Hello. New to Bit Coins etc. actually just set up this account to be able to reply in regards to the so-called Global Standard bank, as I am in Montreal. So I came across them while on Kijiji, called them up and discussed tradin 13BTC that I had. I got all kinds of reassurance of course, and stupid me, with out googling etc. went ahead with the trade. they mentioned that the transaction has to be at about 50 confirmations before they will meet for payment. and mine is currently at 12. so I will follow up with a positive or negative on the transaction by tomorrow. I too looked at the address and find it very sketchy. I know the location, and cant see whhy they gave me the general address without a suite number, further, I dont see how they can afford an office at this location unless they are funded by the mob...which is very possible here in montreal. anyhow. i will leave it at that for now, and follow up once i can confirm ive been ripped off...err i mean once ive confirmed payment..
...I guess if it takes me being a sucker to put this scam to rest, so be it, its less than 200 bucks, not the end of the world
So I wanted to Follow up about the Use of Global Standard Bank...I met with a rep form there...his name was Barry..we met face to face and he did pay me the full amount for my 13 bit coins i had sent to them..I think this is promising, as the transaction was fast and there were no hang ups about, and barry did respond promptly to my concerns...So I know that Im new, and this was a small amount, But from this I can confirm that they are workign on the up and up so far...If someone could link this to the main page on Global Standard Bank I would appreciate it...They gave me a receipt for the transaction as well, so if someone wants to enquire with me about that..feel free to send me an email. i will try to scan it and post..thanks all