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1  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Auflistung von Splits, Forks, AirDrops etc on: January 05, 2018, 12:15:00 PM
Hallo zusammen,

Ich suche eine Auflistung von allen Forks, AirDrops, Rewards über alle Crypto Coins der Vergangenheit. kennt jemand eine Webseite dazu ?

Also um zu verdeutlichen was ich meine:

ca. 25.07.2016 --> ETH 1:1 ETC
ca. 13.10.2016 --> NXT 1:1 ARDR
ca. 30.04.2017 --> ZCL 1:1 ZEC
ca. 01.08.2017 --> BTC 1:1 BCH (bzw. BCC)

Was auch noch interessant wäre: Welche Börse denn Split, Fork, etc mitgemacht hat... und zu welchem Zeitpunkt das war.
2  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 09:30:05 PM

And maybe I pushed the discussion to the wrong side: the client-side.

But my discussion was on Client HTTP <-> API layer.
So we lost time all of us. Good  Cheesy

Yay okay. As you said, there are different ways of implenting stuff on the client side. Synchronous calls, sending a request and waiting for
the response. and so on. Sending the request and asynchronously waiting for the response. So far we do agree Smiley Just different styles
of implementation. Indeed all the exchange API's I know so far are implementing simple request/response pattern. But thats a different topic
and not the point where the discussion started.

@deisik brought up this BTer async thing Smiley And I do not plan to implement BTer so I don't care about the behaviour that much. have
some thoughts on my own, but that is just speculating how they implemented their API.

PS: lost 3hours I could spend in coding  Shocked
3  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 09:13:38 PM
I've never have seen a 202 response code either.

And maybe I pushed the discussion to the wrong side: the client-side.
For me the more interesting part is the BTer server-side
and the behaviour @deisik described. Still thinking about what he said Smiley

PS: Despite all a nice discussion so far Smiley
4  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 08:56:03 PM
To come back to the topic  Grin

Yes, I tried several bots in the past and this made me the decisson the implement my own trading platform. I'm not talking
of a "bot" anymore.

Each bot I tried, had its issues and parts I wanted to improve: different strategies, faster execution, diving into new technologies etc.
Here's a list of bots I tried:
- C.A.T.  Wink
- SpreadBot (a German project)
- leoArdo
- poloniexlendingbot
- currently having a close look how gunbot is performing
- and some github open source projects I forgot

5  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 08:36:57 PM
hm.... might mixing things up of the transport layer, the protocol layer and how an exchange API is implemented.
For sure there is a connection established when I want to invoke the API. But the http requests and responses do not have
to be synchronous.

There are tons of simple examples of working with REST Api's in a asynchronous way, e.g.:

Future<Response> response1 ="")

Future<Response> response2 ="")

// now you can do other stuff or sit and wait till you have both responses.
6  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 08:27:23 PM
In other words, you have to synchronize your requests with exchange replies. If trading api is synchronous as is the case with most exchanges out there, you can't send a new request without having received the reply from the exchange (i.e. without your previous authenticated request having been processed by the exchange). If you just send a new request, no matter what, you will get an error. If some dude is claiming that he has deep understanding of real exchanges' api's (note that I don't mention any bots here and neither did I say a word about them before in this respect since I'm talking exclusively about api's obviously), he can't possibly not know about this as well as not know that a certain exchange (in this case, Bter) allows asynchronous requests if he claims that he knows the api of that exchange. That's basically the point I was trying to make

I think there was a lot of misunderstanding in the last couple of posts from both sides Smiley

The same point I didn't get: How do you know, if bter is internally working async or sync. This is not visible to a client. And  I don't care how they work internaly, as long as they are fast and reliable. You already said it... If bter accepts a request with a higher nonce before a lower nonce . something ist not working as it should in my opinion

This is called asynchronous mode of operation

There is no problem with that since no one forces to use this mode. If you need to wait for a reply, you just wait and that's all there's to it. I don't know how it is done in Java (since I'm mostly developing on C++) but you can tell which reply refers to which request, so there is no problem either if you want to use api asynchronously. For example, you can send a new order request and at the same time, without waiting for a reply to this request if I remember correctly (I don't use this exchange for over a year already), send a few other requests cancelling a bunch of other orders. For example, with Bifinex api you can easily cancel a few orders with just request, but at other exchanges (e.g. at Exmo) you have to cancel each order individually and wait till your cancellation request gets executed. Otherwise, you will receive an error if you just send a bunch of requests simultaneously

You are totally right and same in java. I'm doing my stuff in exactly the same way Smiley
7  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 08:12:16 PM
In other words, you have to synchronize your requests with exchange replies. If trading api is synchronous as is the case with most exchanges out there, you can't send a new request without having received the reply from the exchange (i.e. without your previous authenticated request having been processed by the exchange). If you just send a new request, no matter what, you will get an error. If some dude is claiming that he has deep understanding of real exchanges' api's (note that I don't mention any bots here and neither did I say a word about them before in this respect since I'm talking exclusively about api's obviously), he can't possibly not know about this as well as not know that a certain exchange (in this case, Bter) allows asynchronous requests if he claims that he knows the api of that exchange. That's basically the point I was trying to make

I think there was a lot of misunderstanding in the last couple of posts from both sides Smiley

The same point I didn't get: How do you know, if bter is internally working async or sync. This is not visible to a client. And  I don't care how they work internaly, as long as they are
fast and reliable. You already said it... If bter accepts a request with a higher nonce before a lower nonce . something ist not working as it should in my opinion.

@deisik but it is an interesting way, to work with the bter private  API. thanks for the hint. besides that, nearly every exchange has some undocumented stuff hidden in their API.
8  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 08:04:50 PM
hmmm.... you may be mixing things up. But I dunno want to start a new discussion.
People might have different definitions of sync, async, threads, callbacks ,etc.

The point is,  that some steps in order execution must be done in a sequence, and other steps could be
done asynchron and parallel. It's all about optimization. (order execution is a sub-optimal example)

Most API's do have a roundtrip of about 500ms to 1s or even more.  e.g. If you now want to check e.g. market summaries of 150 altcoins hat polo,
you can do this in a loop and your done in about max 150s. Or you can fire 150 requests in parallel with some kind of client side rate limiting to not
exceed 6 req/sec. (no im not doing it in that way Wink just an example)  and subscribe to the results. The rate limiter is aware of backpreassure
so, between firing the request and the response might be a long time. you won't block any thread. but in the total you have all the results in a
much shorter time.

And your are totally right with "good programming practise makes you decide about what to use". agree to that.

To answer your question what my program is doing: Crunching and analyzing a shit load of data Cheesy
9  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 07:19:49 PM
Quote from: Sampey
BUT, i'm pretty sure you can agree with me that if you write a Trading BOT, you will use REST API Sync CALL.  Grin

No, definitely not... I hate blocking threads and waiting 2 seconds for a response from the exchange ...
sure, I need the result of my request at some point, but not in a sync  

So you create order without get the OrderID, or you cancel orders without wait for return code.
What kind of bot did you deploy?  Smiley

the way I do it: Sending a request to the exchange and async subscribing to the response.
You might read about reactive programming... or event driven architecture, or or or or as you are in an java environment, keywords are:
vert.x, akka, RXJava just to name some frameworks...

The only thing "deisik" wanted to clarify, is that RESTful endpoints are not synchronous by definition, as you said in one of your posts. You are using
them in a synchronous way, and thats okay. no problem with that.
10  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 07:10:35 PM
Quote from: Sampey
BUT, i'm pretty sure you can agree with me that if you write a Trading BOT, you will use REST API Sync CALL.  Grin

No, definitely not... I hate blocking threads and waiting 2 seconds for a response from the exchange ...
sure, I need the result of my request at some point, but not in a sync 
11  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do you use a bot for trading? on: February 03, 2017, 06:57:31 PM
Quote from: Sampey
the way you manage the API Call inside your Client it's up to you, but the HTTP CALL from your Client to API System in a REST environment is Sync.

A RESTful endpoint can be either synchronous or asynchronous.
As the C.A.T. bot is implemented in Java, you might have a look into JAX-RS 2 specification.

The limitation to send more than one request at a time, is at most exchanges the "nonce".

@Sampey: Here is one explaining async REST Services implemented in Java:

But the whole discussion is a little bit cherry-picking into details....
12  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Trading + Lending auf Poloniex on: January 18, 2017, 10:54:37 AM
Sowas manuell zu machen, loht nicht wirklich. Der Ertrag steht in keinem Verhältnis zum Aufwand. Wenn du dir nen Bot dafür programmierst, der das dann automatisiert macht,
könnte evtl was rum kommen. Vor paar Wochen war Stella Lumen ne zeitlang auf bis zu 5 % (pro Tag) und das sogar für nen längeren Zeitraum. Da hatte ich spontan BTC gegen
STR getauscht und diese verliehen. Der Kurs von STR ist dann zwar nach untern gesackt, aber hat sich inzwischen wieder erholt. Hatte auch zwischen durch dann meine Zinsgewinne
wieder veräussert.

Was man halt generell sagen kann, wenn die Interest Rate nach oben schiesst, passiert das ja nicht ohne Grund. Im Prinzip bedeutet es dass Leute "short" gehen, d.h. auf
fallende Kurse spekulieren...
13  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: BitCoin Trading Bots on: January 13, 2017, 12:33:36 PM
Ich "klinke" mich mal mit ein.
Ich selbst Trade nicht, würde aber gerne mal 2-3 Bitcoins dafür verwenden.
Mein Favorit: Arbitrage. Zumindest bei den aktuellen Preisschwankungen sollte da doch was machbar sein (Kranken <-->

Kann jemand eine ehrliche Antwort geben, ob da überhaupt nach Abzug der Gebühren (Auszahlung und TradingFees) noch was übrig bleibt?
Einen entsprechenden Bot könnte ich selbst entwickeln...

Arbitrage ist durchaus möglich. Aber glaub nicht dass du da alleine bist. Das machen schon sehr sehr viele und das auch schon seit sehr langer Zeit.
siehe auch zu dem Thema.
Kann man auf beliebige andere Exchanges übertragen. Wenn alles so einfach wäre, dann würde es die low-hanging-fruits nicht mehr geben Wink

so geschätzt würde ich mal sagen, dass auf zwischen 5 und 10 Bots unterwegs sind, die alle Arbitrage machen.
14  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: BitCoin Trading Bots on: January 13, 2017, 12:21:43 PM
hast auf deiner Liste den SpreadBot vergessen:

Und hier zum Forum:,302.0.html

Mit Bot's ist halt so ne Sache... Glaub da steckt man zu viel Hoffnung rein... Und was viele nicht bedenken:
so ein "fertiger" Bot kann auch durchaus Minus erwirtschaften kann.

Wenn du mit was simplem Starten möchtest, dann kann auch durch aus der PoloniexLendingBot was für dich sein.
Im Schnitt 0,02% am Tag momentan.

Und zum Thema Arbitrage gab es erst vor paar tagen einen Thread, in dem es @Serpens66 ganz gut erklärt hat.

und wenn du manuell noch nie getradet haben sollest. dann denke erstmal nicht mehr über Bot's nach. Die nehmen dir
das denken nicht ab, sondern unterstützen nur dein Trading.
Die Performance der Bots hängt enorm von der Konfiguration ab, und wenn man da nicht weiss was man macht, fährt
man schön sauber Verluste ein Wink
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