Hi all,
I created this profile so I could add it to this list.
I invested alot of money, and this really SUCKS!! I really hope we can find the perpetrators!!!
5th place.. haha
icecreamgenius = $40k
joystickj = $31.5k
Casimir1904 = $25k
jimmad13 = $24k
ulvify = $23K
timothyvail = $20k
varChar = $14.5k
pawlo74 = $12k
c0c0 = $10k
Karsten Holland = $8760
tonyca = $5964.1
Centaurus = $5k
justGotConned (Jeebs007) = $4.1k
tuktukracer = $3k
rhader = $2.7k
proximator = $2.4K
Attie707 = $2k
aerensoy = $2k
ranlo = $1.8k
Forgaria = 1578$
zwickl = $1.3k
btloser = $1280
tywe = $1,230.95
puma1888 = $1.2k
Digicoinz = $1.1k
Mr_River_x = $0.9K
Cassey = $500
lesnod11 = $350