do nothing at all.  I suggested at the time that trust is fragile and they could easily lose it, and I was right.  I will absolutely not be using Crypto-Flush as a trading platform, now or ever.  I want to see my "solvent" coins again, and if my "stolen" BTC turns up and gets refunded then that's a bonus.  If those coins are ever made available for withdrawal then I will pull them out and delete my account.  I suggest that others do the same.  Why should these clowns be allowed to hold them indefinitely with no questions asked, and why should we trust them?
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Crypto Rush - Crypto to Crypto exchange on: December 06, 2014, 09:14:22 PM
why has some of the old coin balances not been returned yet? i had a right few ruby coin, where are they at i wonder!!
No reason.  They have just been refusing to give the solvent coins to their rightful owners.  If there was ever any trust in the "new team's" ability to run a coin exchange, it evaporated months ago.
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