Well. the thing is I haven't really tried a DeFi Exchange platform such as uniswap and the likes and this one, duh, so regarding the smart contract it will be audited, right? And with that being said, whose the auditor behind the auditing of the smart contract?
From info on telegram group, wait until tomorrow because they are currently working on it and it's a bit unfortunate that their roadmap isn't ontime but hopefully they really do update with a reputable firm according to what they promised.I think it is still forgivable whenever a project delay a bit from the precise and exact timeframe of their roadmap. The more important thing is that the team still are doing their best to make things up as soon a possible. Many unexpected circumstances such as sudden obstacles probably appear in the meantime, so hope that we are all as the supportive community can be supportive and put trust on UniTrade. It can generate the lifted work ethic from the team tho.