No coins to give, but good luck!
Thank you for the wellwishes and thank you to whichever generous folks out there already donated! It's much appreciated.
This is a pet project of mine, I'm not trying to demonize police officers as they are a necessary evil. What I am trying to do is get people to realize that "Officer" doesn't mean "Omniscient & Omnipresent".
Unfortunately the trend is to write these consistent cases of people abusing their authority off as "one-offs" when in reality they are common place. All you need to do is study the Stanford Prison Experiment to figure it out.
Stupid policies like the War on Drugs, The patriot act, and a myriad of others have made the situation one of "Us versus them" rather than "all of us against the rapist, robbers, and murderers".
While we would like to believe there's no conflict of interest, the fact that GeoGroup, Corrections Corporation of America, and Wackenhut are making BILLIONS off the privatized prison industry makes my stomach turn.
If we don't wise up, we're going to generation after generation of institutionalized, fucked up people.