I own a VTX3D 6950 (non reference). VGA Bios is the same as Powercolor and Club3D non reference 6950's. Being not reference means it probably won't work or there is a hope?
Do you have any idea why the tool "changes" parameters but only fan and core really changes.
When I test with just barelyclocked.exe it prints correct changed parameters even voltage and memory. Fan is obvious (sound) and core change is verified with Mhps speed, temp and GPUz. But even it prints changed parameters in all 3 states, VDDC and memory in fact stays the same (verified with heat and GPUz).
In fact I have a problem with memory clock. Only Afterburner changes memory at all, Trixx cannot change memory clock at all. Even Afterburner cannot stick with memory settings and after reboot I have to manually change mem clock in (infamous) 4 step
Apply OC on startup option doesn't help.
BTW: When it could just change memory clock (downclock) it would be a very useful tool to me (probably not just me
Thanks in advance!