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1  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: September 10, 2024, 07:19:33 AM
Not the first time a virus arose there due to poor practices. SARS came about because they were raising chickens over pig pens allowing the bird flu virus to jump specie (and pigs are know super virus incubators). Now this "Novel" coronavirus is suspected to have originated from fruit bats... sold in a food market that also carry several exotic animals for you know what. Bats are vectors for rabies and ebola, when would people learn to stop eating them?

This is alarming since due to the Chinese's new year,  more Chinese are traveling overseas and an easy way to spread the virus globally. The US, Australia, South Korea, and some countries are confirming the presence of this virus o their country. Though it is a milder version or strain of coronavirus but its hazardous to people with compromise and a weaker immune system like seniors and children. Better to stay at home indoor for now than to mingle with many people whom you did not know like malls etc. Means of transfer is by contact, and airborne when someone affected sneeze. Wash your hands always, avoid contact to eyes, mouth, nose, etc.

Actually even before the lockdown there are already Chinese abroad that are showing symptoms. This virus have an incubation of at least 3 days so it's very possible for people to pass airport screenings negative.

And at the time there seem to be little alarm so there might not even be screenings. IMHO these should be all mandatory whether there's a reported outbreak anywhere or not. This is a globalized world, microbes can travel half a planet in just a matter of hours on people or even cargo.

I work at a cargo company, SNG Logistic. Corona has indeed had a major impact on the number of shipments. One of the causes is the stricter rules for goods entering and leaving. One of them is for the Ekspedisi Jakarta Manado service.
2  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: November 18, 2022, 04:22:11 AM
Covid the new name for the "common cold" coronavirus something to die with not from. Where does the claim come from to somekind of flu?
Oh wait there is more, I present you. As the test can not differentiate between common cold, flu and covid a way has to be found.

More hospital nurses blow whistle on “overwhelming” number of heart attacks, blood clots occurring in the fully vaccinated!
There is a wave of vaccine-induced illnesses sweeping Southern California hospitals, and a few brave nurses have come forward to talk about it.

In Ventura County, located to the north of Los Angeles, cases of “unexplained” heart problems, strokes and blood clotting are skyrocketing at area hospitals. And many local doctors are refusing to link these events to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections.

A critical care nurse at a Ventura County ICU came forward to tell the Conejo Guardian that he is “tired of all the B. S. that’s going on” as the medical establishment refuses to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

“It’s crazy how nobody questions anything anymore,” this person, named Sam, is quoted as saying.

Sam says that there has been a noticeable surge in young people experiencing these types of severe health problems after they get needled with the injections from Operation Warp Speed.

“We’ve been having a lot of younger people come in,” Sam added. “We’re seeing a lot of strokes, a lot of heart attacks.”

In one case, a 38-year-old woman came to the emergency room with occlusions, or blockages of blood flow, in her brain.

“They [doctors] were searching for everything under the sun and documenting this in the chart, but nowhere do you see if she was vaccinated or not,” Sam added.

“One thing the vaccine causes is thrombosis, clotting. Here you have a 38-year-old woman who was double-vaccinated and she’s having strokes they can’t explain. None of the doctors relates it to the vaccine. It’s garbage. It’s absolute garbage.”

The vaccine-damaged are the ones flooding hospitals!

In another instance, a 63-year-old woman with no previous cardiac history suffered a heart attack. Tests revealed that her coronary arteries were clean, however she had just taken a Moderna injection.

“One doctor actually questioned the vaccine, but they didn’t mention it in the chart because you can’t prove it,” Sam said.

Sam says that hospitals all around the area are seeing a significant spike in myocarditis, a well-known adverse effect caused by Chinese Flu shots.

“Everyone wants to downplay it – ‘It’s rare, it’s rare,'” Sam laments about how the medical establishment is not taking any of this seriously.

“Doctors don’t want to question it. We have these mass vaccinations happening and we’re seeing myocarditis more frequently and nobody wants to raise the red flag. When we discuss the case, they don’t even discuss it. They don’t mention it. They act like they don’t have a reason, that it’s spontaneous.”

Another ICU nurse by the name of Dana told the Conejo Guardian that her facility has “never been this busy,” and that “none of it is Covid-19.”

“We don’t normally see this amount of strokes, aneurysms and heart attacks all happening at once,” Dana says.

“Normally we’ll see six to ten aortic dissections a year. We’ve seen six in the last month. It’s crazy. Those have very high rates of mortality.”

Almost never do the doctors at Dana’s hospital ever even consider the fact that Wuhan Flu shots might be responsible for all this. Instead, they are blaming things like “the holidays” for this sudden uptick, which makes zero sense.

“I don’t understand how you can look at what’s going on and come up with just, ‘Yeah, it’s the holidays.’ There’s been a big change in everybody’s life, and it’s the vaccine.”

The vast majority of admitted patients are fully vaccinated, and yet an unprecedented number of them, Dana says, are “on pressers to keep their blood pressure up, people on ventilators, clotting issues, so we have a lot of Heparin drips to make sure they don’t stroke out.”

( Source:  Newstarget)

If you refuse to accept the benefits of vaccination and get vaccinated, you will die from covid, sooner or later. 
No ifs, no buts. If not from omicron, you'll die from the next mutation.

Vaccination and physical isolation, wearing PPE is the only way to reduce the possibility of infection.

No matter how rich or poor you are, no matter how smart or stupid you think you are, the virus won't care. It will try to infect all of us.

I am getting my 3rd shot tomorrow.  You should get one too.

Even after more than 2 years, the corona virus still has a lasting impact. In addition to the fluctuations that occur in the crypto field, this negative impact also affects various other companies. One example is a company engaged in cargo delivery services, such as
3  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: September 10, 2021, 09:38:57 AM

Medical expert explains the covid insanity and can not stop the virus with the policies which are used
In addition to having an impact on economic factors, the corona virus can also harm health and appearance for the body. To be more relaxed, I think the tips from this article are quite useful.
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