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i am using kangaroo on tesla v100 X8 its currently running at 7255.03 MK/s and its stuck in 2^50 the point values are increasing extremely slow and it shows that the expected operations is 2^60.73 so does that mean that the private key will be found when the count reaches 2^60.73..?? why is it slow do i have to increase the kangaroo number..?? if so how to do that
does anyone know how to edit the work file..?? i was trying to solve key for 7 days straight and i let it run for 7 days straight and just now i indented another key and its saved in the same file how do i retrieve my 7 days work ..?? please help
Does anyone have the public key of 16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN puzzle #64 or is there a way to figure out the public key of a public address?? I'm so confused I've been running cuBitCrack on tesla v100 for almost a day and I figured that Pollard's kangaroo for SECPK1 would work a lot better than cuBitCrack please help
which is the best gpu do run this program...?? any suggestions ..??
i know its a stupid question to ask i tried building the .sln file but i don't seem to find the BitCrack.exe anywhere i think I'm doing it wrong can someone please tell me on how to run the BitCrack.snl?