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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: If bitcoin what? on: June 26, 2011, 12:37:28 AM

I agree 100% with Vector76 re. "Rational Value" or perhaps "Intrinsic Value"..but "Rational Value" works so..okeedoke.

I dunno if it's a "Typo" or an intended Description to refer to the (Paraphrased) 'Perceived Value Of Escaping The System'.

For far as I can tell..and frankly BTC is still absolutely "Overly Complicated" for about 99% of the "GenPop" (but this is Evolution we're witnessing so..'Say-La-Vee')..however that being said 'Near As I Can Tell' the Aspect of "Escaping The System" is...Completely Realistic and Genuine.

I am not 'trying' to sound confrontational etc..

I mean we all know that 'PayPal' is now literally..engaging in Censorship and Other Forms of "Political Control".

But As A Person who is..I admit here and now..Deeply Depressed..Anxious..and as a Country Boy Who's..Not..Afraid of the Dark..Frankly--Terrified--of what is Daily Occurring in this now Overt Push to Corporate Security State..with an Undeniable..and blatant destruction of all Civil Liberties..well?

Well? In this Situation..I find the "Possibilities" of even a Remote Chance At Enhanced Privacy..and More Importantly..I mean for me its "The Whole Deal And Why I'm Here On A 'Forum' Which For Me Is Like Hwy 5 At Rush Hour And Why I Live In Remote Woods Of NorCal To Begin With.."..well..more importantly.."AUTONOMY" be "Worth The Cost Of Much Hassle".

And I do believe it's this very real "Autonomy" and the Promise of a "Chance" at Autonomy that:

1) Offers People Like Myself The "Rational Value" you speak of. Because "Autonomy"..tragically..has Become..a Straight-Up Precious "Commodity".

2) Is the "Why" In "Why The Rage Of Government And Chuck Schumer(sic?) Et Al Is Very Real And Has Already Been Unleashed."

I don't know if you've seen this "Moment" of which I speak..but it happens pretty a "Facsimile" I'm confident has been witnessed by some of you:

A "Security Professional" who is part and parcel of the "Destruction Of Liberty Industry" (There is no "Threat From Without" that is "Greater" than the Current Threat From "Within"..sorry.) stating as he "Justifies" the latest intrusion and destruction of Liberty:

"Autonomy and Privacy Aren't Really 'Rights'!"

For me? That "Attitude" is Defeated to a large Degree by the very "nature" of this Particular "Digital Currency". Thus it's Worth the Hassles because that Rational Value of Autonomy has become a Precious Commodity to..well..more of us than the State would..nay..'Will'..Ever..Acknowledge.

Hey Folks..this is very real. I have..and you have as well..Heard the Various Adjectives and Slanders being Tossed about regarding "Bitcoin" and amongst those We have all heard the word "Terrorism"...more than a few times..and worst of all? From "Senators" and "Officials" and Agents of the state.

To Me? That's The Gist Of It. To many People at the "Top".."Autonomy" is now an Overt "Threat". The sad and Inevitable Mindset of "Consolidation".

Perhaps that's it in a nutshell? "Consolidation" is to a large degree defeated by this Equation. Independent..Individual..'Banks' at the actual 'Citizen Level'? C'mon. The State has been Openly Trying to make That Impossible for Decades.

2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Any newbies here who heard of Bitcoins, but found it was underwhelming? on: June 25, 2011, 02:53:48 AM
Forums make me nervous..I say this every time and too..sorry if I do this "Wrong"..

But..that being said..I'll be yer Huckleberry.

Okay..first of all;


As a "Product Guy" who grew up in "Product"..has developed..sold..collected..obsessed..and been generally fascinated with "Stuff" of varying sorts from "Intellectual" to "Physical" to Nonsensical..I have to say this time..a Glaring..Massive.."Sink Hole" exists in the "BTC Community".

And that can..In My PerSop be best Described as the Total..Lack of:

"Writing For An Ignorant Peer".

This "Axiom" of Marketing..specifically the 'Salad Days" of not intended to be "Angry" it just sounds that way.

What it means is:

"Please Do Not Assume That Your Peers (Customers, Citizens Etc..) Know Anything About The Product They're Holding/Buying/Assembling/Interested In/Fascinated By. You Must Respectfully Assume That They Need Instruction On Every Aspect and Facet."

This has not been done in this instance.

And It Shows.

Big Time!


I do Hereby Propose:

"The Little Golden Book Of Bitcoin".

I'm actually..serious.

This could be..Could..Be..Done really..Really..Well.

As a Little Golden Book..all that great old "Aesop Art" has been stolen and Canned by Adobe so..its present and awaiting use.

"Jack Is basically A Bohemian Country-Boy. In Essence Jack Despise Centralized Top-Down Hierarchical Power Structures That Consolidate Power..Y'know..Like PayPal."

"Jill Is More Moderate..But Being Curious And A Free Spirit..Is Also Fascinated By The Potential Of An Autonomous Financial Network."

"Jack And Jill Discover Bitcoin."

"But What A Bummer. Its Confusing. Jack Asks Jill; 'Do We Leave The Client On All The Time Like Utorrent? Like We Were Downloading Star Trek TOS Remastered?"

"Jill Says She 'Doesn't Know' And IS Growing Ever More Frustrated. Jill Thinks She's Starting To 'Get' Why Everyone Just uses PayPal". get the gist.

Bottom line is a "Stylized" Guide Could Be Produced..if I had a Work ethic (X-er With A Waldorf School Education..Sorry) I'd Attempt it. But see..I'd Also need to know the "Answers".

And I yet I still Do Not.

Okay..I thusly Do Propose "Solution 2" to the "Underwhelmed Scenario/Bug":

A Real Community Effort (This One?) To Labor To Produce:

"The Users Guide To Bitcoin".

Short. Visually Interesting..and there must be NO.."Assumptions Of Computer Arrogance Or Understanding" (Perhaps a 'Gentle Disclaimer' to that effect: "You..Should..Be At Minimum 'Torrent Wise' Or Else At This Stage Of Its Evolution Bitcoin Will Be A Drag For You!" Etc..)

The Arrogance of Others is a Turn Off. The Confusion and almost total lack of "Unified Instructions" is Frustrating. Thats Okay in a's like a "Mohawk" or "Pircings" or Lots Of Tattoos..its "Crowd Control" and that's not only "Fine" in many respects its Awesome! truly. But..then the question immediately Becomes "Is Tis For everyone Or Just Those Truly Searching For Some Autonomy and Privacy?"

For Me?

Okay..Here's a Clue for any of you "Team Members" out there..Market Research:

For me? Autonomy and Privacy and "Rights" as a "bi-product" of this Idea/Creation/New Paradigm..ARE WORTH IT! No Joke. I'll deal wit the "Learning Curve" and my general disinterest in Forums et al for the Single Sole Pleasure of:

"Access To This Technology And System Because It Is Inherently Straight-Up 'Founding Fathers' Level Autonomy Based!"

Just That Simple.

But for Generation Eloi/Plug n'Play? And..AND..most importantly..for the Boomers out there? Like My Therapist In Her 60's? Instructions are simply "Absolutely Required" And the "Wiki" is like Radio Repair Instructions. Neither Sufficient..Nor..frankly.."Worthy" to the task of "Really"..Explaining the "Situation" and the "Process".

Not even close.

I hope that Answers the question for you somewhat. It was My Pleasure to assist.
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Why all the bitcoin haters? on: June 25, 2011, 02:06:50 AM
Forums..make me nervous..

So I'll just apologize advance for the irritation I may cause to..anyone.

Sorry if I'm "Doing It Wrong".


Anyway.."An Answer" to:

"Why All The Super Enraged Propaganda And Madness Against Bitcoin"? (Paraphrased obviously)

As a "Progressive"..and "Country Boy" (aka "Obedience? What's That?")..I gotta say:

1) "These Are people Who..'Instinctively'..loathe and despise: 'AUTONOMY'!"

Autonomy is not merely a "Threat" to..well..frankly a terrifyingly large number of "Humans"..but is a straight up "Personal Attack Against". I'm absolutely serious here people. This is real "Psychology" we're dealing with. Especially in current ra "America" a veritable "Culture" of Confrontation and Control.

Primary Threat: The "Threat" of an Autonomous Financial "Instrument" is VERY Real. I have Already Read and Heard..I repeat.."Already"..the words "Terrorism" used Dozens of times over the course of the last 6 months while referring to "BTC".

2) As stated above.."Confusion".

Yeah..good old: "Feeling Frustrated At Not Understanding The Concept, And It Not Being 'Plug n' Play'." Has MANY Folks "Angry" as in straight-up.."Road Rage" Angry.Genuine..Real..Anger. Y'know..Angry. Fer Reals.

Again.."Psychology" is very..nay..scratch that..Tragically...real in this instance.

Its "New"..and Is..Frankly..Complicated and.."Free".

And 'Aye There's The Rub". Free in all the "Worst Ways" to the Lock Step Minds of People whom..have a shall I say.."Low Tolerance for Independence". The Kind Of People Who Go On A Talk Show And Say "Autonomy is Not A Right!" Etc..

This is "Free Will Monetized" and guess what? THAT..ain't spose'd to be happening. Again..this is simply Reality. Its a Threat.

I have been somewhat surprised to notice the..Lack..of interest in "Suddenness" of the Attacks against BTC. "Day's" after FBI is given Green Light for "Expanded Operational Guidelines"..Shazam! Many "True Privacy" Person to Person (Face to Face) Sites G-o-n-e! (bitcoin-trade?)And Mt Gox "Attacked". Coincidence? Or "Free Reign, Go Get Em Boy's And Make An Example Of Em!" (?)

Also..lastly..there has been a slew..rash.. of "Can Anyone 'Lend Me' Their User Name and Password Because I Cannot Get Into (site xyz)..whine..whimper..blink-blink (all innocent intentions and 'Keen Kid' Big Crying Eye's).."

What We're All Involved In Here? It's Under Attack Because Its Autonomous And lacks Centralized Authoritarian Control Mechanisms. The Hierarchical Top-Down Power Structure has Spent Decades  making absolutely certain "This Sort Of Thing"..Doesn't Happen. Oops!

Anyway..that's my PerSop.
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