I'm having a similar problem, albeit on a smaller scale; I'm missing 0.2 Protoshares. I was mining PTS on the beeeeer.org pool and used an address at BTER for my payout. Almost 72 hours later and the coins are not deposited in to my account.
Here's the txid:
https://coinplorer.com/PTS/Transactions/17812fc93c91d86a9f85fb984defa2b6903b64e8b3148b9f39d62adbe3faaabf. I'm output #26 (PdF2bgMHWc4N9G1H9tGPKXKPjC24R4DmVZ).
Here's beeeeer.org's record of the payout:
http://ptsweb.beeeeer.org/payout/40842And here's my deposit status at BTER with the 0.20369294 PTS missing:
Recent Deposit Records
Date Amount Status
2014-01-06 18:31:51 1.000341 PTS Success
2013-12-26 05:38:03 1.036707 PTS Success
I've transferred PTS there before without issue. Not sure what's going on now, but they didn't even answer either of the emails I sent to their support address. There's no excuse for screwing up deposits no matter how small. Kind of a joke.
If I'm being dense and missing something here, please let me know. Thanks for reading.