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Hmm, all right sounds good. Whats the address to send payment, I'll send you a pm with my character info etc.
I'm interested, but my concern on this is on price.
Market put value today for 1 btc @ approx $11 usd, obviously some flux involved.
A brief google shows Isk sites selling 500 mil isk from 11-12.50 on up to 22-24.50 for 1b isk. 400 mil as a sidenote was in the $9-10 range depending on the site.
I'm sure I can probably find lower or higher even, but not looking for a homerun deal just a fair one.
So 3 btc To gain a discount is probably a bit high for me, only looking to spend one or two btc anyway just to test the waters. Plus I like the idea of supporting the bitcoin system and fellow users opposed to a random harvester site.
I've seen a few people on this forum interested in selling ISK for coin. Some of those are not in the newbie forum and others are older. I wanted to see if anyone is interested in making a transaction and unload their isk.
Hello! I am newbie hear me roar! <squeek>