He showed pictures of mining gear and a invoice, but no proof they are actually his. Just pictures no pretty little sign that says coinspeed.
It ScreamsSCAM all over.
It ScreamsSCAM all over.
I've discovered that an image they used on their CryptoStocks site depicting their recent unboxing of KNC Neptune miners, actually turns out to be a screenshot from a video that was posted on YouTube on Jun 24, 2014 by 'Zio Mik' - shown here -
- blatantly plagiarised about 21 seconds in. Now compare with the same image on https://cryptostocks.com/securities/140
Incidently, some of the other YouTube videos also posted by 'Zio Mik' on 24th June, also turn out to be the source of plagerism by 'NANO RIGS' - also listed on CryptoStocks!