Is there a roadmap or whitepaper for this coin/token?
No, there isn't any.
then the companies themselves have to build a successful product in order for it to have value. as opposed to getting value from the people then as participants we hope the teams follow through
Are you really waiting for them to develop something?
I hope that people who buy eBTC token understand that eBTC is just a pump and dump, that offers nothing to cryptocurrency landscape.
The website claims fast transactions, cheaper fees and smart contracts. These all are what Ethereum offers and nothing else.
There's no work behind eBTC "project", other than communication and listing on some new exchange.
eBTC doesn't offer smart contracts, it IS an Ethereum smart contract, itself.
If it's compatible with some wallets, it's because these wallets support ALL Ethereum tokens.
There's no "project", there's just a token to make a pump, sell and forget about it.
Ethereum tokens are all around, there are thousands, now. Many are backed with a real project, people who work really hard and deserve our support. Others are empty, like eBTC (and eLTC, eXRP, eETH, eXMR… and all those who follow this wave. The scammers have got something here and will exploit it for a long time).
Think twice before bying eBTC on an exchange. Think twice.