Well, yeah sure it is ponzi. Expected lifetime? Probably for next 7-14 days, as long as they get more IN that they give OUT. And as they had around 10000 investments just 4-5 days ago and now they have over 30000 - they are doing good for now. I got payed 3 times so far, but investing only 0,6
BTC - not more. And I advise you to do so, not more - only put in what you can loose, with a bit of luck you will double your income. Simple point is not to be greedy - few small investments and you should be OK and even earn something. I advice all to try :
http://cryptodouble.com/?ref=3Tk2Q - after all, maybe it is betting with 50-50 but chance is good for next few days (maybe 1 or 2 times x 100h), after that - you are very close to be empty handed. I know I am investing for next 5 days. Good luck!