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1  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 20, 2023, 12:15:12 PM
If your teams hasn't money at your disposal will you hunt for investors?
I want to take the temperature with customer feedback. Currently the mockups of the application are soon to finish. Then it will be the turn of the desktop models. And once both are ready, we will start the development of the app and the website.

Yes I live in Paris and I intend to find business angels to finance the project
2  Local / Vos sites et projets / Re: Airbnb de la Crytpo - Avis concept on: April 20, 2023, 07:54:42 AM

Merci à toi je vais prendre en considération tous ces points et y réfléchir  Smiley

Pour l'assurance j'ai eux une idée qui est plutôt sympa donne moi ton avis sur la question.
J'ai identifié qu'il y avais beaucoup d'avis négatif sur le trustpilot de airbnb et j'ai potentiellement une solution qui répond à leur questions (

- L'idée est de récompenser les utilisateurs qui participe à la résolution de problèmes. Ce fond commun DAO seras alimenter par les frais de service à hauteur de 2% par réservation et la communauté ce partageras un % par litige résolue.

**Si un invité saccage ma maison, qu’elle sont les garanties qui me permettre d’être serein et savoir que les dégâts causé vont être rembourser ?**

→ Tout d’abord en cas de litige suivant le pays ou cela se produit il faut faire une réclamation aux poste de police et expliquer la situation dans les situations les plus graves !

→ L’hôte auras un délais de 4 jours après le départ du locataire pour émettre un litige. Il devras décrire les dommages provoqués par le locataire par texte et également prendre des photos des dégâts causés.

Le litige seras ensuite traité par la communauté Ctravel qui participe à la DAO et il arbitrerons si oui ou non le litige est viable et de combien la sommes estimées le propriétaire recevras.

(Les personnes qui participe à la résolution de ce litige seront récompenser par le fond DAO mit en place)

→ À ce moment la Ctravel débloque ces propres fond pour rembourser l’hôte, Ctravel ce chargeras de récupérer les fonds avancé auprès du locataire qui à causé les dégâts !

( Si l’utilisateur refuse de remboursé Ctravel suite aux dommages causé, Il sera automatiquement banni de la plateforme et sont téléphone seras automatiquement blacklisté.)

Il **existe de nombreuses escroqueries dans lesquelles des personnes proposent de fausses maisons ou des maisons qu'elles ne possèdent pas afin d'être payées aujourd'hui et de disparaître ensuite avec les fonds comment vous comptez faire face à cette problématique ?**

→ C’est très simple lors du paiement d’un locataire à l’hôte Ctravel joue le rôle de l’intermédiaire. Dans le cas ou le logement est inexistant ou il ne correspond pas à l’annonce, Ctravel vous reverseras automatiquement l’argent que vous avez payer ! Et Ctravel vous offriras un bon de réduction de 10% sur votre prochaine réservation pour s’excuser.

Dans le désordre :

1. Le capital : airbnb, uber et cie ont mis des années avant d'être rentables, il faut donc avoir les reins solides sur la durée.

2. Concurrence : il n'y a pas qu'airbnb comme concurrent et il y a de très nombreuses possibilités pour louer une chambre chez l'habitant. Il faudra donc un gros budget marketing et surtout une offre différente, comme sur Travala, les gens devraient pouvoir payer dans la monnaie de leur choix (y compris FIAT)

3. Litiges : je ne saisis pas ce que c'est un litige viable, mais si quelqu'un casse tout dans ta maison, je ne sais pas si tu veux qu'une communauté décide si tu seras remboursé ou non. Et si le casseur est juste banni de la plateforme parce qu'il n'a pas remboursé les dommages, alors rien ne va l'empêcher de recommencer. Il s'inscrit sous un faux nom etc ... Le louer doit être assuré d'une résolution rapide avec remboursement sans trop de délai. Bref un SAV nickel.

4. Fausse annonce : Le vacancier sera remboursé si le logement n'existe pas. Mais s'il vient de faire 500 kms avec ses valoches et ses deux gosses qui n'arrêtent pas de pleurer parce qu'ils n'en peuvent plus du trajet, pas sûre que 10% sur un autre voyage va l'apaiser. Et où vont-ils se loger au final ?

Voilà mes nouvelles remarques. Il y a énormément d'aspects à considérer dans ce projet.

1. Certes cela prend du temps, mais n'importe qu'elle projet ne c'est pas crée en quelques mois. Mentalement je suis prêt !

2. J'ai pensé à ajouter la monnaie fiat, car si j'opte simplement pour les cryptomonnaies je pense que je me tire une balle dans le pied et que je me prive d'une base utilisateurs.

3. Il faut que je retravaille cette questions de SAV et que j'essaye de couvrir un maximum de cas. Je pense que c'est un tournant clés de la plateforme car aujourd'hui si ton service client ne suit pas il y a aucun intérêt. Avec ce systeme de DAO et de fond communautaires. J'essaye de reproduire une démocratie et de faire confiance en l’honnêteté de chacun à voir si c'est la bonne façons de faire.

4. Dans le cadre d'une fausse annonce l'utilisateur seras automatiquement remboursé + un bon de 10% sur la prochaine réservation. Je me suis appuyer sur les avis laissé sur trust pilot et pour un bon nombre d'utilisateur airbnb il arrive qu'il ne reçoive rien dans se cas la ...

Edit modo : Fusion double post + épuration des quotes

3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 20, 2023, 07:49:52 AM
Your initial target market will be people who wants to be off the radar with their rentals. This can be for several reasons, but I can explain one of them. In my country.. local municipalities upgrade your property tax status from "public" to "business" use, when they find out that you are renting your property.

So these people will want to use a less mainstream method to advertise their property and also to "hide" their money paper trail, because they track the money through the Banks. It is unethical and wrong to do this, but some people want to fund expansion of the property in the beginning and the higher tax kill their profits.  Roll Eyes

I understand the interest, but I do not want to create a platform that puts the people who use it in an illegal situation. The interest is to use this cryptocurrency to rent housing. After if the user during the declaration to the taxes lies it will be entirely of that fault ...
4  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 19, 2023, 03:00:48 PM
You've quoted market stats interconnected your business objectives so what's to come? When will the beta demo website be available?

I just reviewed my proposal and the service is not only the proposal to pay in BTC etc...
I let you discover the different proposals and give me your feedback Smiley

# Our proposal

Ctravel was born from a market demand, it answers the need to be able to spend its cryptocurrency in exchange for a rental accommodation but not only!

Ctravel is positioned as the Airbnb of crypto on a Consumer to Consumer segment.

Our goal is to redistribute the cards and offer you more possibilities and freedom than the latter:

- Ctravel generates cashback on each of your reservations → 2% on each reservation ( USDT / BTC / ETH )
- Possibility to do short / medium and long term rental.
- You can pay in Stablecoin / BTC / ETH.

- 10% reservation fee which is less expensive than most of our competitors:

- 6% Service fee which goes to Ctravel to finance the platform.

- 2% cashback in BTC / ETH which goes to the user.

- 2% Dao fund (here this fund will be used to pay dividends to the community that participates in the DAO) which goes to the user if he gets involved in the community

- A premium subscription with advantageous features for the users:

-Such as a certified badge that attests that the user has very good reviews and is a certified host or tenant of quality and trust!

- The possibility to get 8% cashback on each transaction
- To offer discounts to these users such as 10% on the next order

# Airbnb

**Ctravel is positioned as a competitor to Airbnb. The question I'm often asked is if tomorrow Airbnb starts to make payments in crypto?

Ctravel's ambition is to redistribute the cards of the rental from user to user. Here are the strong and weak points of Airbnb:

Airbnb the + :

- Exceptional user interface

- Wide choice of accommodation around the world

- Aircover insurance

Airbnb the - :

- Service fee (15% host / 0% traveler)

- Very negative trustpilot review 1,3/5 (10000 notice)

- Customer service

You should know that Airbnb is a company listed on the stock market from the moment a company enters the stock market are main objective become these investors, these customers come second.

→ Our goal is to meet your needs and provide the best possible service, your interests come first. No investor will have their hands on us, Ctravel team is independent and that's what makes it strong compared to other market players!

I want to take the temperature with customer feedback. Currently the mockups of the application are soon to finish. Then it will be the turn of the desktop models. And once both are ready, we will start the development of the app and the website.
5  Local / Vos sites et projets / Re: Airbnb de la Crytpo - Avis concept on: April 19, 2023, 02:02:06 PM
C'est un sacré projet qui visiblement n'est pas destiné aux vieux  Grin

Je voulais regarder où ça en était et j'ai trouvé un Ctravel déjà :

Ce serait peut-être plus simple de tenter une association de compétences et de se faire la main en bossant avec le ctravel qui existe déjà et en gérant l'aspect paiements crypto ?

Merci pour l'idée ahah, mais je souhaite être totalement indépendant. L'idée de crée quelque chose de 0 me motive énormément !

Dans ce cas, il faudra peut-être voir s'il n'y a pas un copyright sur le nom puisque Ctravel est déjà utilisé.

J'ai une autre idée, je crois que ça n'existe pas : alors voilà il y a des métiers avec de grosses coupures de plusieurs heures (je mets tout au masculin), par exemple caissiers, chauffeurs de bus, métiers de la restauration etc ....

Avec les prix de l'immobilier les gens ont dû parfois se loger un peu loin de leur travail et n'ont pas le temps de rentrer chez eux, que font-ils pendant toutes ces heures ? Ils aimeraient sans doute se reposer. Et les employeurs ne proposent pas forcément des lieux de repos comme dans la silicon valley ...

De l'autre des gens qui ont des chambres libres dans la journée chez eux (ils sont en télétravail ou ils ne travaillent pas, bref ils sont chez eux)

Bien sûr il y a des hôtels qui proposent des chambres à la journée, pour des amants ou des voyageurs qui attendent leur avion/train etc, mais c'est cher pour quelqu'un qui n'a pas un salaire de ouf et qui veut juste se reposer quelques heures.

Pourquoi pas une appli qui mettrait ces gens en relation ? Avec un système de géolocalisation, les gens pourraient trouver facilement une chambre ou même un salon pour se reposer quelques heures non loin de leur travail avant de repartir bosser.

Non ?

Hello !
C'est une très bonne idée que tu as la !
Peut être que je pourrais ajouter ça en plus à mon offre. Après j'ai peur de partir dans tout les sens et que les utilisateurs ne comprenne pas forcément l'application.
Peut être que ce concept mériterais une application dédiés ! à voir Smiley

Je trouve que c'est une excellente idée ce que décrit Becassine, même quand tu voyages, et que tu as des fois un bon nombre d'heures à tuer entre deux trains / bus, c'est toujours chiant de trainer dans un café, un mall, un fastfood etc... quand il fait moche.
J'aime bien les hôtels qui proposent des chambres à l'heure / demi-journée mais ça se fait très rare quand même, surtout en Europe de l'Ouest et avec la tonne d'hôtels franchisés / qui appartiennent à des grands groupes.

La vraie difficulté pour proposer ça serait d'avoir des hôtes suffisamment réactifs pour que ça en vaille la peine. Quand tu vois les délais de réponse chez Airbnb des fois, ça laisse penser que ça pourrait être difficile d'avoir une réaction assez rapide pour que quelques heures réservées au dernier moment puissent justifier le déplacement chez l'hôte.

Sinon OP, je me pose une question à la con. Au niveau assurances, c'est pas trop violent les tarifs ? Je sais pas combien doit payer une boite type airbnb ou un de leur concurrent plus petit, mais j'imagine que les assurances doivent être une usine à gaz

Pour l'assurance j'ai eux une idée qui est plutôt sympa donne moi ton avis sur la question.
J'ai identifié qu'il y avais beaucoup d'avis négatif sur le trustpilot de airbnb et j'ai potentiellement une solution qui répond à leur questions (

- L'idée est de récompenser les utilisateurs qui participe à la résolution de problèmes. Ce fond commun DAO seras alimenter par les frais de service à hauteur de 2% par réservation et la communauté ce partageras un % par litige résolue.

**Si un invité saccage ma maison, qu’elle sont les garanties qui me permettre d’être serein et savoir que les dégâts causé vont être rembourser ?**

→ Tout d’abord en cas de litige suivant le pays ou cela se produit il faut faire une réclamation aux poste de police et expliquer la situation dans les situations les plus graves !

→ L’hôte auras un délais de 4 jours après le départ du locataire pour émettre un litige. Il devras décrire les dommages provoqués par le locataire par texte et également prendre des photos des dégâts causés.

→ Le litige seras ensuite traité par la communauté Ctravel qui participe à la DAO et il arbitrerons si oui ou non le litige est viable et de combien la sommes estimées le propriétaire recevras.

(Les personnes qui participe à la résolution de ce litige seront récompenser par le fond DAO mit en place)

→ À ce moment la Ctravel débloque ces propres fond pour rembourser l’hôte, Ctravel ce chargeras de récupérer les fonds avancé auprès du locataire qui à causé les dégâts !

( Si l’utilisateur refuse de remboursé Ctravel suite aux dommages causé, Il sera automatiquement banni de la plateforme et sont téléphone seras automatiquement blacklisté.)

Il **existe de nombreuses escroqueries dans lesquelles des personnes proposent de fausses maisons ou des maisons qu'elles ne possèdent pas afin d'être payées aujourd'hui et de disparaître ensuite avec les fonds comment vous comptez faire face à cette problématique ?**

→ C’est très simple lors du paiement d’un locataire à l’hôte Ctravel joue le rôle de l’intermédiaire. Dans le cas ou le logement est inexistant ou il ne correspond pas à l’annonce, Ctravel vous reverseras automatiquement l’argent que vous avez payer ! Et Ctravel vous offriras un bon de réduction de 10% sur votre prochaine réservation pour s’excuser.

Edit modo : Fusion double post

6  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 19, 2023, 06:23:00 AM
The concept project isn't unique if you're receiving payments in Bitcoin. Where's the service? How's Airbnb different from a clone if one's permitting bitcoin payments and one isn't?
What problem are you trying to solve?

Ctravel answers a simple problem. Today if I have crypto-currency and I want to spend this crypto-currency for accommodation I have two solutions available to me:

1 - The service allows you to book hotel rooms around the world

2 - Use a or binance type of cryptocurrency card (what about decentralization which is the main argument of cryptocurrency)

I just reviewed my proposal and the service is not only the proposal to pay in BTC etc...
I let you discover the different proposals and give me your feedback Smiley

# Our proposal

Ctravel was born from a market demand, it answers the need to be able to spend its cryptocurrency in exchange for a rental accommodation but not only!

Ctravel is positioned as the Airbnb of crypto on a Consumer to Consumer segment.

Our goal is to redistribute the cards and offer you more possibilities and freedom than the latter:

- Ctravel generates cashback on each of your reservations → 2% on each reservation ( USDT / BTC / ETH )
- Possibility to do short / medium and long term rental.
- You can pay in Stablecoin / BTC / ETH.

- 10% reservation fee which is less expensive than most of our competitors:

- 6% Service fee which goes to Ctravel to finance the platform.

- 2% cashback in BTC / ETH which goes to the user.

- 2% Dao fund (here this fund will be used to pay dividends to the community that participates in the DAO) which goes to the user if he gets involved in the community

- A premium subscription with advantageous features for the users:

-Such as a certified badge that attests that the user has very good reviews and is a certified host or tenant of quality and trust!

- The possibility to get 8% cashback on each transaction
- To offer discounts to these users such as 10% on the next order

# Airbnb

**Ctravel is positioned as a competitor to Airbnb. The question I'm often asked is if tomorrow Airbnb starts to make payments in crypto?

Ctravel's ambition is to redistribute the cards of the rental from user to user. Here are the strong and weak points of Airbnb:

Airbnb the + :

- Exceptional user interface

- Wide choice of accommodation around the world

- Aircover insurance

Airbnb the - :

- Service fee (15% host / 0% traveler)

- Very negative trustpilot review 1,3/5 (10000 notice)

- Customer service

You should know that Airbnb is a company listed on the stock market from the moment a company enters the stock market are main objective become these investors, these customers come second.

→ Our goal is to meet your needs and provide the best possible service, your interests come first. No investor will have their hands on us, Ctravel team is independent and that's what makes it strong compared to other market players!
7  Local / Vos sites et projets / Re: Airbnb de la Crytpo - Avis concept on: April 19, 2023, 06:15:26 AM
C'est un sacré projet qui visiblement n'est pas destiné aux vieux  Grin

Je voulais regarder où ça en était et j'ai trouvé un Ctravel déjà :

Ce serait peut-être plus simple de tenter une association de compétences et de se faire la main en bossant avec le ctravel qui existe déjà et en gérant l'aspect paiements crypto ?

Merci pour l'idée ahah, mais je souhaite être totalement indépendant. L'idée de crée quelque chose de 0 me motive énormément !
8  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 11, 2023, 08:11:40 AM
I have already thought of this idea if AirBNB is going to launch some good news about accepting payments in bitcoin. IMHO, with good projects that has the potential like yours, it doesn't need to have and make any new tokesn for you to go along with these innovations, acceptance and adoptions for bitcoin or entirely crypto payments.

What's a better approach to this idea is just to contact airbnb and be the source of this idea about accepting payments in crypto and have it worked by a third-party service upon booking to their website or offer a service that you'll be the source for that conversion and just hand over them the cash minus the deduction of your service commission fee.

If I'm one of airbnb executives and understands the concept of bitcoin first and then other potential cryptocurrencies that it's quickly convertible into cash which is what they prefer, then I might take a shot but not with any random and new tokens.

I understand your point, it's certain that the user will prefer to receive btc or eth than a new currency, it's completely understandable!
Airbnb has already mentioned its idea of wanting to make payment in cryptocurrency but I think with everything that has happened in recent months FTX / Terra . The United States are angry against cryptocurrencies and they are making it known right now. Also France my home country is starting to make anti cryptocurrency laws that does not bode well for Gafam. If he decides to implement the payment in crypto I think that the different states would be against after to see ...
These regulators really are a big problem in terms of innovation. But we can't blame them because of the fiasco that has FTX has brought and also the other projects like Terra, etc.

Anyway, it's nice that you've understand my point and I wish no harm to your project and even wishing you a success by working hard on it.

You know where you're going and coming from and this is an important point when you're working on a project and is very open to the ideas of the others that's being shared to you.

Yes unfortunately FTX & Terra have been a huge drag on the mass adoption of BTC & ETH. To the delight of the various countries/banks.

Thank you very much this is an essential point for me to meet the needs of the market. The idea is to deliver a 0.1 version and that little by little the community via the DAO takes ownership of the project and that it meets their needs better and better.  The user is at the center of my interests and this will not change.
9  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 11, 2023, 08:04:59 AM
An interesting issue that I worry about in a crypto-Airbnb setup is how chargebacks will be handled. People are pretty hesitant to list their house on Airbnb, and Airbnb has learned that they need to go to great lengths to make everyone feel financially safe with using the site, i.e requiring damage deposits, offering their own Airbnb insurance, etc.

If a guest trashes a house, the owner doesn't know until they pop in after the guest has left. On Airbnb, they can presumably file a claim with Airbnb, and Airbnb could charge the guests credit card or bank account. That can't happen in crypto. On the other hand, guests pay on Airbnb when they book, and they won't know for sure that they are getting what they paid for until they arrive. There are loads of scams of people listing fake houses or houses that they don't own to get paid today and then disappear with the funds. This isn't very successful with Airbnb being able to moderate payouts and handle chargebacks, but how could a crypto Airbnb handle that problem? I suppose an escrow would help there, but there is still the issue of handling disputes that arise after a stay ends (like house damages).

I don't think it's an insurmountable issue, but it certainly is something to think over.

I understand well this problem and I have a beginning of answer to that:

- First of all, in case of dispute, depending on the country where it happens, you have to make a complaint to the police station and explain the situation in the most serious situations!

- In a second time Ctravel puts in place different points to penalize the person at fault:

1 - It will be necessary that the person who will receive prejudice it can be the tenant (Housing not in conformity with the photographs etc...) or the host (For degradations of furniture for example).
Document the dispute with a descriptive text of the problem in question with different photos to support these words.

2 - Ctravel users participating in the DAO will have the mission to resolve these disputes via a vote that will be in favor or against the complainant.
And in return, the participants will share the amount of the fund allocated to the DAO, which is supplied to the value of 2% of taxes on each reservation.

3 - What will happen if, for example, the offender does not wish to pay the amount of the property he has damaged voted by the DAO to the tune of $1000?
The user will be banned from the platform and will never be able to register again. And Ctravel will compensate the host with its own funds. Later on, the idea is to partner with an insurance company that covers these costs, but at first Ctravel will take care of these costs.

4 - How do you plan to ban someone from the platform if the Ctravel system is decentralized? It is necessary to be able to find an in-between between securing your property and decentralization for a more open world!
One thing is sure, there will be no KYC! We think that the good solution is to pass by an identification by telephone to constrain to the maximum the malicious persons.

5 - We can also think about a deposit system but I don't think it's a good idea. It can be a brake for the users who want to rent an apartment.
This can be solved by a community vote in DAO to know if the community wants such a feature or not.

The idea with this project is to solidify the blockchain project and to shadow the giant centralizers.  Translated with (free version)
10  Local / Vos sites et projets / Re: Airbnb de la Crytpo - Avis concept on: April 11, 2023, 07:14:53 AM
Yes je suis en pleine réflexion sur la question de crée un jeton Ctravel ou non ? Je me dit que je peut surement proposé les deux.
Dans le cas ou par exemple un cashback en Ctravel serais de 3% alors que Btc/Eth serais de 2%.

Je t'avoue que je ne sais pas d'un point de vue commercial quoi te suggérer. Perso, je pense que le fait d'avoir BTC et ETH va donner confiance aux premiers utilisateurs, ils ne risquent pas de se dire qu'ils vont accumuler un coin qui risque de se faire dump par le créateur. À partir du moment où les users ont le choix, je ne vois pas le problème de proposer du cashback avec un token Ctravel ou autre, je pense que la seule vraie erreur serait de l'imposer comme unique possibilité.

Yes j'étais utilisateur également des cartes crypto à leur début pour leur nombreux avantages, mais le fait que ces établissements soit centralisé et qu'elle donne des comptes à l'état est un peut à contre courant.

Ouais, je suis pas spécialement anti régulation en général, je pense que ça apportera du bon sur le long terme, mais c'est sur que selon la fiscalité de ton pays, les CEX peuvent vite devenir source d'angoisse si tu ne veux pas payer des taxes dans les règles de l'art..  Grin

D'accord je prend note merci beaucoup Wink !
11  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 07, 2023, 09:55:52 AM
I have already thought of this idea if AirBNB is going to launch some good news about accepting payments in bitcoin. IMHO, with good projects that has the potential like yours, it doesn't need to have and make any new tokesn for you to go along with these innovations, acceptance and adoptions for bitcoin or entirely crypto payments.

What's a better approach to this idea is just to contact airbnb and be the source of this idea about accepting payments in crypto and have it worked by a third-party service upon booking to their website or offer a service that you'll be the source for that conversion and just hand over them the cash minus the deduction of your service commission fee.

If I'm one of airbnb executives and understands the concept of bitcoin first and then other potential cryptocurrencies that it's quickly convertible into cash which is what they prefer, then I might take a shot but not with any random and new tokens.

I understand your point, it's certain that the user will prefer to receive btc or eth than a new currency, it's completely understandable!
Airbnb has already mentioned its idea of wanting to make payment in cryptocurrency but I think with everything that has happened in recent months FTX / Terra . The United States are angry against cryptocurrencies and they are making it known right now. Also France my home country is starting to make anti cryptocurrency laws that does not bode well for Gafam. If he decides to implement the payment in crypto I think that the different states would be against after to see ...
12  Local / Vos sites et projets / Re: Airbnb de la Crytpo - Avis concept on: April 07, 2023, 09:36:58 AM
Je ne savais pas que tu étais francophone, j'avais répondu à ton topic dans "Project Development" au sujet de locations long-terme et de l'utilisation de LN !
Super cool que tu aies considéré et intégré ces points aussi !

Je claque une fortune en logement temporaire pour les voyages, le travail etc.. Je serais bien heureux d'avoir du cashback en BTC ou ETH sur ces dépenses. Les cashbacks des cartes cryptos type Binance me chauffent pas du tout, je tente de pas trop utiliser de CEX au quotidien.

Quand tu seras prêt, je serai chaud de tester ton appli/site, que ça soit en tant que loueur ou locataire!

Ah yes j'avais pas fais le rapprochement également ! Merci beaucoup c'est une très très bonne idée Smiley
Yes je suis en pleine réflexion sur la question de crée un jeton Ctravel ou non ? Je me dit que je peut surement proposé les deux.
Dans le cas ou par exemple un cashback en Ctravel serais de 3% alors que Btc/Eth serais de 2%.

Yes j'étais utilisateur également des cartes crypto à leur début pour leur nombreux avantages, mais le fait que ces établissements soit centralisé et qu'elle donne des comptes à l'état est un peut à contre courant.

Avec grand plaisir on garde contact ici sur ce forum Wink J'ai déjà un prototype design mais pour l'instant rien à été développé.
13  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 07, 2023, 09:28:14 AM
The idea you offer is pretty good but there are a few things that bother me a bit, like why did you integrate DeFi features with the travel platform? your users just want to travel with their crypto as payment, I think they are too complicated to do staking let alone lending on your platform. Second, the cashback promo that you offer is quite attractive, but 10% cashback is quite a lot, how can you provide this much cashback from your platform? Are you sure that the economy of your platform can provide this? The last one is subscription, what do you provide the subscription feature for? Your platform is not a platform for watching movies or games, so there is no need to provide this feature, instead it is better to provide premium user features which will give them more benefits.

I think you are right, there is also someone on the french server who told me about this. The DEFI doesn't bring much to this project, it can even create confusion for the end user.

For the Cashback I am working more in details the numbers but you are right 10% is too much. I have them as an idea tonight to distribute it more fairly tell me what you think:

Total service charge on each reservation (8%):

- 5% Service charge that goes to Ctravel

- 3% refund in BTC/ETH or Ctravel token (here I would like to have your opinion -> do you prefer to be paid in BTC/ETH or in Ctravel if you choose the Ctravel token you will have higher % cashback)

- 2% Dao fund ( Here this fund will be used to pay back to the community dividends that participate in the DAO)

As for the subscription I have them an idea this night! It will be indeed premium features that give them advantages.
- Such as a certified badge that attests that the user has very good reviews and is a certified host or tenant of quality and trust!
- The possibility to get more cashback on each transaction
- Offer discounts to these users such as 10% on the next order?

In my opinion, the 5% fee for this service is quite large, you can adjust it by 3% for payments with BTC / other cryptos and 2% if you pay using CTravel. And for refunds you can choose to use your own token, namely CTravel, this is to keep the economy of your token running and allows you to get additional fees if someone wants to convert their CTravel token to another crypto. For premium features, I think that's enough as you said, but the 10% discount is still big enough. You can adjust it according to the finances of the platform you want to build. If you think it's possible, you can go with it.

Yes it's a good idea thank you very much for your relevant feedback. It helps me a lot to have feedback to orient the solution in the right direction
14  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 06, 2023, 05:37:06 PM
- 3% refund in BTC/ETH or Ctravel token (here I would like to have your opinion -> do you prefer to be paid in BTC/ETH or in Ctravel if you choose the Ctravel token you will have higher % cashback)
- 2% Dao fund ( Here this fund will be used to pay back to the community dividends that participate in the DAO)

You simply can't step from the whole thing about DAO, tokens, DeFi and stuff, do you?

If you have done your research then you know already why Airbnb is successful, and the main reason is that it offers a simple way to find accommodation and a simple way to list properties. The moment you throw tokens into the mix you just confuse users, the moment you start talking about DAO it will raise an eyebrow from property owners, throw some more buzzwords into the mix and you're going to have everyone look suspicious at your project.

Furthermore, other than being a clone that offers payment in crypto, how do you plan on getting people on board? You know how many ideas just like yours have been around and how many have failed and further "failed"' as in exit scams? DtraveL has burned $10 million and managed to bring the token down from 75 cents to 5 cents and all it has is a platform that looks like Death Valley. Beetoken, 15 milliosn gone! And the list could go for pages!

So, other than having a token, what would be our advantage over Airbnb for example?

- The possibility to get more cashback on each transaction
- Offer discounts to these users such as 10% on the next order?

Where is all those extra money going to come from?
Because if you're rewarding either the host or the guest somebody has to pay for that!

I understand your point on the fact of vulgarizing the terms to allow Mr. everyone to understand the product Ctravel.

As for the Dtravel project, they are shooting themselves in the foot by locking themselves in a B TO B market. Their growth prospects are too low due to the fact that it is positioned as a CMS for booking accommodation. The customer has to manage to find these customers so I don't see much interest in it

As for Beetoken I did not know, they seem to have wanted to ride the wave of green hype "a tree planted for each transaction on the blockchain" In any case this kind of marketing promise is pure scam.

My coming here is simply to get feedback on this idea, I think there is a market and I want to meet a market need. I'm clearly not here to hurt Blockchain / Crypto projects on the contrary! I sincerely believe that this is the payment of tomorrow.
15  Local / Vos sites et projets / Re: Airbnb de la Crytpo - Avis concept on: April 06, 2023, 05:06:50 PM

Les cartes cadeau c'est un point que je n'avais pas pris en compte ! Mais ça reste une porte d’accès qui est contraignante sur le long terme.
Je prends pour exemple la xbox il y a bien des cartes cadeau dessus. Mais tu perds ton temps à rentrer un code interminable et ensuite tu peux dépenser la somme d'argent et réitérer pour chacun des achats.
En matière d'expérience utilisateurs ce n'est pas incroyable ! La majorité des personnes qui joue sur Xbox rentre leur carte bleue une fois et après tu dépenses ce que tu veux pour acheter des jeux, abonnement....

Je connais rien du tout à xbox et companie, alors c'est pas le bon exemple pour moi. A te lire, je me suis même demandé qu'est que c'est que ce truc d'utiliser une CB avec une console de jeu. Je peux être un peu arriéré.

Mais je comprend le côté contraignant.
Mais est ce que ca l'est vraiment? Par exemple j'achète de temps à autre des cartes Amazon,Ikea,etc.., et en y réfléchissant, je trouve ca moins contraignant que d'utiliser ma carte bancaire. Rentrer mes numéros de CB, et en plus devoir utiliser mon téléphonne pour confirmer la transaction. C'est le truc qui me gonfle.
Avec une carte Amazon, je fais un copié collé et c'est tout.

Pour ce qui est de la concurrence (Airbnb), j'ai prévu cette éventualité. J'ai un arsenal de fonctionnalités que je compte mettre en place pour prendre de l'avance

Le projet ne s’arrête pas simplement à la partie paiement en cryptomonnaie sinon la valeur ajoutée n'est pas assez suffisante.

Effectivement, je ne vois pas de valeur ajoutée.
C'est pourquoi, les fonctionnalités dont tu parles devraient être implémentées dès le départ, et non comme une carte joker d'anticipation. Ca sera trop tard.
On n'avait pas parlé de tout les éléments, merci d'avoir élaboré. Et une DAO me parle déjà un peu plus
Concernant les parties Stacking & Earn et Prêts: est ce que tu ne serais pas entrain de t'éparpiller sur la base du projet? Pour faire ue grossière comparaison, c'est comme si Airbnb faisait des livrets A et des crédits comme Cetelem

Je discute également dans la partie "Project Development" et c'est un point qu'il ont relevé également !

Je vais me concentrer sur un MVP du projet avec pour principal fonctionnalités :

- Le paiement de logement en Stablecoin / BTC / ETH. J'intègrerais également le lightning network btc.

- Le cashback seras reversé idem en Stablecoin / BTC / ETH. Pour le MVP il n'y auras pas de jeton Ctrvavel. Suivant les retours clients et la DAO

- Il y auras la possibilité de faire de la location courte / moyenne et longue durée. C'est un point qui à été abordé sur la partie "Project Development" et je trouve ça très intéressant comme valeur ajouté !

- Concernant les frais j'ai reflechis et j'ai une nouvelle proposition de 8% sur chaque réservation

- 5% Frais de service qui reviens à Ctravel

- 3% cashback en BTC / ETH

- 2% Dao fond intracommunautaire  ( Ici ce fond serviras à reverser à la communauté des dividendes qui participe à la DAO)

- Un abonnement premium avec des fonctionnalités avantageuse pour les users :

- Tels qu’un macaron certifié qu’il atteste que l’utilisateur à de très bon avis et qui est un hôte ou locataire certifié de qualité et gage de confiance !

- La possibilités d’avoir un cashback plus important sur chaque transaction

- Offrir des réductions à ces utilisateurs tels que 10% sur la prochaine commande ?

Voila pour l'instant les fonctionnalités du MVP qui seront proposées !
Comme d'habitude je vous laisse me faire un retour à ce propos, si vous avez une idée de service à proposé en plus, ou des ajustement sur certaines fonctionnalités. N’hésiter pas, cela m'aide énormément !

Merci beaucoup Smiley

16  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 04, 2023, 02:50:35 PM
Your idea is good, but I think you could do something simpler.

For example, cashback in BTC (via Lightning Network if the amounts are small for example) could bring you a good customer base, maybe more than with your own token in my opinion.

Moreover, in my humble opinion, you would need a more restricted speciality, the market seems to be quite busy already, with gift cards and other legit sites already in place.

For example, if you propose a rental site for medium/long term, where BTC is accepted, and with BTC cashback, I know some people who would be very interested. This would mean being able to rent - even outside of holiday/travel periods - with BTC payment.
If the system is like AirBNB where the duration is quickly limited, and where it is done by several reservations for a long period, it would lose its interest.

In any case I wish you a lot of luck with your project, and success of course

This is a very good idea! I think it could be very interesting for the Bitcoin community and it could highlight the Lightning network service which is very underrated.

I see it's a very interesting idea! The platform could very well offer both use cases one for medium/short term rentals like Airbnb. And also propose long term rentals like 6 months / 1 year without having to make several reservations. It's relatively easy to set up thanks for your idea!
17  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 04, 2023, 02:41:30 PM
The idea you offer is pretty good but there are a few things that bother me a bit, like why did you integrate DeFi features with the travel platform? your users just want to travel with their crypto as payment, I think they are too complicated to do staking let alone lending on your platform. Second, the cashback promo that you offer is quite attractive, but 10% cashback is quite a lot, how can you provide this much cashback from your platform? Are you sure that the economy of your platform can provide this? The last one is subscription, what do you provide the subscription feature for? Your platform is not a platform for watching movies or games, so there is no need to provide this feature, instead it is better to provide premium user features which will give them more benefits.

I think you are right, there is also someone on the french server who told me about this. The DEFI doesn't bring much to this project, it can even create confusion for the end user.

For the Cashback I am working more in details the numbers but you are right 10% is too much. I have them as an idea tonight to distribute it more fairly tell me what you think:

Total service charge on each reservation (8%):

- 5% Service charge that goes to Ctravel

- 3% refund in BTC/ETH or Ctravel token (here I would like to have your opinion -> do you prefer to be paid in BTC/ETH or in Ctravel if you choose the Ctravel token you will have higher % cashback)

- 2% Dao fund ( Here this fund will be used to pay back to the community dividends that participate in the DAO)

As for the subscription I have them an idea this night! It will be indeed premium features that give them advantages.
- Such as a certified badge that attests that the user has very good reviews and is a certified host or tenant of quality and trust!
- The possibility to get more cashback on each transaction
- Offer discounts to these users such as 10% on the next order?
18  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 04, 2023, 12:51:52 PM
Other than Airbnb, there is also ShareRing which is probably competing with your project directly, although they do branch out to other stuff right now. That being said:
1. Why the need for a token? What does it contribute to the platform other than giving extra initial funds for the development and probably won't see any usage sooner or later?
2. Why is there a stacking, lending, dao program if your goal is to solve crypto rental market? I doubt any traveler would look at a traveling app and say "damn, this lending proposal is good, I should buy it".
3. Don't you think creating a third-party lending platform that allows users to pay their Airbnb or something similar with crypto is more valuable compared to this new, ground-up renting platform? If no, why? Is there any law that prohibits you to do this? I assume it would work like how people can buy gift cards with Bitcoin, even though the platform where they use the cards doesn't support Bitcoin payment directly.
4. I don't believe that people will willingly support and stay on your platform if it is not competitive. This "us vs them" mentality is not going to work if your platform is terrible, has no control over the rental house, doesn't offer protection, etc. How will you compete with Airbnb in its customer service department other than being friendly toward crypto?
5. I've seen similar projects in the past, with more or less the same proposal. They do an ICO and then close their business without ever producing anything. What is the guarantee that you will at least deliver some beta apps if you plan to do the same?

Okay, finally no, the token is not necessarily mandatory. If the project makes enough profit with a % on each transaction and the project is profitable, it is not necessary to have its own currency!
And then providing Btc or Eth as a reward seems more attractive for the user!

Yes you are right about providing an MVP with a working system to prove my intentions and determination! Thanks a lot anyway, it's very motivating for me to talk about my subject and to confront myself with everyone's opinion!
19  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 02, 2023, 07:29:39 PM
Hi !

1. The Ctravel token is there to represent the company on the cryptocurrency market and also to reward the user when he rents an accommodation he receives a % in travel which is similar to cashback.

2/3 This is part of the secondary features I thought it was good to offer a panel of features but the main idea will remain the payment of housing between individuals in cryptocurrencies.

4. the idea is to offer the same guarantee of protection as with Airbnb with a deposit system if damage has been caused to the property! But it is certain in terms of customer service it seems more complicated than what I had imagined!

5. I really intend to solve a problem related to cryptocurrency, whether it is this one or another, it is not a problem.

My topic is here to face the reality and see if there are people interested in such a solution.

Thanks for your feedback!
20  Bitcoin / Project Development / Airbnb Crypto Project - Concept notice on: April 02, 2023, 09:45:54 AM
Hello to all of you!

My name is Dylan, I'm 25 years old, I'm a UI Designer and I just spent 5 years in a company that uses blockchain.
From now on I intend to start my own business and solve problems in the Crypto/Blockchain atmosphere.

That's why I present you my project : Ctravel (C for crypto / Travel for travel)

Brief description of my project

Ctravel is a platform for renting accommodations between individuals with cryptocurrencies as a payment method.

What problem are you trying to solve?

Ctravel answers a simple problem. Today if I have crypto-currency and I want to spend this crypto-currency for accommodation I have two solutions available to me:

1 - The service allows you to book hotel rooms around the world

2 - Use a or binance type of cryptocurrency card (what about decentralization which is the main argument of cryptocurrency)

How do you want to solve it?

If the user wants a more atypical property or simply to have his little comfort like at home. He will certainly go through Airbnb the leader of the C to C (consumer to consumer) market.
And currently no actor of the market proposes the reservation of private individual to private individual with for means of payment the cryptocurrencies.

That's how the idea of Ctravel was born!

What is your market? What is its potential?

- 18/ 35 years old
- Digital native
- Passionate about crypto
- The user who wants to spend their cryptocurrency because they own more bitcoin than euros.

Number of people holding cryptocurrency in the month of December 2022: 425 million
(119 million more users joined the crypto world in 2022)
This is a number that is exponential over time, depending on the forecast by the end of 2023 there would be between 600 and 800 million users.


Today as you have seen there are more and more people who are interested in cryptocurrencies. Not for the lure of easy gain, but for that decentralization! In an era where the financial markets are increasingly dilluting the fiat currencies thanks to the money printing of the FED or the ECB. The users of crypto-currencies want to own a currency that was created to avoid the big stock market crashes. And this behave as a store of value such as gold.
The Ctravel project is therefore in this niche where the adoption of crypto-currencies begins to see the light of day from year to year!

As for the competition (Airbnb), I have foreseen this eventuality. I have an arsenal of features I plan to put in place to get ahead of the game

The project doesn't just stop at the cryptocurrency payment part otherwise the added value is not enough.
I plan to create an ecosystem of features around this project.

- Ctravel Token: Creation of a token to make the project ecosystem work.

- Cashback: Each time a user makes a reservation, he/she will get a % of the transaction back in Ctravel.

- Wallet: The cashback will be transferred to your Ctravel hot wallet

- Swap: You will have the possibility to exchange your Ctravel for Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

- Exchanger: You will have the possibility to trade the different cryptocurrencies that will be voted by our users

- Stacking & Earn: By depositing your Ctravel tokens you will benefit from an annual % APY payout.

- Lending: We offer crypto lending with collateral

- Subscription: We offer a Premium service with specific benefits ( + cashback, 10% discount on all transactions...)

- Dao: Let users vote for decisions made within Ctravel. Translated with

And if tomorrow Airbnb starts to make payments in crypto?

Today it is complicated for the gafa, to set up financial services and create their own cryptocurrency. We have the example of Facebook which has tried several times.
The various states around the world are against a major power to create its own currency and come to shade the fiduciary currencies.

Nevertheless, let's say that Airbnb manages to offer a service that allows payment in crypto. What about Ctravel?

Through the differences service proposed above. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts will probably prefer to stay on Ctravel and in the manner of browser Brave.
Supporting blockchain projects rather than feeding this giant that finally doesn't have the same values...

Here is an overview of my project, I would like to have your feedback on this idea.
Would you personally spend your cryptocurrency to travel or would you use fiat currency on airbnb?

Feel free to leave negative or positive comments as long as it is argued that is no problem!

Have a good day and above all, don't forget to travel!
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