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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: January 23, 2015, 07:33:17 AM
XSTerminate 0.9.8 Release

The XSTerminate bot is nearly unstoppable now and comes with a minimum activity filter!

Version 0.9.8 adds the activity setting that specifies the minimum activity a user needs to post. Version 0.9.8 is also robust to malformed authentication responses that arise when bitcointalk has catastrophic server issues, as in the recent outage. This means that there should be no need to restart your bot under even the worst of bitcointalk conditions.

An introduction and instructions are at the OP:

This release has been heavily tested and kept going through the recent 22 hour outage.




Windows users see here too:

Source Bundle:
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: January 04, 2015, 05:49:16 AM
== content deleted ==

This software deletes posts from trolls, it does not have the capacity to assess the motivations of its users. If you have a problem with some person or company, go to the appropriate page and make your posts. For your particular interests, I think this thread is appropriate:

I offer delete bot software here. Nothing else. That's the topic of discussion. Most people offer their thanks, which I appreciate. Some have feature requests, which I honestly wish I had more time to tackle. If you have found a problem with the stability or performance of XSTerminate, or if you have some feature suggestions, I would be happy to have your input.

If you feel you must express some disapproval on this forum, your best bet would be to try to find a bug and give me fair time to fix it, which I will do for free. If I appear to ignore your concerns you are welcome to pester me for a fix on this thread. At some point, I will probably give in. However, I think you will find it difficult to discover a bug I won't fix. If you are worthy of your battleship avatar, though, you will try.

I've deleted your post, mostly for your choice of imagery, which you put in "strike-through". For future posts, please stick to a discussion of the software.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: December 23, 2014, 04:37:25 PM
XSTerminate 0.9.4 Release

A new version of XSTerminate is now available.

Version 0.9.4 fixes a number of robustness issues. It should keep going through several types of network errors.

Download links are at the OP:

Unfortunately I did not have time to put in new features. This release, however, has been heavily tested.



Windows users see here too:

Source Bundle:
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: December 17, 2014, 05:26:41 AM
You could add an option:

If user has <X posts delete.

( Haven't downloaded bot to check it out, will do tonight. )

This will be in the next update, when I have time. It may be soon because I just tracked down a bug tonight that kills the bot when it receives a malformed status line.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 19, 2014, 08:17:28 AM
XSTerminate 0.9.0 Release

A new version of XSTerminate is now available.

Version 0.9.0 fixes a logout bug that rendered the bot useless when a user logged out of a browser session at the same IP.

It also makes starting up on windows much easier. See here.

Download links are at the OP:

Windows users, see this post:
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 19, 2014, 08:08:37 AM
XSTerminate Windows Build of 0.9.4 Available

Using windows just got a lot easier (as long as your config file is named "deletebot.yml" and is in the same directory as the xsterminate program).

Download the windows starter pack:


  • Download and unpack the windows build. It is a zip file.

  • In the unpacked folder, change "deletebot.yml" and "lusers.txt" according to your needs.

  • Launch the "run" command. Click here for instructions.

  • Hit "Browse" and select the xsterminate program inside the unpacked folder.

  • When you have selected the xsterminate program, hit Open and then OK.

  • If you need to change the luser list, just edit "luser.txt" and XSTerminate will adjust on the fly.

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 19, 2014, 06:52:37 AM
Hello all

Just to report that XSTerminate on Windows sometimes crashes instead of deleting a post.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Any fixes most welcome.

I found the issue. Bitcointalk wipes your login when their servers reset (when they get ddosed or have other problems). This logs-out the bot while it's still running. I put in a fix. I'm testing the bot now.

Edit: It's even more common than that. If you log out of the bot account from a browser the bot will get logged out.

It looks like I have it working.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 19, 2014, 06:11:35 AM
Hello all

Just to report that XSTerminate on Windows sometimes crashes instead of deleting a post.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Any fixes most welcome.

Yes, this is a known issue. I'm putting together a new release. The bitcointalk HTML has some variability so it's crashing the parser.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 11, 2014, 03:45:18 PM
The mature and graceful response would have been to acknowledge that your post was wrong and move on.


Edit: Wow. You actually started deleting comments.

The mature response would be for you to stop repeating yourself and move on.

I deleted your message because it was the third time you made the exact same post. Here's what you posted for the third time:

If you post new material I'll keep it. If your fud turns to spam (which I have a feeling it will), I'll enter your user name in the bot.

The dude's trolling xst right know. Same M.O. Start's with FUD, & then tries to turn it around & play the victim. If he wants to argue, I love to argue! He can just PM me. I'll argue about what color the sky is. I don't care. LOL!

For the record, I didn't mean to delete all of his 4 last posts. The bot did that. I can prevent that aggressive behavior in the future. However, he did ask for his name to be put in the bot, so I did it.

XSTerminate is a tool like any other. It can be used for good and bad.

I'm not interested in all that philosophy. I like software to work. I'm interested in good features and bad bugs. I try to create the former and fix the latter.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 10, 2014, 09:01:26 AM
Please, do enter my name in your bot.

Done!  Smiley

Edit: That deleted 4 posts.  Shocked
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 09, 2014, 05:45:38 PM
XSTerminate Windows Build Now Available

A windows build is now available for thread moderators who might not also be programming devs.


  • Download and unpack the windows build. It is a zip file.

  • In the unpacked folder, change "deletebot.yml" and "lusers.txt" according to your needs.

  • Launch the "run" command. Click here for instructions.

  • Hit "Browse" and select the xsterminate program inside the unpacked folder.

  • Add "deletebot.yml" to the run command.

  • If you need to change the luser list, just edit "luser.txt" and XSTerminate will adjust on the fly.

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 09, 2014, 10:33:19 AM
The mature and graceful response would have been to acknowledge that your post was wrong and move on.


Edit: Wow. You actually started deleting comments.

The mature response would be for you to stop repeating yourself and move on.

I deleted your message because it was the third time you made the exact same post. Here's what you posted for the third time:

If you post new material I'll keep it. If your fud turns to spam (which I have a feeling it will), I'll enter your user name in the bot.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 09, 2014, 07:45:16 AM

[repetitive content deleted]

You are starting to repeat yourself. Do you think that is necessary?
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 09, 2014, 07:33:31 AM
You can now follow @deletebot or tag @deletebot in disapproving tweets on twitter!
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 09, 2014, 07:22:37 AM
I quoted Orwell in response to your outlandish comment about reforming posters here. Here, let me refresh your memory.


Further, 1984 is not about "the relationship between semantics and thought". It is essentially about the mental, emotional and physical subjugation of an individual by a totalitarian regime in a a dystopian future.

I'd say "outlandish" describes your attempt to compare my program to a dystopian totalitarian regime.  Cheesy

For the record, I have no intention of using your program.

Then why are you using my thread as a forum for your soapbox?
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 09, 2014, 05:32:54 AM
I like how you turned my blatantly obvious analogy into an argument over semantics, before ending it with a random straw man question.
Let's not kid ourselves. This is a censorship tool, one that will be used by people who intend to censor, manage and deflect inconvenient questions.

You quoted Orwell. The premise of 1984 is the relationship between semantics and thought. Also, if you had a legitimate concern about the performance or operation of my program, you wouldn't have given me any material for a straw man argument to begin with.

Instead, you've tried to fud the very existence of my program, which I predicted in the OP. Don't you have more noble battles to fight?

Finally, If you don't like my program, feel free to delete your free copy. But if you do decide to use it, I would appreciate your feedback on its performance.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 08, 2014, 07:17:30 PM

If a community makes a black list, it won't hurt free speech. Posters will reform the way they post to avoid getting on a community blacklist. That would promote civil discourse over time, which is something sorely lacking from bitcointalk at the moment.
Behavior modification achieved through censorship and/or the threat of? Splendid. More power to anonymous devs!
Reminds me of George Orwell's 1984.

• "We do not merely destroy our enemies, we change them. Do you understand what I mean by that?"
• "We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us; so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him."

Nail on the head. Scary times.

Programmed thought using language. You should go back and read your Orwell again.


With that language, you are either attempting to program or have been programmed.

Which is it?
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 08, 2014, 01:11:11 AM
You want to fix the FUD problem on bitcointalk ? Easy, just integrate the jail for newbie accounts for 2 weeks like it was the first time. So they have to wait first before they can just make 1 million fake accounts.

But, i think you rather don't want that because you can't hide yourself when they do this.

You have made 3 successive posts, two containing accusations about motives.

Posters like you are the reason I made this utility. If you didn't think you had an audience here, you wouldn't make a post. You are leeching off my work and my product for your soapbox and accusations. Go create your own thread with your own work and then post your rants there once your product drives an audience. You'll see that no one stops you. That's free speech.

In fact, fork my product if you don't have time to develop your own. It's open source with a very permissive license. You'll find that I won't have any problem with what you do as long as you keep the license intact. I won't even come after you if you forget to put in "(c) 2014, deletebot All rights reserved".

I suggested a community blacklist and did not offer any accounts for the luser list. I singled out no users anywhere. Except for my bias towards XST, I don't show any bias here. I haven't spoken negatively of anyone or any coin. If this was about giving XST some sort of advantage, I would have kept it a secret and shared it with the team instead of making it as open as I could. So please end your accusations and your questions of motives.

If a community makes a black list, it won't hurt free speech. Posters will reform the way they post to avoid getting on a community blacklist. That would promote civil discourse over time, which is something sorely lacking from bitcointalk at the moment.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 07, 2014, 09:08:41 PM
Haha! Amazing, Great work!

Can it somehow come with some usernames pre built in?  Grin

A community blacklist would be the way to go. I would have put some names in, but I don't want to show my bias too much.  Wink

It's easy enough to load a bitcointalk page from the bot with a curated community blacklist. If someone makes a new thread, I can cull the blacklist from the OP or first post therein, providing the post maintains consistent formatting and if the list and curation process look reasonable. It could refresh every half hour or something.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: XSTerminate: A bitcointalk deletebot to rid unwanted visitors from your threads. on: November 07, 2014, 04:18:16 PM
Awesome, great job.

A feature I would suggest as well : make the bot "ignore" the user as well. If everyone starts using your bot, the biggest trolls would all have glowing hot "ignore" links under their name.

Great idea. Look for it in the next minor update.
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