Wallets must be unlocked for "staking only" to allow bands to run / show... so basically each week after my system reboot I need to remember to do this less a workaround can be found. That aside, I can easily live with the connection issue this band not starting thing was what kept me awake last night !!!
So yes IGS, wallets need to be "unlocked" for staking only for bands to run after a wallet restart, unless your "anyone" is dumb enough to run an unencrypted band.
Edit: Soon as I unlocked for staking only was mere seconds before it popped up in the band list:
I just got reward from masternode with locked wallet, so...
Ehh, who knows have you stopped your client for a period of 10 mins or more, restarted it and done NOTHING ELSE to see if your band starts up and shows in the band list ?
I just closed it, restarted it. Did't unlocked it, my band was there in band network and after few minuted I got reward with locked wallet
Hows it started and what's in your conf file, if you have one.
All I know is when I restart a client, it needs to be unlocked for staking only.
Edit: Your reward that showed up could have also been delayed in the chain which meant it was coming anyway...
I will let you know if I get another one