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Credit rating plays a vital role in the success of the platform and the reputation of the features. Has your social scoring model been tested?
I think that the team continues to improve its credit scoring model because the first iP2PMoney product has used this model for several years. I read that the platform will also apply the credit scoring functions of its partners, with whom it continues to negotiate for cooperation, and this speaks to the quality of checking borrowers at all stages of iP2PGlobal.
Please, post more articles about Africa. It has a gr3eat bitcoin future. Even Jack Dosey, Twitter CEO, admits it.
Cooperation with stock exchanges may become new successful trend for the crypto exchanges.
Привет, у вас есть группа на русском в телеграме? В поиске находит только английскую версию.
I am interested to know the maximum and minimum crypto loan that can be considered by lenders on the platform. Are there criteria in this case?
It seems to me that the decision on crypto loans should be made only by the lender. After all, the platform works with different categories of lenders, and they can have various opportunities.
Честно вам скажу я этих инвестиционных фондов в крипте столько насмотрел на форуме, через год почти все из них закрылись. Вам не надо объяснять что будет с этим проектом и с деньгами инвесторов? )))
Будет видно. В принципе, IEO пройдет уже 1 декабря, далее по результатам можно будет о чем-то судить.
China banned cryptocurrencies and then Alipay applies blockchain. What's wrong?
Unus sed leo is the token with the biggest market cap ($900M) among the others (except of tether). I think CKM can jump to this level in the future.
Other big tokens, like EOS, made their own blockchains after the successful tokensale. Good example for CKM.
So, Binance will be closed? or no? Can you give an answer, please. Really stupid government decision.
Don't even consider 6000 level, please. 8000, then 10000 soon, I am sure about that. Well, it's almost 8000 now, 10000 level will be next. But only if no more bad news are revealed.
Banks and cryptos are cooperating now more, than ever. I heard German banks started to hold bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
Great. Won't you consider IPO for Cryptoknomics in the future? I think it would be great step forward for your project.