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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Official Anoncoin chat thread (including history) on: May 03, 2014, 01:18:44 PM
First, if this is a wrong thread to post to please advise.

So I've been having trouble for the last 2 weeks to get the anoncoin-qt app on my mbp to sync.

I've tried over an i2p network (over 2 different home networks with "Network Ok" status on both) with 3 anoncoin client connection and the sych never moves form block 1587181.

I've also tried via Clearnet with 10 anoncoin active network connections with the same result.

I have tried backing up my wallet, blowing out the old installation, and reinstalling but the results are the same.

Nevermind, I blow out the old installation.  Then configured for clearnet just to get the blockchain sync'd.

Thanks In Advance

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Official Anoncoin chat thread (including history) on: May 03, 2014, 12:59:12 PM
First, if this is a wrong thread to post to please advise.

So I've been having trouble for the last 2 weeks to get the anoncoin-qt app on my mbp to sync.

I've tried over an i2p network (over 2 different home networks with "Network Ok" status on both) with 3 anoncoin client connection and the sych never moves form block 1587181.

I've also tried via Clearnet with 10 anoncoin active network connections with the same result.

I have tried backing up my wallet, blowing out the old installation, and reinstalling but the results are the same.

Here is a sample of my debug.log, any suggestions:

2014-05-03 12:46:59 trying connection [Dx-cwVsnYldZ~c6iuueBAu1-Wmcpn3qT6GreTF6ioRE-KGllp25WwZmiXCxC9lCzD2IP-FVuwb43QuGAUj8oB~RMNWQubAT52MMnyKtVhRis11bMOG2mG9ORpTjHFfMa3hVwsBC7dQ19c~lS5RieS4VReOPYCi2ljSUWUgzAVCnEeuggV~4IE5DfpaU~xjBmLLLXZe8G1LU-usRqMYyBgokVFAKoIuTkBeDIUsdiCYQRzp91Nchm7j2M0x7LJG1be53T-6s24qvGvqVqjHvE3fg5ftNzZbS94vBxTOI4Vkhure2vxlNQ-BsDGpvvIxGAEhunDf1A326pZF25CK16kQSJ539lbDcgzfPJxl3GE67-3iX2kCFLQ52pq1ppjoGJD5zX-jBjlPZoFY~hHCTooXml2AWCMdPy7BaR06BeE8~4gDntZNL3tpJ8TBW-tNSWYhkBwykrdKR-sAWRTNaoQQBmvStgnRatq8TzNZ-grQQXHLrN2ea6PVMbazks3H84AAAA]:0 lastseen=66.1hrs
2014-05-03 12:47:00 trying connection [BsNzCJDd1ULbSLFEvKE90T5KVZrvoJwLeA57XPUbgZ-ZqVsfXq-jzA7O1fx0K-tSiDE5gdQ~DYZTSQhleRK30hIfLKWDNVM5wp0IbwUTBqVJ4FQ0oUAwMKdKd74MB5McLKiquknZLy3GfodW5~cWtZ2sKKqUweHNd3V1ha5praJX~gnf6TP98Mekyy7ufzCLz7cne4RQOOEejgvrmQFSss3zSGBlVedl75CZW~-fmgb7NPMo7I7qRgEWr~OS5ReMHJfARig4b-6TwMB~UlmthM1-JnyUMuqpNT01HEhN~vKBnuOIlMPWulvRXn5RLR1J3e~G0nM3qjWokcvOURsReDDUt9qwaT989HpD9oAbAVutmf0w4sS4R1jY2hZvpqQzBT~E05urw0BCz393TOfg4M8lFs3NILDNU57-1RB8p9GtJux-fDG~lU9z2HY8Q1k8hvcnPl9ljd6Bjm3EW~tMnelL0-tG7ksE0~7Lgzaj3HKaBXrJXqXGHWOgl0ToZY5PAAAA]:0 lastseen=2096.4hrs
2014-05-03 12:47:00 trying connection lastseen=432.0hrs
2014-05-03 12:47:05 connection timeout
2014-05-03 12:47:06 trying connection lastseen=21.5hrs
2014-05-03 12:47:11 connection timeout

Thanks In Advance
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