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1  Economy / Economics / Re: Russia Leaving Global Banking System: Dumping US Dollar for Gold on: April 26, 2017, 08:12:02 PM
I read in an article:

Zionists of usury risk being faced with the greatest Jewish curse that exists. It will be proved that this century of absolute "success" was not "blessed" by God, as they believed themselves and those who watched them but "cursed". They were the "elect" of God, but not as they thought. God, because of their sick greed, was cursed to win ALL, to lose ALL. Just because we are talking about God, ALL means the whole world, and nothing could mean at best a single "kibbutz" bed in Israel.
When we see the descendants of Rothschild with property some onions in a "kibbutz", then the "curse" will be completed ...

2  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is taxation theft? on: December 29, 2016, 01:42:19 AM
Run George, run... You can run but you cant hide from IRS!  Grin
3  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 18, 2016, 06:02:14 PM
The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism - Dr. Russell Blaylock Lecture
4  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How to survive in dictatorship? on: December 16, 2016, 11:11:19 PM
How an authoritarian political system can survive from the Fourth Estate (the press)?
5  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How To Help Sodomites? on: December 13, 2016, 08:57:10 PM
Do you think he needs help?  Grin
6  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 13, 2016, 08:32:14 PM
Vaccines Can Cause Infertility
7  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 13, 2016, 03:45:45 PM
This thread is indicative of the looming realisation that anti-vaxxers are losing the scientific argument, so they attempt to turn it into a moral freedom issue instead.  Whatever it takes to promote the warped notion that it's okay to be a selfish egomaniac, even if your choices have a negative impact on other people.  The good news is, Darwin is still the hardest working dead guy going, so if the anti-vaxxers want to willingly thin out their own numbers through sheer ignorance and selfishness, Darwinism will happily oblige.  Just try not to harm other people in the process by infecting them with something, or dying at the wheel and causing an accident or whatever.  The sooner you remove yourselves from the genepool, the better.  Try not to reproduce.  And don't force your idiocy on any offspring that are unfortunate enough to be brought into this world by you.

Well, Darwin was wrong. For example the powerful dinosaurs extinct and weak species survived.  Grin
8  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 11, 2016, 07:20:02 PM
9  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 11, 2016, 12:10:19 AM
If a doctor inject into your blood mercury, aluminum, msg and formaldehyde it is a criminal operation. But where is the police?
10  Other / Archival / Re: I'm really leaving the U.S. for a 3rd world country because of politics on: December 09, 2016, 07:07:43 PM
I'm very happy that i don't live in the "vaccinated" US.
11  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 09, 2016, 06:43:52 PM
Vaccinia is an acute infectious disease caused by vaccination. Vaccination is the inoculation of child or adult, well or sick, with septic matter (pus) derived from suppurating (festering) sores on the abdomen of a previously infected cow. I think this definition is incomplete in an important respect—I should have said that it is a criminal operation.

The disease dates from about the year 1774 when an ignorant and superstitious English farmer, Benjamin Jesty, vaccinated his wife and three children with matter taken from sores on cows suffering with cow-pox," using a darning needle with which to make the incisions. Jesty believed a superstition, then prevalent among the milk-maids, that, one who had had cowpox was immune to small-pox.

Notes of this daring experiment were made by a doctor Nash who died in 1785. At his death these notes passed into the hands of Mr. Thomas Nash who was acquainted with Edward Jenner, a notorious charlatan, who is credited with having "discovered" vaccination. In 1789 Jenner inoculated his eighteen month’s old son with swine-pox matter. He followed this with other inoculations of other children and the filthy practice of vaccination was definitely launched.

An English writer, Arthur Wollaston Hutton, M. A., says of Jenner’s framing and qualifications: "But his professional acquirements were but slender; his medical degree was the outcome of no examination or scientific work, but merely of a fee of fifteen guineas paid to the University of St. Andrews; while his other and more important distinction, his Fellowship in the Royal Society, was obtained by what even Dr. Norman Moore, his latest biographer and apologist, is constrained to admit was little else than a fraud."

Thus we have a filthy practice, born out of the ignorance and superstition of the past and fathered by an ignorant imposter and fraud, palmed off on the world today as a scientific procedure. It is really remarkable, the number of instances in the history of medicine, of practices and theories now in vogue, that owe their origin to ancient customs, traditions and superstitions.

It is not known how remote was the belief among the cow hands and dairy maids of England in the immunizing potency of cow-pox; but it is thought to have come out of the practice of inoculation which was introduced into England from the East, by Lady Mary Wortley Montague, wife of the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Court, in 1717. The practice was abolished by act of Parliament in 1840, due to its evils. In 1754 the Royal College of Physicians issued the following manifesto, which reads strangely like the statements made by physicians today about vaccination:

‘The College, having been informed that false reports concerning the success of inoculation in England have been published in foreign countries, think proper to declare their sentiments in the following manner, viz.: That the arguments which at the commencement of this practice were urged against it have been refuted by experience, that it is now held by the English in greater esteem, and practiced among them more extensively than ever it was before, and that the college thinks it to be highly salutary to the human race."

I mentioned that the inoculation practice was introduced from the east. The date of the origin of this superstitious practice is hidden in the darkness of pre-history. Savage and barbaric peoples, in various parts of the world, practiced inoculation. It is thought to have started in India. where so many of our superstitions originated, and spread from there to Africa and Europe.

See more:
12  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 09, 2016, 12:42:48 PM
Medicine and especially drugs and vaccines played no part in the fall in Scurvy death rates and the same can be seen for other diseases. Scurvy is a condition caused by a lack of vitamin C. Poor nutrition, particularly a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, can result in Scurvy.  Mortality rates fell dramatically as living conditions improved.

Typhoid and Scarlet Fever vanished without vaccines but with clean water, better nutrition, sanitation and living conditions.

This graph demonstrates that the administration of tetanus vaccine is likely to be pointless and puts children especially at risk of adverse reactions to the vaccines.

There is only one respect in which modern medicine could have had an indirect effect.  This came with the social reforms of 1947-48 which saw the introduction of the National Health Service.  Coupled with this was the start of the reduction in numbers of farm workers with the start of increased mechanisation and industrial scale farming in Britain after the 1939-1945 World War.  The numbers of farm labourers fell by half post war and the increase in mechanisation also reduced the chances of the injuries which were likely to result in tetanus

Fewer agricultural workers coupled with better access to healthcare would result in better treatment of wounds.  Tetanus thrives in deep wounds which are not properly cleansed.  So by having fewer agricultural workers and better wound care could reduce the incidence of tetanus cases.  So if the reduction in tetanus mortality in the 1950s is anything other than part of the continuing decline with better standards of living, those two reasons are the most likely explanations.

see more:
13  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? on: December 07, 2016, 12:14:09 AM
14  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 06, 2016, 08:14:28 PM
It is not strange that health improves when the population gives up using diluted sewage as the principle beverage.

– Dr. Thurman Rice, 1932
15  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 06, 2016, 11:58:28 AM
Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than unvaccinated children
16  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 05, 2016, 09:28:43 PM
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016)
17  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 05, 2016, 05:53:23 PM
Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years

The concept of vaccinating to immunize began in 1796, when British apothecary (pharmacist) Edward Jenner inserted cowpox pus under the skin of an eight year old boy. Jenner based his experiment on an unsubstantiated rumor that anyone who had experienced cowpox would be immune to smallpox.

England's incidents of smallpox after vaccination rose steadily from five percent in the beginning to 95% by 1895. There was even a serious epidemic around 1872, one year after smallpox vaccinations were decreed mandatory in the UK. The mortality rate among smallpox victims also shot up five fold around that time.

Despite intelligent protests with obvious facts and figures disproving efficacy, and proving harm from toxic materials and viruses contained in vaccines that endanger natural immunity, the inoculation for immunization premise has been maintained.

Protecting the industry against truth by attacking reasonable dissenters viciously has resulted in vaccine industry revenue of $17 billion annually today. This doesn't include revenue from doctors' visits for vaccinations and resulting ill health from them.

The vaccinators' tactics of suppressing scientific data from concerned professionals has become more mafia like. Sincere medical professionals who register health concerns over vaccines are severely punished and slandered by the medical mafia owned mainstream media.
18  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 05, 2016, 02:54:58 PM
guillain barre syndrome in Greece after vaccinated
19  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 04, 2016, 10:33:04 PM
Why the vaccines didnt stop the epidemic in Africa?
20  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuck your vaccines on: December 02, 2016, 09:14:58 PM
Many modern health “authorities” credit vaccines for the decline in disease and assure us that vaccines are safe and effective. But is that true? Take a close look at the following graphs and you will see the reduction in deaths from pertussis (whooping cough), diphtheria, polio and measles.

Notice that these diseases were virtually wiped out before the introduction of their respective vaccines! Rather the decrease in these childhood maladies weren’t due to vaccinations (as you may have been told), but were mainly the result of improved public health and hygiene (including sanitation and cleaner drinking water) during that time.
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