I believe a good start would be a store that deals in good that members of the community either produce themselves, trade themselves, or have a common interest in. I for example make artisan tools like tomahawks and knives in a wood forge. I have sold these for between $100.00 to $600.00. A Bitcoin "etsy" would be great place to start, and it would be a great way to allow micro transactions to spread those BTC's around.
This is an important part of any currency's success. Right now, Bitcoin relies heavily on being transferred back to more used currencies because of how many purchases we make day to day with other currencies. We make those transactions in other currencies because there is no
reasonable place to obtain those goods or services with Bitcoins.
Right now, the best thing for Bitcoin's stability and life is to try and rely on using Bitcoins only and not sell, but
buy Bitcoins. This demand alone will produce positive impacts on Bitcoins.