virtual money is a great promise and maybe the future of exchange for people, anyways, anywhere. no govern to reclaim (taxs for politics spend in their greeds), no rules against self-trades.
but to this happen in health self-responsability is required.
scams like it... seems. (2-3 weeks? well... hackers exist and if there is that anounement... its a possibiliy...; destined to naives or good faith ones; depending of true of these proclaim of wait)
its dangerous to people that trust and invest their coins (time; finally) on sites like this (people that manage this acounts behind) but meanly to these... manager. because their security became... bully. by all people damaged (and akash keep all web-features, traces to search and found... hiders).
so... please (you... that keep with you our deposits and promisses and; you hachers that... scam honest investidors..,) please..
return. to owner the amount that arent yours.
lets play fair.
thats my adress;
to when you; remember. my deposits. or any one that want deposit to decrease my cry about these losses
thank for atention
Peace and Harmony
Prosperity and Valour to all