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1  Local / Работа / Нужен копирайтер (WP, OnePage, тексты на сайт, статьи ) on: January 20, 2022, 11:11:32 AM
Привет. Запускаем проект, в команде нехватает классного копирайтера. если ты классный - пиши!

Что нужно делать
+ Подготовка  продающих текстов для сайта
+ Причесать WP
+ Подготовка питчдека и ванпейджа.
+ Подготовка статей для размещения в основных изданиях

Какой опыт
+ Быть в теме блокчейна, уже писать под блокчейн проекты
+ Хороший английский приветствуется, но прям сильно не обязателен.

+ Удаленная работа
+ Фуллтайм или парттайм. можем загрузить и на фулл, можем дать только часть работы

Высылай резюме в ЛС или
2  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: December 09, 2021, 04:28:07 PM
Guys help. Trying to send via LN, not the first time.

The channel is open. There are enough limits. Last update.

But I get "mpp_timeout" and "transaction failed". What could be the reason?
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: | STRATIS | The first blockchain developed for businesses |Full POS on: August 26, 2020, 02:32:31 PM
Hi guys.
I have a problem and need help.
I purchased STRAT coins in 2017-2018.
And I am trying to access them now.

When I bought them I had Stratis Electrum 2.7.17 wallet.

Now I downloaded the latest version of Stratis Core 1.3.1 from www.
I entered the date 01/01/2017 and the seed from the electrum and nothing happens.

Synchronization is at a standstill.
What else can I do?
4  Local / Бизнес / Re: [Ответ на вопрос] Сколько стоит #биржа on: December 11, 2018, 10:33:53 AM
да ладно, немного верстка съехала )))
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [Audit] of a smart contract. How does the report look like? on: August 27, 2018, 07:26:38 AM
This is a good post and a helpful one for those who struggles with auditing. This will also help out the newbies too.

6  Local / Бизнес / Re: [Аудит] смарт контракта. Как выглядит отчеm on: August 21, 2018, 02:58:16 AM
Еще один свежий 🚸аудит небольшого контракта

не выявлено

не выявлено

не выявлено


1. Классы из библиотеки openzeppelin-solidity не самой последней версии

Изменения в новых версиях:
— незначительные оптимизации библиотеки SafeMath
— изменена проверка баланса пользователя при отправке токенов — теперь при ошибочном указании неправильного баланса не сжигается весь газ транзакции

2. Событие Transfer при создании токенов

Согласно стандарту при создании новых токенов следует вызывать метод Transfer с отправителем равным адресу 0x0

> A token contract which creates new tokens SHOULD trigger a Transfer event with the _from address set to 0x0 when tokens are created.

3. Событие Transfer при сжигании токенов
По аналогии предыдущим пунктом в функции `burn` можно добавить вызов события Transfer с адресом назначения, равным address(0).

В библиотеке openzeppelin-solidity сделано именно так:

4. Тип decimals
Согласно стандарту тип для `decimals` должен быть uint8:

5. Запись больших чисел
Для наглядности и уменьшения риска ошибиться большие числа можно записывать так:
1925000000000000000000000000 = 1925000000 * 10**18
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [Audit] of a smart contract. How does the report look like? on: August 16, 2018, 01:35:37 PM
great explanation, thank you

will you tell me, how scidex solve this?

It is necessary to dive into the details.
Can you write to me via telegrams @smartcontractpro?
I will connect with our technical department.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [Audit] of a smart contract. How does the report look like? on: August 14, 2018, 11:18:35 AM
How does #audit of a # smart_contract look like?
Customers or young development teams frequently ask this question.

Below is an example of a real report on the audit of one of the contracts.
Without names.

Feel free to adopt.

[Methodology of audit]
The contract code is manually scanned for known vulnerabilities, logic errors, WhitePaper compliance. If necessary, unit tests are written for questionable moments.

Classification of identified problems

CRITICAL – the possibility of theft of the ether / tokens or their blocking without the possibility of restoring access or other loss of ether / tokens due to any party, for example, dividends.

SERIOUS – the possibility of violations of the contract, in which to restore its correct operation, it is necessary to modify the state of the contract manually or completely replace it.

WARNINGS – the possibility of violation of the planned logic of the contract or the possibility of organizing a DoS attack on the contract.

NOTES – all other remarks.

Identified problems

– None

1. <Link>

The technical characteristics of the token indicate that the token contract must have a “burning” function. This function is implemented, but you can only burn your own tokens. Judging by the technical characteristics (the remainder of unsold tokens can be manually “burned” at the end of all activities) there should be a function of burning tokens by the organizers. Thus, in the current version of the contract, unsold tokens will remain on the crowdsale contract without the possibility of withdrawal.


1. <Link>

In the version of the StandardToken contract from the Zeppelin Solidity library, an error error was found, which allows to generate a false event about the transfer to itself of any number of tokens, even exceeding the ones available.

2. <Link>

Probably, in the formula the excess division by 1 ETH. with the current formula, to set the price of the token to 1 dollar, you need to call the setRate method with the parameter 300 * 10 ^ 18. It is better to implement the rate without such a number of zeros, so that there are fewer opportunities to make a mistake.

3. <Link>

We also recommend adding an event:

Transfer (burner, 0, _value);
in order for wallets, and other clients to see the fact of the balance change. Without this, many investors simply will not see their tokens in their wallets.

A similar problem exists in the token constructor,

<Link>, there should be added:




The latest version of the Zeppelin Solidity library is not used. Changes in the new version:

fixed a bug in the transferFrom function of the StandardToken contract (see p.1 of the warnings)
In the functions of contracts explicitly specified visibility modifiers
optimization in mul function from SafeMath, slightly reducing gas consumption
in the contracts BasicToken, StandardToken, BurnableToken in the functions transfer, transferFrom and burn are added checks of input parameters that do not burn all gas in case of failure: a check for transfer to a zero contract and that the value for transfer / incineration is less than the balance and allowable for transfer amount.

2. <Link>

The field digits in the token usually do the type uint8, this field is not described in ERC20, but it was suggested in ERC223 ( In the example on ( and in the Zeppelin Solidity library in the example ( uint8

3. <Link>

The technical characteristics of the token indicate that the token contract must have such functions as “Transfer of owner rights” and “Are Ownable”. For a token contract, this is not done, but it may be necessary if the function of burning tokens in the token contract is added.


In the mechanics of the contract, there is a reference to the “shelf life” of the contract (which is 365 days). This is not implemented.


In the comments to those. the description is written, why the signature of three people of actions with contracts was not realized. Usually, to make these minuses irrelevant, they make it possible to perform actions that are not signed by all the owners. For example, signed by two owners of three.


In the comments to those. The description is written, why the distribution of funds for purses was not realized. But to find out the balance of any address is quite simple:

7. <Link>

There is no check for the amount of transmitted ETH, you can buy 0 tokens.

8. <Link>

Blanks ADDRESS_FOR_TOKENS, ADDRESS_FOR_ETH, START_DATETIME – bad practice, because will require code modification before deployment, which is fraught with errors.

9. <Link>

modifier onlyOwner is redundant inCrowdsale

10. <Link>

Pointless line. In addition, the default rate is 0 and its installation is not monitored before / during the beginning of crowdsale – this is fraught with the fact that if you forget or do not have time to install it, payments will pass for which 0 tokens will be credited.

It is necessary to specify in the instruction about the need to set the rate in this line before the contract is deployed and allocated visually.

👉👉👉 Contact us via telegram @smartcontractpro.

9  Local / Бизнес / [Аудит] смарт контракта. Как выглядит отчет ? on: August 14, 2018, 11:03:27 AM
Как выглядит #аудит #смарт_контракта?
Часто спрашивают или заказчики или молодые команды разработки.

Ниже пример реального отчета по аудиту кода одного из контрактов.
Естественно без имен.

Берите на вооружение.

[Что и как делаем]
Код контракта просматривается вручную на наличие известных уязвимостей, ошибок в логике, соответствие WhitePaper. При необходимости на сомнительные моменты пишутся юнит тесты.

не выявлено


В технических характеристиках токена указано, что контракт токена должен иметь функцию «сожжения». Такая функция реализована, но сжигать можно только свои собственные токены. Судя по тех. характеристикам (остаток нераспроданных токенов можно будет вручную «сжечь» в конце всех мероприятий) должна быть функция сжигания токенов организаторами. Таким образом в текущей версии контракта нераспроданные токены останутся на контракте crowdsale без возможности вывода.


В используемой версии контракта StandardToken из библиотеки Zeppelin Solidity была найдена ошибка ошибка , позволяющая генерировать ложное событие о переводе самому себе любого количества токенов, даже превышающющего имеющиеся.

Вероятно, в формуле лишнее деление на 1 ether. при текущей формуле, чтобы установить цену токена в 1 доллар, нужно вызвать метод setRate с параметром 300*10^18. Лучше реализовать rate без такого количества нулей, чтобы было меньше возможностей ошибиться.

Рекомендуем добавить также генерацию события:

Transfer(burner, 0, _value);
для того, чтобы кошельки, и прочие клиенты увидели факт изменения баланса. Без этого, многие инвесторы просто не увидят свои токены в кошельках.

Похожая проблема есть и в конструкторе токена,



1. Используется не самая последняя версия библиотеки Zeppelin Solidity. Изменения в новой версии:

исправлена ошибка в ф-ции transferFrom контракта StandardToken (см. п.1. предупреждений)
в функциях контрактов явно указаны модификаторы видимости
оптимизация в функции mul из SafeMath, немного уменьшающая потребление газа
в контрактах BasicToken, StandardToken, BurnableToken в функциях transfer, transferFrom и burn добавлены проверки входных параметров, не сжигающие весь газ при неудаче: проверка на перевод на нулевой контракт и на то, что значение для перевода/сжигания меньше баланса и допустимой для перевода суммы

Поле digits в токене обычно делают типа uint8, это поле не описано в ERC20, но было предложено в ERC223 ( В примере на ( и в библиотеке Zeppelin Solidity в примере ( используется именно uint8

Реализовано в<Ссылка>

3. <Ссылка>

В технических характеристиках токена указано, что контракт токена должен иметь такие функции как «Передача прав владельца» и «Являются Ownable». Для контракта токена это не сделано, но может понадобиться, если будет добавлена функция сжигания токенов в контракте самого токена.

4. В механике работы контракта есть упоминание «срока годности» контракта (который составляет 365 дней). Это не реализовано.

5. В комментариях к тех. описанию написано, почему не была реализована подпись тремя людьми действий с контрактами. Обычно, чтобы эти минусы были неактуальны, делают возможным совершать действия, подписанные не всеми владельцами. Например, подписанные двумя владельцами из трех.

6. В комментариях к тех. описанию написано, почему не было реализовано распределение средств на кошельки. Но узнать баланс любого адреса довольно просто:

7. <Ссылка>

Нет проверки на количество переданного эфира, можно купить 0 токенов.

8. <Ссылка>

Заглушки ADDRESS_FOR_TOKENS, ADDRESS_FOR_ETH, START_DATETIME — плохая практика, т.к. потребует модификации кода перед развертыванием, что чревато ошибками.

9.  <Ссылка>

modifier onlyOwner избыточен в Crowdsale

10. <Ссылка>

Бессмысленная строчка. Кроме того, rate по-умолчанию равняется 0 и его установка не контролируется перед/во время начала crowdsale — это чревато тем, что если забыть или не успеть его установить, пройдут платежи, за которые будет начислено по 0 токенов.

Необходимо указать в инструкции о необходимости задать rate в этой строке до деплоя контракта и выделить визуально.

Реализовано в <Ссылка>

👉👉👉 Пишите ЛС.
Если что ... )))
10  Local / Бизнес / Re: Escrow сделка на эфире on: August 10, 2018, 09:35:50 AM
хотим понять во ообще в природе такие есть.
11  Local / Бизнес / Re: [Ответ на вопрос] Сколько стоит #биржа on: August 10, 2018, 09:35:17 AM
покажите пару примеров
12  Local / Бизнес / [Ответ на вопрос] Сколько стоит #биржа on: August 10, 2018, 04:24:34 AM
Неужели это такой большой секрет?
Почему обязательно просят подписать NDA?

Мы команда разработки.
Офисы Киев, Лондон.

Примеры работ

Бюджет: от $49000

Есть демка.

>>> Пишите телеграм
13  Local / Бизнес / Escrow сделка на эфире on: July 25, 2018, 01:26:04 PM
Сервис безопасных сделок на базе смарт контарктов.
Расчеты в крипте.

Или штучный смарт.

Заказчик депонирует средства средства. Исполнитель получает только после выполнения обязательст.
Защиты работы, получения товара.

Киньте пару ссылок. Пока толкового ничего не нашел.
14  Local / Бизнес / Аудит безопасности Blockchain проекта on: June 06, 2018, 02:36:55 PM
Аудит ICO / Blockcahin проекта. IT аудит безопасности.
Открываем новое направления аудит IT безопасности в сфере crypto / blockchain.

Формируем MVP. Нужно Ваше мнение.

🔥Независимый 🔥сертифицированный ИТ аудитор.

Какие есть боли, потребности?
Что вы уже покупали, проверяли, перепроверяли в части аудита?

 - аудит смарт контркта.
 - пентест (Испытание на проникновение) лендинга, личного кабинета
 - ....

👉 Накидайте побольше в коменты.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Developer’s advices to ICO investor. on: May 02, 2018, 09:43:49 AM
Thanks for your advice guy. It's good and useful for newbie. I strongly agree that ICO projects must public their smart contracts on Github for everyone can audit. And it will be better if   there is a third party will audit their smart contracts. Some ICO don't have clearly information, no public smart contracts, no infor about total supply...etc

Unfortunately, this happens often
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Developer’s advices to ICO investor. on: March 04, 2018, 09:16:30 AM
Simple Escrow contract

Schemes of work:

•   Once the customer deposits money for the contract, then his address is remembered and the contract starts counting down 12 days
•   If the developer called failedByDeveloper, then the money is returned to the customer;
•   After 12 days, the contract will count the period for another 5 days. During this period, the customer must make a decision. If the task is completed, the customer should call completed. Then the funds are transferred to the developer on the wallet. If the execution of the customer is not satisfied, then it should call orderNotAccepted;
•   If the work is not accepted, the contract gives another 5 days;
•   If the customer has not made any decision after the expiration of the safe period of five days, the work is deemed to be performed and the funds go to the developer for the purse.

Scheme when a dispute arises:
Terms of dispute
•   The developer did not call failedByDeveloper, thus not saying that the work was not performed;
•   The customer prohibits withdrawal of funds within 5 days of the day using orderNotAccepted. The contract extends the safe period for another five days.

Terms of dispute resolution
•   The developer called failedByDeveloper. Thus, the developer agreed that the work was not performed and the funds go to the customer for the purse they came from earlier;
•   The customer called completed. Thus agreeing that the task is completed and the funds go to the purse developer;
•   The customer did not extend the disputed period until the current orderNotAccepted function terminates.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Developer’s advices to ICO investor. on: February 26, 2018, 08:23:58 AM
What to look for in the Whitepaper?

The first ICO I invested in was the Polybius project. For me it was more of an experiment than an investment. How did I find out about this project? Of course from ads. But why did I decide to invest my money there? After some time, being already an "experienced investor", I noticed that every project I analyze primarily WhitePaper. When people tell me about a new project or give a link, I do not consider landings and do not read the comments in the chat rooms. Even being a programmer, I do not climb into the code to look. First of all, I'm looking for the WhitePaper section. It was the well-made made WhitePaper that allowed me to determine my decision for the first time.

In due course I have generated the list of those requirements which I present to the project interesting to me. These requirements can help not only a novice investor. They can be guided by the development team ICO.

1.   When will the ICO begin? In general, the fund-raising process can be in several stages. But we'll talk about a project with one stage of the ICO.
2.   What is the motivation system for investors? The most popular now are two stages. Bonus for early investment and bonus for the amount of the invested air.
3.   When will the ICO end?
4.   Team. Very important part. Who creates the project and what kind of experience they have. And of course links to profiles in social. network.
5.   The main idea is transparent in a few words. This section is for the investor. The section should be short, transparent and without project-specific terminology. If the description of the idea takes more than a page, then something went wrong. For technical details and for geeks there must be another section. Most investors will not understand your formulas. If it is not clear, they will close and will not remember or postpone until next time, which is extremely unlikely.
6.   Necessarily those. details. Section for developers, engineers and geeks. These guys will carefully analyze each line, check the numbers, and then still ask a lot of questions in the chat support.
7.   Comparison of existing projects.
8.   What problem does the project solve?
9.   Motivation to invest is the point of buying tokens. What will I benefit from this?
10.   When is the benefit expected and how will it be distributed?
11.   Why tokens will go up?
12.   Link to the smart contract code.
13.   Who are the partners or advisors.
14.   Stages of project development and background, what has already been done.
15.   Which exchanges will the tokens come out on?
16.   Estimation of the market. At least approximate with the plotted graphics.
17.   On what and how will investors spend money.
18.   Where is the company registered?
19.   Will there be an escrow?
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Developer’s advices to ICO investor. on: January 18, 2018, 05:40:25 PM
Hey, hero10! Someone posted a reaction (quoted below) against on this thread, Could you say some feedback about it? Thank you.

These ''" are impostors, stay away from them as they have copied list of our projects ''". Kindly do market research before hiring any development team as many of these teams are fake.


The post was ignored consciously. This is our partner from the old team. Just black PR.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Developer’s advices to ICO investor. on: January 18, 2018, 12:39:29 PM
In the light of recent events, the question became urgent: How to understand that your position on crypto-currencies suffers because of market fluctuations, and not because of the whims of speculators?
It's very simple, but some ignore the simplicity of this advice.

Open the capitalization of the Crypto-currency. This is a good metric for understanding where the market as a whole is. Next, move to your crypto-currencies.
Having seen the place of the crypto currency that you are interested in in the general rating and evaluating its neighbors, you will receive very important information about the effectiveness of your crypto currency in competition with others. This information will allow you to draw conclusions about the current situation of your position. If the coin began to lose its place in the global capitalization rating – perhaps, this coin is influenced by fundamental factors or a speculative element. If the crypto currency keeps its positions in the rating, while losing in the price - do not worry, maybe this is only a global market fall.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Developer’s advices to ICO investor. on: December 26, 2017, 01:43:56 PM
We will develop bespoke ICO according to your project.

Topic with our projects and discussion.
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