Salve, dopo aver installato Gekko su raspberry seguendo la vostra guida e fatto funzionare, adesso vorrei disinstallarlo perchè ultimamente mi da errore dopo che parte la strategia in real mode quando gekko cerca di acquistare. Non avendo capito dove sta l'errore volevo disinstallarlo e reinstallarlo di sana pianta, ma non so quale comando utilizzare per rimuovere gekko. Potreste aiutarmi?
questo è il tipo di errore che mi da ( dal file di log):
2019-05-31 15:12:19 (DEBUG): In high since 3 candle(s)
2019-05-31 15:12:19 (INFO): Trader Received advice to go short. Selling XRP
2019-05-31 15:12:19 (DEBUG): Creating order to sell 36.8924942 XRP
2019-05-31 15:12:25 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: SUBMITTED
2019-05-31 15:12:26 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:12:29 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:12:30 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:12:36 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:12:39 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:12:41 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:12:42 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:12:56 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:12:57 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:13:03 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:13:05 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:13:07 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:13:08 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:13:11 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:13:12 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:13:14 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:13:15 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:13:18 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:13:19 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: OPEN
2019-05-31 15:13:21 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: MOVING
2019-05-31 15:13:22 (DEBUG): [ORDER] statusChange: ERROR
2019-05-31 15:13:22 (ERROR): [ORDER] Gekko received error from GB: [Poloniex] 422 Order 173302885765 is either completed or does not exist.
2019-05-31 15:13:22 (DEBUG): Error: [Poloniex] 422 Order 173302885765 is either completed or does not exist.
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/pi/gekko/exchange/node_modules/gekko-broker-poloniex/poloniex.js:101:27)
at emitNone (events.js:111:20)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:208:7)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:139:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:181:9)
2019-05-31 15:15:55 (DEBUG): syncing private data
2019-05-31 15:17:40 (DEBUG): calculated RSI properties for candle:
2019-05-31 15:17:40 (DEBUG): rsi: 67.71392744
2019-05-31 15:17:40 (DEBUG): price: 0.42910252
2019-05-31 15:17:40 (DEBUG): In no trend
2019-05-31 15:23:20 (DEBUG): calculated RSI properties for candle:
2019-05-31 15:23:20 (DEBUG): rsi: 63.75682621
2019-05-31 15:23:20 (DEBUG): price: 0.42821599
2019-05-31 15:23:20 (DEBUG): In no trend
2019-05-31 15:25:55 (DEBUG): syncing private data
2019-05-31 15:28:00 (DEBUG): calculated RSI properties for candle:
2019-05-31 15:28:00 (DEBUG): rsi: 67.83086065