Hi Brad - Thought as the founder of YAM.exchange I would reply to your comments - Best you get it from the horses mouth.
The coin and YAM.exchange are as legit as the community make it I suppose. We have already blacklisted a couple of users who tried to take down the networks and site.
We're not endorsing any pools at the moment, but as a vote of confidence I have thrown my PC and a few ASIC USB sticks and Raspberry Pi miners on the pool - so I'll let you all know how it goes. AND A BIG THANK YOU TO YaKorshun for trying to help out anyway - but enabling Autopayout would build some confidence !!!!
Now moving on to YAM.exchange and the coin itself, it's as legit as we can make it.
YAM coin is devised to be used within YAM.exchange to buy goods and services from us, and eventually as a form of exchange between businesses and their customers.
YAM.exchange is primarily designed to be a B2B2C website marketplace (and Android Chat and Payments App in 3 weeks) that lets small and sole proprietor businesses register, promote, buy/sell or rent anything LEGAL - From Accommodation, New Bands and Music, Restaurants, Tech startups, Taxi Services (Even Crypto) to Auto mechanics, Beauticians, Dentists or Plumbers, Electricians and General contractors. A Google MyBusiness profile has such poor functionality and people are getting fed up with being tracked by Facebook and Search Engines, we saw a niche for a service where businesses and customers are not tracked or advertised to. We DON'T track users or use machine learning - Our search is a simple SQL statement. We don't take a commission on sales or charge fees.
We will keep the servers and nodes up and running to support the YAM coin and website/app customers, and won't take or need external finance or investors - As, and If the coin grows in popularity and usage we will put more any resources behind it as needed.
On a personal note I've been involved in BTC and LTC since 2005 and have seen coins come and go.. I still have 500K of the defunct infinite coin and some Maza, along with numerous other alt coins that have all collapsed and lost BTC when Gox went down - so understand peoples reluctance to mine a new coin.
The team and I will put everything we have in to making YAM.exchange and YAM Coin work for everybody - particularly small businesses and their customers. We are based in a jurisdiction where Crypto is legal, encouraged and supported by government regulation so making the coin fully "KYC" compliant and able to be exchanged for FIAT is on the radar.
We're looking for others to join and help manage a community of YAM enthusiasts if you're ever interested or know someone who is :-)
Official support tickets can be opened up via
https://yamexchange.zendesk.com/hc/en-us or
support@gmail.com@ lembang - The image you sent looks correct - The basic miner.bat file shows nothing until you find a block and when it does, it will then display on the screen - If you are using ASIC's you will need software like CGMINER or BFGMINER and use the stratum details.
As we have had a good uptake of people registering on YAM.exchange or emailing us for free coins - and because we DIDN'T pre-mine millions of YAM like most startups, we will be changing the registration offers each week, and adding in extra incentives like mugs, t-shirts or teddy bears and dinosaurs - just to keep it exciting and different.