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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Staking ETH: Is it worth it? on: July 15, 2021, 12:30:30 PM
With the introduction of PoS, ETH is becoming more and more centralized rather than becoming decentralized. Exchanges like Binance and people like CZ are always willing to control the market and exert huge centralization over the crypto community and this was possibly true when he was willing to do a 51% attack by bribing miners and reversing the bitcoin chain. Nowadays the primary purpose of any cryptocurrency has become a mere speculation, so obviously ETH would shoot up in price if there are more proper developments taking over but on the other hand if there are worse speculations going over and in the process we would be suffering from a bear market. This is why a mineable PoW and ASIC resistant currency like Monero would offer an excellent decentralization while comparing to Bitcoin or a PoS coin like Ethereum.

Ethereum Classic is more or less an useless mineable currency, i.e they are only used for mining and are suffering severe 51% attacks now and then. So probably ETC is geared more towards making money by offering a better mining solution rather than any use cases. ETC becoming decentralized would never make the coin superior to ETH atleast in terms of making profits as ETH provides one among the best platforms on the decentralized web to deploy contracts. This could never be achieved by a centralized chain like BSC but there are still quite a few possibilities DOT might be looking as the future ETH with more scalability and thereby providing similar use cases of ETH.

A mere $5k per coin would place the total valuation of Ethereum at $500 billion, but there are centralized chains like BSC which offers better scalability in deploying contracts so possibly there could be stiff competition for ETH in terms of hitting $5k price.

Exactly. The concentration of ETH's supply among a few stakers (validators) should be a real concern for those supporting the decentralization of Blockchain technology. It seems to me that ETH devs only care about convenience than true decentralization. It's always been about the money, instead of making crypto/Blockchain land a better place. Once ETH becomes a full-fledged PoS cryptocurrency, big exchanges will dominate the Blockchain. I believe that ETH miners will migrate into ETC, making the latter blockchain network bigger and stronger than ever. One thing for sure, is that ETC has been a victim of constant 51% attacks over time. It's hoped that with the ETH 2.0 upgrade, this will no longer become an issue.

Nonetheless, I believe that staking ETH yourself will only be good for making short term profits than anything else. Don't expect to take ETH seriously as the network will become less decentralized over time. ETH will remain actively traded on the market as long as people keep pouring money into it. If you care about decentralization, then I'd suggest you look elsewhere. Mining ETC or even Bitcoin itself might be a better option than staking centralized coins. Just my opinion Smiley

As I understand it, and correct me if I am wrong a these points.

    1. Right now the only smart move if you looking to be a ETH 2. staker (validator) is spinning up a VPS with companies like Amazon/Google/Azure.  You are going to want at least 4 9's possibly 5 of reliability and uptime.  Because if your down, your penalized. 

    2. You can't get out right now if want to (phase 0) until phase (1.5) sometime between now and 2022/23?  Which means if ethereum is tanking between now and then you lose,  on the flip side if ethereum jumps to 4K you can't liquidate either.  And you have ask to withdraw (stop validating) so if a number of validators want out, they could be blocked for a period of time.

    3. Penalties are severe for inability to participate as a validator in the network.  No exceptions give in their documentation for natural disasters (hurricane or earthquake for example) or man made (damage infrastructure due to human involvement).  In theory (honestly that is all we have now is theory) a validator could lose their entire stake if a majority of the network decides to take it.  It doesn't matter the reason.  If a majority agrees your out, your out.

Finally it looks like Ethereum 2.0 will devolve to a few validators (couple of hundred or less) as they purge their numbers over time and via the normal acts of transactions accumulate enough of ethereum in their bank to represent a majority of the vote (which is based upon how much ethereum you have). Note the highlight line from their FAQ.  Tell me that isn't an incentive for a bad actor(s) to try and manipulate ETH 2.0 to get 51% of the vote and evict validators and take their stake in the process.

What exactly is a validator?
A validator is an entity that participates in the consensus of the Ethereum 2.0 protocol.
Or in plain english, a human running a computer process.
This process proposes and vouches for new blocks to be added to the blockchain.
In other words, you can think of a validator as a voter for new blocks.The more votes a block gets, the more likely it is to be added to the chain.
Importantly, a validator’s vote is weighted by the amount it has at stake.

{I'm all in favour of ETH staking, so I'm very biased.}
I'm aware that there is an alarming degree of centralization at the moment, but it's still the 'least' decentralized, man-made option (besides BTC of course), and POS should even out the playing field even more. Let me explain.

The centralized exchanges/ providers are the easier option today, and therefore attracts many people into the wrong places, rendering it (alas temporarily) more centralized than anticipated.
But just like DEFI and DEXs took a long time to 'get it right' - so will staking providers and solutions. Today Uniswap or Compound are just as big / impressive as centralized solutions.
At the end of the day, providers (just like ourselves) will be able to put up a real fight against the Binances of the world.
There are a lot of recent developments, scheduled to happen around the upcoming 'merge' that will help make staking 'truly' decentralized.
I wrote down an example about it today: (again slight shill)

In terms of rewards and APR, keep im mind that after the merge, not sure for how long, we should expect significantly higher rewards.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Anyone doing the Ethereum staking? on: July 15, 2021, 11:21:57 AM
Many things have changed in the staking world.
To 'fight' the issues of custodialship, decentralization and 'Ethereum standards' we're working on SSV

Would be great to get your opinion on it:
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Decentralized & Trustless Ethereum Staking [Technical Read] on: July 15, 2021, 11:17:37 AM
    Ethereum Staking

    Staking on Ethereum is unique compared to other staking blockchains; in order to participate, a staker must run a validator by depositing 32 ETH and being online at all times to execute network duties.
    Time spent offline is penalized, and actions not in the best interest of the network are penalized by a large reduction of ETH and removal from the network (slashing).
    In order to optimize staking on Ethereum, both validator liveness and security are paramount.

    SSV Technology Overview

    SSV enables validators to run portions (KeyShares) of a validator key across a distributed, trustless network.
    No node on the network needs to trust the other to operate, and a certain number of faulty nodes (up to the threshold) can be tolerated without affecting validator performance.
    In addition, no node can recreate a validator key signature on its own or make unilateral decisions; paving the way for trustless networks distributed across multiple people or staking services.

    Trustlessly splitting a validator key across different systems, SSV presents an Ethereum staking infrastructure solution that reduces the reliance on any single point of failure that might affect validator performance and safety, while simultaneously increasing network security by focusing on decentralization across the entire Ethereum protocol. Read more about SSV--> – Distributed Staking Network

    SSV promotes decentralization, security, and liveness across the Ethereum consensus layer and forms the foundation of – a fully decentralized and robust ETH staking network.
    Using the network will be open and simple for anyone who wants to run an Ethereum validator; from DIY users all the way to staking pools and big institutional staking services.
    This applies to using the network both as a user or a service provider; regardless of staking configuration, as long as duties are properly executed, anyone is eligible to provide service and reap rewards for doing so.

    Additionally, different services can be built on top of by using it as staking infrastructure.
    Imagine a staking pool whose operators leverage SSV – enabling the true decentralization of pools from both the operational perspective as well as the withdrawal perspective,
    which has been the limiting factor for decentralized staking pools to date.

    This type of horizontal scaling is also complemented by vertical scaling, individual stakers choosing multiple SSV operators to run validators. Thereby protecting their validator from staking risks and promoting decentralization across the network.

    The network is comprised of 3 main actors:

    • SSV Operators – Infrastructure providers that will manage KeyShares of validators on behalf of users (stakers) and collect fees for their service.
    • Stakers (/validators) – Services or individual ETH holders that wish to leverage SSV for the liveness and security of their validator.
    • DAO – The backbone of network decision-making.

    DAO Governance
    The decision-making component of the will be handled by a DAO of SSV token holders. The DAO’s areas of responsibilities will include:

    • Operator Scoring – On a scale of 0-100. The score is crucial for users to decide which operators to use. In addition, DAO governance decisions can remove an operator from the network.
    • Fee – The fee amount is controlled by the DAO and can be changed by a governance decision.
    • Treasury – Grant distribution to different initiatives for and by the community. Other decisions for accumulated fees and investment inflows.
    • Other decisions – Key protocol decisions such as roadmap and protocol improvements.

    Conclusion will be open to anyone who wishes to run a distributed validator, safeguard and optimize the performance of that validator while promoting decentralization across the network. The underrepresentation of non-custodial staking services on the Beacon Chain mixed with a historical lack of validator client diversity makes clear the need for such a system. The Ethereum consensus layer is not immune to central forces, and the intends to change that by making decentralization of staking accessible to all.

    To read more visit:
    White Paper [/list]
    4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Blox Staking - Ethereum 2.0 Fully Non-Custodial Staking on: April 07, 2021, 02:05:35 PM
    How do you pay for a validator and activate it?

    Payment is charged when you set up a validator. It’ll be activated once payment is made.   

    The service is free and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.
    5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Blox Staking - Ethereum 2.0 Fully Non-Custodial Staking on: April 07, 2021, 02:02:38 PM
    What can I do with CDT if I still have any?  

    Everyone who has these tokens can use them to manage the network – make important decisions and so on.  

    We will publish a lot more information regarding the use cases. Besides the governance mechanism that will be integrated, the token will be used for future purposes on the SSV work.
    It will be served initially for two purposes, governance on decision making and utility in the SSV network (longer-term)
    6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] Blox Staking - Ethereum 2.0 Fully Non-Custodial Staking on: March 10, 2021, 04:49:18 PM

    Blox (CDT) is powering the decentralized ETH staking economy by making Eth2 staking accessible to all!


    Our Website - Discord - Twitter - Github - LinkedIn - Reddit - YouTube - Medium


    Blox is developing products and technology that help Ethereum stay fair and decentralized 🦾
    Decentralized ETH staking refers to platforms that in no way retain control over it’s users ETH, private validator keys or private withdrawal keys. Effectively providing a service that alleviates the technical and monetary barriers to entry for staking on Ethereum 2.0, without assuming custody over its users’ assets.

    Why is this so important?

    Custodial and semi-custodial staking raises security breach concerns should a hacker gain access to the service and access its user’s assets. Additionally, should the service inadvertently partake in a slashable event, its users face steep penalties given that slashing penalties grow exponentially the more validator keys are involved in an event. The larger the centralized service, the larger the potential penalties.

    Many Eth2 staking services claim to be non-custodial, yet maintain custody over one, or both private keys. Blox’s solution is entirely non-custodial, offering participants the chance to stake on Eth2 with the utmost privacy and security.


    Running your own validator has never been this smooth.

    Designed for stakers with at least 32 ETH, Blox Staking is an open-source, fully non-custodial staking platform for Eth2. Security-conscious users can easily generate and manage 1 or many validators using the platform which consists of 3 main components:

    Blox Live Desktop App

    A self-contained Desktop App, Blox Live is the gateway to convenient non-custodial ETH staking. The app is run locally, offering the highest level of security and bundles together all of the functionality for securely managing backups, key imports, creating and managing validators, and more.

    Live maintains direct connectivity with Blox Infra and the user’s cloud service, on which KeyVault remote signer is installed.

    Blox KeyVault

    Validator keys are kept completely segregated and secured in KeyVault – a remote signer powered by Hashicorp Vault with a proprietary plugin for signing functionalities and built-in slashing protection.

    To ensure that Blox Staking is fully non-custodial, KeyVault is not held on Blox servers, it is kept completely segregated and installed on a user’s personal cloud account. During the installation process, restricted permissions are created for Blox to transmit validator signing duties to KeyVault.

    Blox Infrastructure

    Blox Infra nodes ensure consistent connectivity to the blockchain and manage signing requests for each user’s personal KeyVault instance. This configuration empowers validators to optimize staking returns, minimize risks, and keep complete control over their assets.

    Staking ETH is open to anyone who wants to help secure the network and gain rewards in return.

    More about Eth2 →

    Join in on network decentralization by importing validators into Blox Staking.

    Import Validators -->

    Generate rewards for your stake directly from the network. No middleman and no hidden fees.
    Download Blox →

    Developing the future of decentralized ETH staking.

    Blox is building Secret Shared Validator (SSV) technology with the Ethereum Foundation to bring better infrastructure resilience to Eth2.

    SSV is the first secure and robust way to split Eth2 validator keys between non-trusting operators which can transform staking services, decentralized pool performance, and security.

    With SSV forming the network’s foundation, Blox is developing a decentralized ETH staking pools protocol affording ETH holders with less than 32 ETH the chance to participate in Eth2, with 0 security compromises.
    Want to join SSV R&D? Send a message in the Discord SSV channel!


    Blox Ecosystem Overview
    Blox Staking Overview
    Blox Staking Tech Overview
    SSV - Ethereum Foundation Grant
    CDT Tokenomics
    Eth2 Knowledge Base

    Installing & Running Your Eth2 Validator
    Importing Validators Into Blox Staking
    SSV Community Calls


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