The ebook contains social engineering...
AKA: You will be committing fraud.
What a great addition to the Bitcointalk community. I can't wait to see your 4th post. /s
I have received a vouch copy from OP.
Sorry to sales thrash your thread, but you are leaking an ebook from HF. You are not the copyrighted owner, unless you proof that you are the person on HF that actually own the ebook.
I already have the thread link and will post it here if you don't proof it within 15 minutes.
Yeah i already know im not the copywrited owner buts thats not stopping me from selling it cheaper Sorry to sales thrash your thread, but you are leaking an ebook from HF. You are not the copyrighted owner, unless you proof that you are the person on HF that actually own the ebook.
I already have the thread link and will post it here if you don't proof it within 15 minutes.