Crypto wise I’ve been fortunate to work with some great minds and learned a lot early but most of it comes from reading. Reading whitepapers alone will make you super sharp after you’ve read enough. You start seeing patterns of bad and good. I’d really just advise starting by reading bitcoin WP and Raven WP perhaps. They are very practical, efficient, short and quite straight forward. They don’t try to market themselves or use hyperbole. They are specific, precise and evidentiary. Then go read low cap whitepapers and you just see a whole bunch of fluff. I really suggest just starting to read there. After a few you’ll start to see.
When reviewing a project, I go straight to team. If they want to remain anonymous that is fine but that means much more critical thinking. I’ll naturally be more negative. I will then go straight to roadmap and compare roadmap with Github. If roadmap suggests lots of amazing developments and github doesn’t show any code to support then they’re flagged straight away.
I understand anonymity but it needs to be backed by transparency in other areas otherwise it means they either don’t back their product or are up to no good.With low caps it’s easy man. Just hit github and view the commits and the contributors. You can see if th contributors are brand new or have extensive work and what projects they’ve previously done. If there’s lots ofcommits consistently at recent dates then that’s a green light etc. most low cap coins have almost no development. Very consistent.With lots of scams you can see a commit dump all in one or two days a month or two ago then nothing. That’s because they would have paid a contract dev to load the initial stuff and now they do nothing or aren’t associated full time
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