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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 01:19:06 PM

But i'ma troll your sorry thread, while i look at these complaints and see if i can find a counter suit for him.

Just saying, i tried to warn you.

Actually you are trolling the thread, supposedly made by Mr. Santos in which no one has come forward as owners of in order to prove any of the claims being made which could be done but hasn't.

He was seeking damages, btw he has 1000 s5+ units and that not so magic 600 A2's i mentioned.

We just don't care anymore, and i told you.

What 600 A2's? I'm pretty sure people have been asking for proof for like a year with 0 proof so if you have some actual proof of mining then please enlighten everyone as to this insider information you are withholding.

Want proof file with us at the FBI, you can do so here:

id just love to see what kind of stuff you have against this man, though it takes a few minutes online...
I'll look at your case and prolly laugh like i am at you right now. You all wanted someone to visit him, and when he shows his face you call bullshit? Try harder next time. It took an investigation. Your spam of the sec claims form was tipped to me shithead.

If you don't want an investigation i can simply close my mailbox and laugh at you here instead.

Still don't believe then don't i won't bother reading you claims they're giving me a migraine anyway...
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 01:11:29 PM
I'll tell you what not many of these are really interesting, which is why i really was just taking most of you for a spin.

I still don't know what makes morons tick. But i do know they are terribly fun to manipulate on a forum, LOL...

But from your complaints, there is not any evidence permissible i court. We only have a handful here, the guys at the SEC had a mess to clean. It's taken them a week to organize you bullshit.

Good thing we got it when we did...These are pretty far fetched. By law i can't quote from them but, oh boy, would i just love to throw you nonsense right back at you...

To be very clear: Pay your fucking taxes and maybe we would care. Some of us are good citizens and do not seek to dodge the law. And those who lose "not money" simply have none.

Santos didn't provide you a taxable form. And therefore any and all fraud involved is gone. Not to mention, He has plenty of miners...Still I'm wondering if any of you in this posse ever did try to locate him.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 08:35:37 AM
also ima point out that the first couple paragraphs int no poof = poof of none in you sig is honestly full of shit.

I get the feeling those are attempts at words you are trying to form into a coherent sentence.

Play any game long enough and you win.

Still struggling with basic math I see. Boy does life have some treats in store for you if you genuinely believe that statement.

i see you can multi task congrats...

and i have plent of success with my beliefs, but you don't have the devils luck

i have everything i want and need, i simply need someones brain to play with and you play like a violin...

and until crypto is successfully out of beta, I'ma drive this account so far into the negatrust zone it'sa bust...

these forums aren't trust worthy, the fact is, alt coins are not profitable...Maybe as an investment from some other currency like btc, but this entire subforum is factually stupid.

When it does finally become profitable to do crypto, you will never see me again, but you will see a guy just like me...
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 08:34:46 AM
my dad

Nobody gives a fuck about what your Dad thinks, kiddo. There are plenty of grown-ups in this thread who are capable of dealing with the actual authorities themselves.

You talk about how the word 'Ponzi' comes up with red squiggles on your screen when you type it, how the hell is your text so badly spelled if you actually do have a spell-check running? 'Payed' isn't a word.

IMO, you're either a sock-puppet, desperately trying to derail this thread, or you are an attention seeking kid with numerous personality disorders. Here's a tip, when you are rightfully being hauled across the coals for every post you make being so dreadfully wrong, it is probably time to quit this thread.

And nobody gives a fuck what you say incl. friends. that little anti scrypt peace of shit is still floating on top in the toilet bowl. I guess I have to take it out with a fish net and feed it to the dogs.

Hi again Satan what took you so long...
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 08:11:19 AM
I really do want to hear satan's remarks on my thinking pattern of this scam.

I perhaps don't know what more of a definition i need to be told, but seems he doesn't need a definition to be constant. If a ponzi is a scam in which money from investors is payed to other investors, and this site has the potential to keep all investments, I'm still gonna say that greed is a bigger manipulator than need, and santos at first mighta needed suckers, but now he's just geeding them...

If any body has an answer that makes greed less desirable than need in this case, im open to suggestions.

But the devil like my dad:

Prolly shouldn't try to mess with A real demon Grandpa...

not derailing it proving it, and you need correction therapy...

also ima point out that the first couple paragraphs int no poof = poof of none in you sig is honestly full of shit. Play any game long enough and you win. I bought into in may and was out by july with substantial profit. If it is so hard for late comers to profit, then i'm an exception to your rules.

And that means that if is a ponzi, then i have won all of your coins, and if you have not invested then you hold no stake. Still gonna say the site is full of shit, but why not keep all of those shiny btc to himself and give back what he currently is???
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 08:01:24 AM
Kenny the TOS of the site say that this site make money MINING ALT COINS ....


so i presume that KHS is = to KHS because i assume that there is a mining company. but is impossible if you look at mining power chats of alt coin like LTC that there is mining operations active, no evidence when the power outtage happened (as declared by the admin) that in altocoins power happened a visible decrease in Kh/s o Mh/s or whatever you vant to call it.

Look at ad if you find a huge slip in power on the dates of power outrage, i can accept that scamsantos is mining. elesevere is all a joke and you gain money from other people, that don't know that is a fraudulent site, depositing btc, so you are a robber like the admin.

I played with this site and exited months ago, (at a loss), when i realized that there is no mining activity because i'm not a person who will gain money from other in a fraud way.

Okay first, Santos is real on paper.

Second, I have said this all along.

Third, If you want a warrant, show probable cause, as I'm your only kind of link to any sort of inside access.

And finally, If Santos is mining, then he is not mining??? Sorry little hard to follow the last bit.

Mining = Mining, not fraud. If you did pay attention, his power bill has not changed, and now he has more miners.

If for any reason, somebody has any objections to shutting him down now's the time. Equally, I'ma start trollololing cuz no one has anything besides "Hes a fraud 'cuz we say he is, and that's a fact!"

And to your big ass bold letters, go home. no money here. Go find job. We no support illegals.

You want to earn money, go find employment. Cryptocurrencies are still a proof of concept if you didn't realize.

I have a real job in a real world and i'm on cryptocurrencies by more than two years, i'm only here to warn new people not to invest in this NOT mining company, a TOS say something tha is not real, also if you don't want to believe in it. Silly child. Watch real numbers and do math and you will find that this is the truth..... bye you are to much stupid to continue to talk to you "ignore mode on" bye bye.

If you want to insult me try harder, if Bwnr and satan couldn't, neither can you...
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 07:56:06 AM
Ponzi is a person's name. It is who "Ponzi scheme" is named after. You seem to remain convinced that Ponzi scheme did not occur.

Some people have pulled money out of successfully. Where did that money come from? It has been pretty well demonstrated that it did not come from mining. If it was earned through some other legitimate business activity, or if it came out capital reserves held by (that is, the guy paid investors profits by reaching into his own pockets), then we don't have a Ponzi schme. But both of those seem really unlikely, don't they? It seems much more likely that investors who actually received money received it because it was stolen from other investors. So although it is possible that there was no Ponzi scheme, I cannot think of a realistic alternative source for the money that was paid to some investors.

Sorry I'm aware that "ponzi" is a name, didn't say it, meant that it is a bunch of squiggles on my screen when it comes up. I'm not debating that the money payed to people who have received it from somewhere, and the question is where, not how. I simply look at this from my perspective as the stupid little greedy fuck that i am, and scratch my head trying to understand how it is that i can get all of this money people send me for a "Mining" service, and just redistribute it. I *COULD* go buy a few real miners, and therefore cover my tracks, and play it all cool like i have a specific number, and keep all the money for myself, and give to users from what the stupid boxes are making. I think to my self how sneaky i am, and how i was once just giving all of my money away for free.

This is how i look at it. Why give back for free what has been given to me, and not instead make even more and simpley gve back even less. Perhaps there is a point to the ponzi Scheme in which i missed that makes it more profitable than near 100%.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 07:32:01 AM
I should probably point out to all BTC is worth fuck loads more than LTC.
Suggesting Scrypt is a ponzi would rule out the "Greed" factor for the admin.
Perhaps the PSA on every page should be changed to address the issue that is taking all coins as profit.

Any sort of "Profit" generated by any "Mining" is undercut and overwritten, and is there fore not a ponzi. In a ponzi you have the chance to pull out your money. does not permit this. It is not a provable ponzi, and indeed provably fraudulent, and guilty of theft. has enormous wait lengths on deposits, where as the should be quick, they may take several hours.

When and, indeed if, a withdrawal occurs, it is processed within 24 hours, plenty of time to do much more than simply pay in someone else's funds.

If the only solution is "Ponzi" this "Ponzi" that, then where have all of the user's "Skip the large deposits" gone?

Shill me again, and negatrust mah butt, but if no one addresses the issues that exist, then i take it upon myself to keep you fools in check.

Is that why the site only accepts BTC? Surely a site that invested in mining LTC, or variants, would accept LTC as payment.

Of couse, when I say invested in mining I mean doesn't have a single fucking miner and it's all bullshit.

No, he took your BTC, gives you shit and runs. The mining he does does not cover all expenses and IS a bunch of bull fucking shit...Up to speed please.

Edit if it was a ponzi, and it can't pay out like it needs to, then it shuts down to not go into the less then desirable zone.

In order to offset it, and "Pay" any kind of shit, he has to have anything coming in, doesn't matter how big/small it is, as a bank keeps only enough for expected withdrawals on hand. So why would any body do a ponzi in the first place? It has a less than desirable profit, and can easily go sour quick. For SCC to remain this long into the game is simply unthinkable with no revenue from any other source...

which leads me to believe your point of embezzlement was more accurate prolly should stick with that, until we can find out.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 07:30:19 AM
When the leaderboard was still up I noticed that 20 people seemed to control 70-80% of the supposed 500 ghs. My obvious conclusion was that the 500 was total bunk, more likely it was at least 2-3 times that floating in the market. So, at some point the operator simply had to write off most of that overissued khs or lower the reward drastically. Actually he has done both by now.

which still does not prove it is a ponzi, writing off more is fraud, of the forgery kind?

not sure on the last bit, but to me sounds a bit more realistic for a solution that encompasses all issues than there really being a ponzi scheme.

If i was the admin, id be mining some shit take all your coins and give back what the miners are worth, and that is more acurate, than admin giving you or anyone else any one else's btc...

Maybe Bwnr and satan want to call me a shill again???

There is no ponzi but plenty of fraud abound, and i never said he was legit, so my negatrust, is full of shit...

It,s basically a penny stock scam but in crypto clothes of course. He,s been issuing stock for 18 months now and so massively that the price per unit has fallen from 144000 sat. initially to 80 now. And that 80 is after a one for a thousand reverse split, think about that.

It is likely more than one type of fraud. I can think of three things right off the bat that at least warrant investigation:

1. They sold mining services that they did not provide and likely never intended to provide. (Regular fraud)
2. They appear to have paid profits to some investors with funds that belonged to other investors. (Ponzi scheme)
3. They probably converted investor funds into funds for their own use. (Embezzlement)

And that doesn't even touch on possible SEC violations.

1 and 3 i do agree with, and perhaps im not aware because this thread is a nightmare, but 2 seems a bit of a maybe. I'm not too clear on who got payed who's money, and i'm not sure without an in depth investigation with more power than a forum has, it will ever come to light without relying on the other two.

as for 2, people have been payed, and any form of large sum has maybe been from the embezzlement side, as to simply skid just shy of an immediate take down.

If i can convince people that there are more than one option available and not every small detail has to come from their tiny limited scope, and the apologize by getting rid of my ridiculous negatrust (seriously need to copyright that...), i will attempt to bring this to an actual investigator, to uncover a ponzi if it exists.

BTW Ponzi comes up a lot on this thread...It is not a word...
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 07:10:20 AM
Take it and go elsewhere...

Or, you can do what many US-based 'investors' are choosing to do and go visit this link to report the criminal fraud known as

add that to the next psa would ya and get off my back...

edit: still gonna say that any agency won't touch it with a 10-foot pole after silk road, But you can always complain. my dad was pissed at how it got botched...

He still doesn't like the crypto world, but is moving on.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 07:08:21 AM
When the leaderboard was still up I noticed that 20 people seemed to control 70-80% of the supposed 500 ghs. My obvious conclusion was that the 500 was total bunk, more likely it was at least 2-3 times that floating in the market. So, at some point the operator simply had to write off most of that overissued khs or lower the reward drastically. Actually he has done both by now.

which still does not prove it is a ponzi, writing off more is fraud, of the forgery kind?

not sure on the last bit, but to me sounds a bit more realistic for a solution that encompasses all issues than there really being a ponzi scheme.

If i was the admin, id be mining some shit take all your coins and give back what the miners are worth, and that is more acurate, than admin giving you or anyone else any one else's btc...

Maybe Bwnr and satan want to call me a shill again???

There is no ponzi but plenty of fraud abound, and i never said he was legit, so my negatrust, is full of shit...

It,s basically a penny stock scam but in crypto clothes of course. He,s been issuing stock for 18 months now and so massively that the price per unit has fallen from 144000 sat. initially to 80 now. And that 80 is after a one for a thousand reverse split, think about that.

And still no ponzi. I see a real comparisson to "penny stock" in there, He's just taking all of the money. Who, might i ask, wouldn't???
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 07:06:37 AM
I should probably point out to all BTC is worth fuck loads more than LTC.
Suggesting Scrypt is a ponzi would rule out the "Greed" factor for the admin.
Perhaps the PSA on every page should be changed to address the issue that is taking all coins as profit.

Any sort of "Profit" generated by any "Mining" is undercut and overwritten, and is there fore not a ponzi. In a ponzi you have the chance to pull out your money. does not permit this. It is not a provable ponzi, and indeed provably fraudulent, and guilty of theft. has enormous wait lengths on deposits, where as the should be quick, they may take several hours.

When and, indeed if, a withdrawal occurs, it is processed within 24 hours, plenty of time to do much more than simply pay in someone else's funds.

If the only solution is "Ponzi" this "Ponzi" that, then where have all of the user's "Skip the large deposits" gone?

Shill me again, and negatrust mah butt, but if no one addresses the issues that exist, then i take it upon myself to keep you fools in check.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 06:51:50 AM
I sent about $10 worth of bitcoin to a couple of months ago, before having read any of this information. I kind of forgot about it until today, when I checked the site and found that, even with "auto-reinvest" on, my account is only worth about $8.00. I would like to investigate the nature of the $2.00 loss, but I have no transaction history older than two days - it has all been deleted. So all I know is I sent 0.04 BTC, and I now (allegedly) have a pending withdrawal for 0.036 BTC. I suspect I may have, like many others, mysteriously lost 37 KHS, and also suffered the devaluation after the change to MHS. Not that it matters, because there are no KHS or MHS, and there is probably very little BTC left, either.

The reason I bring this up, though, is that even if it were not a complete scam (which it is), and even if my 0.036 BTC withdrawal actually goes through (we'll see, but I'm not holding my breath), it wasn't profitable to begin with, at least for me, over the last two months or so. If you're going to make up a fake mining service in order to attract money from people so you can steal it, you ought to at least make it look profitable on paper.

Thanks to those of you who did the work necessary to demonstrate the scam.

It has been devalued to no end. There has been no evidence that this site has taken it and given it to someone else, just the most commonly accepted theory. For $10 months ago to be worth 8 bucks you should pull out before it gets devalued any further.

The issue of you money not being worth as much has been described here as well as else where, The proof supporting that it has been given to any one else has not...

Obvioulsy, though, my money has gone to someone else. If I sent 0.04 BTC, and I now only have 0.036 BTC, then 0.004 BTC has gone to someone else. I guess that what you mean is that I have no proof that someone else stole it. But I don't want to put words in your mouth. Is that what you mean?

not quite i mean he took your money for himself. Your money was his when it got to him. Anything after is what you have left. Congrats, if you leave it it might grow and then never withdraw, people have that issue i don't.
If you pull it out now you have what you have. Take it and go elsewhere...
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 06:47:35 AM
When the leaderboard was still up I noticed that 20 people seemed to control 70-80% of the supposed 500 ghs. My obvious conclusion was that the 500 was total bunk, more likely it was at least 2-3 times that floating in the market. So, at some point the operator simply had to write off most of that overissued khs or lower the reward drastically. Actually he has done both by now.

which still does not prove it is a ponzi, writing off more is fraud, of the forgery kind?

not sure on the last bit, but to me sounds a bit more realistic for a solution that encompasses all issues than there really being a ponzi scheme.

If i was the admin, id be mining some shit take all your coins and give back what the miners are worth, and that is more acurate, than admin giving you or anyone else any one else's btc...

Maybe Bwnr and satan want to call me a shill again???

There is no ponzi but plenty of fraud abound, and i never said he was legit, so my negatrust, is full of shit...
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 06:43:56 AM
I sent about $10 worth of bitcoin to a couple of months ago, before having read any of this information. I kind of forgot about it until today, when I checked the site and found that, even with "auto-reinvest" on, my account is only worth about $8.00. I would like to investigate the nature of the $2.00 loss, but I have no transaction history older than two days - it has all been deleted. So all I know is I sent 0.04 BTC, and I now (allegedly) have a pending withdrawal for 0.036 BTC. I suspect I may have, like many others, mysteriously lost 37 KHS, and also suffered the devaluation after the change to MHS. Not that it matters, because there are no KHS or MHS, and there is probably very little BTC left, either.

The reason I bring this up, though, is that even if it were not a complete scam (which it is), and even if my 0.036 BTC withdrawal actually goes through (we'll see, but I'm not holding my breath), it wasn't profitable to begin with, at least for me, over the last two months or so. If you're going to make up a fake mining service in order to attract money from people so you can steal it, you ought to at least make it look profitable on paper.

Thanks to those of you who did the work necessary to demonstrate the scam.

It has been devalued to no end. There has been no evidence that this site has taken it and given it to someone else, just the most commonly accepted theory. For $10 months ago to be worth 8 bucks you should pull out before it gets devalued any further.

The issue of you money not being worth as much has been described here as well as else where, The proof supporting that it has been given to any one else has not...
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 06:26:28 AM
What new investors?

Every single 'investor' who sent money to after the very first 'investor' did is a 'new' investor. The crime has already been committed, Kenny, so the continuing existence of the website to this day serves as a handy start point for investigators to work their way backwards from. cannot suddenly make themselves legit, Kenny, money earned from having lied to people in order to get them to 'invest' is known as the 'proceeds of crime'.

As for
Quote from: PoorKenny
That by definition, is not a pozi cuz he did provide a mining source.
Fractional mining isn't an excuse, kiddo, it's a crime. You can't sell more mining power than you actually have, that's fraud.

Goodness, you really are extraordinarily uninformed about these things.

 so then you proved my point???

good boy fraud is fraud ponzi is ponzi.

lying to earn a profit is fraud. Paying people with money from your lied about mining is still fraud.

good to see you really don't have a brain this is getting us somewhere.

Try proving this one right in an attempt to denounce it. is not a ponzi. It is a fraudulent investment firm, providing false earning data, when they indeed have less...

How, btw is this shilling, still not clear.

Quote is not a ponzi. It is a fraudulent investment firm, providing false earning data, when they indeed have less...

i posted it twice so you get a second look kay...

edit: also fine details like KHS vs kh/s make the biggest of differences. A jury of laymen see th "/" in there and see it as something else. Probably have been to jury duty, just not for a case that ued that to it's advantage...I don't really recall what it was about i kinda slept some, i do know i didn't know what it was and the guy walked.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 06:10:20 AM
ask : withdraw is working HuhHuh??
the front page says the withdrawal script has been fixed.
If you want to leave better do it quick while the getting is good...

withdraw working but im not sure this service will be long life

and to be fair to ThePhwnr just once, no scam will live forever.
and regardless of if this is or not, the owner is changing tactics but nobody will listen.
I see 850 GHS one time and i see 6000 the next.
Scams need to change and evolve as the player base is in flux at all times.

why you continuous defend ?

Actually i just described what i believe is... i edited my post a ways back up the page. And you should read you fuck...

You start by telling me how the hell calling it out as a scam is there by defending it...

I cal BS.

so not problem if you get neg trus t?;u=494425

I got negative trust for pointing out santos has miners, he simply does not call it 1:1. That by definition, is not a pozi cuz he did provide a mining source. The question indeed is not how he came by it, but how he misled.

TheBwnr and SatanFish refuse to accept this. And i will not go away.

I can't give a fuck if you trust me cuz i see untrustworth fucks all over this tread.

Who trusts a man with his Erection hanging out of his pants, and you don't shake hands with the devil.

edit i have never defended scrypt nor have i stated bitmain was at fault for selling their own proprietary mining hardware, perhaps maybe bitmain, but TheBwnr can't read that many sentences without blowing his brain.

By definition, i can't possibly be a shill, by Satan's definition i still can not be a shill. asking that you lot step up your game, just enough to be up to speed, is not, will not be shilling.

I'm told to look stuff up. mayhap you lot could read all of your thread from scratch for me kay...
I'ma not do it seems i'm already little farther along than you are...
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 06:06:25 AM
To be clear yet once more: was not, is not, won't ever be a ponzi.

Ponzi Scheme

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.

Jesus, Kenny, try and at least make the effort to understand the shit you're involved in.

What new investors? There are no new investors. The old ones left cuz you said they did. So did i leave anyone out? Not seeing the bigger picture here.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 05:53:08 AM
fnurgle . . . panic . . .more fnurgle . . . more panic . . . fact-dodging "I'm not going to respond to that thread proving the lies" fnurgle . . .weird "My Dad is a cop" fnurgle . . ."so there, bitches" fnurgle

Uhuh, yeah you sound legit, Kenny. We'd better stop alerting people to this scam because, you know, fnurgle or something.

Way to disprove the math in my thread, by the way, awesome rebuttal.

lol, keep talkin smartass...
he ain't the only one ya know...

edit: i also find it funny how you try your damnedest to turn me away.

Oh well guess you coulda done a better job. Santos is not going down.

You got shit. Every bit of you evidence is so far out of date it can't be used to pinpoint anything

And sadly I'm laughing at a man who really wants to see a small business shut down. You would be surprised just how many people would be against you.

If you want him shut down it's a long uphill stroll right in the path of the boulder that is society.

I listened to your "Math" once and i looked like a fool. You refute any other math that can be calculated as fantasy because MHS is megahash per second, but it might well be "Marcelo's Hash share." your math does not compute yet mine does. He has changed his game. And you are not up to date.

This whole debate has me quite tickled actually. If you have any other fairy numbers to swing from you magic wand i'm sure your fellows would take them hook, line, and sinker.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Scrypt.CC | Scrypt Cloud Mining on: September 03, 2015, 05:52:17 AM
Kenny the TOS of the site say that this site make money MINING ALT COINS ....


so i presume that KHS is = to KHS because i assume that there is a mining company. but is impossible if you look at mining power chats of alt coin like LTC that there is mining operations active, no evidence when the power outtage happened (as declared by the admin) that in altocoins power happened a visible decrease in Kh/s o Mh/s or whatever you vant to call it.

Look at ad if you find a huge slip in power on the dates of power outrage, i can accept that scamsantos is mining. elesevere is all a joke and you gain money from other people, that don't know that is a fraudulent site, depositing btc, so you are a robber like the admin.

I played with this site and exited months ago, (at a loss), when i realized that there is no mining activity because i'm not a person who will gain money from other in a fraud way.

Okay first, Santos is real on paper.

Second, I have said this all along.

Third, If you want a warrant, show probable cause, as I'm your only kind of link to any sort of inside access.

And finally, If Santos is mining, then he is not mining??? Sorry little hard to follow the last bit.

Mining = Mining, not fraud. If you did pay attention, his power bill has not changed, and now he has more miners.

If for any reason, somebody has any objections to shutting him down now's the time. Equally, I'ma start trollololing cuz no one has anything besides "Hes a fraud 'cuz we say he is, and that's a fact!"

And to your big ass bold letters, go home. no money here. Go find job. We no support illegals.

You want to earn money, go find employment. Cryptocurrencies are still a proof of concept if you didn't realize.
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