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如果有两个虚拟货币在市场上竞争 真的是总算力越大的就越好吗? 算力的分散度就象支撑整个体系的基座 现在忽然基座要缩减到1/100 我们却认为这个体系还是稳定的,自欺欺人而已。
這種討論太多了. 但只有成功的虚拟货币才會有人願意制作ASIC (LTC也可以有ASIC, 只是成本高些, 但不是不可能), 如果有ASIC就是死路, 結論就是任何虚拟货币都是註定死路一條 印鈔只是挖礦的其中一個功能, 而這個礦也有挖光的一天, 將來挖礦的主要目的不會再是印鈔, 而是BTC使用者保護自己財富的手段. 而那些挖了就賣, 完全不懂BTC的人, 少了他們也不可惜 你的话错误很多,要是回到原点上再看BTC,会发现ASIC之后的BTC已经完全变了性质,嗯...明天抽点时间来好好写写。
如果有两个虚拟货币在市场上竞争 真的是总算力越大的就越好吗? 算力的分散度就象支撑整个体系的基座 现在忽然基座要缩减到1/100 我们却认为这个体系还是稳定的,自欺欺人而已。
南瓜那厮 根本就没把同胞当个事 国内快递这么方便不发,先发国外 现在快春节了,快递都只送不收 第2批国内5台起 这意思就是太穷的矿工已经没资格和他说话了 唉,嚣张到这样的程度不怕被LP
快过节了,真是很忙 闲下来的时候看看南瓜机的进展还是很有乐趣的 昨天晚上知道南瓜机开始第2轮预售,今天早上才有时间大概扫一眼 我觉得第2轮增加了一百台的原因是... 这些学校里做研发的从来不用自己的钱,不承担风险,也不担责任 所以一旦出现了一些问题,他们不会象正常做产品的一样自己承担后果,努力做好后续的来把钱赚回来 一个成熟的商人的思路是 我尽全力去做的事仍然犯的错误,如果别人去做多半也会犯错,所以为这错误付点学费是值得的 能在大量生产销售前发现这些错误就是幸运的 而一个学生之流的会这么想 我是高科技人才,偶尔犯点错误也正常 这些学费要那些2B来承担吧,卖方市场嘛,他们会买单的。 南瓜机器到底怎么样已经和我没嘛关系了,续写此贴只是看看我猜的对不对 我估计他的第一批机器发现了一些影响正常使用的问题 要修正这些BUG,需要额外的资金 导师是摘桃子的人,不会在这时候帮他 所以他要开始第二轮预售,弄点资金来修正第一批货的问题 马上就到春节了,只要拖到那时候,他就有一堆的借口延迟发货。然后可以从容的去改他的机器 只要最后这些机器能改好,所有的声音都会消失的 不过有个事他可能没经历过 做研发的时候一旦发现问题,后面就是一串问题,单独出现的很少见 改好了现在的毛病,后面的只能希望真的一路平安了。
in the first 2 hrs after i posted this thread, i reliazed miners just care about NGzhang's machine, if the machine's good, the rest is not important. 2 days ago, i posted another pic that shows NGzhang said "miner's just a ball", and that post was deleted without a msg or pm.
well, u think NGzhang's thought has nothing to do with his products. but u'll see it's not correct. when u find machine in ur hand made by NGzhang is a piece of junk plz dont say that's because of "made in China" the only reason is a guy who distain u made that and u bought it as a precious.
我对ASIC不了解,我说的是国内高校研发的现象 不过如果ASIC流片成功只是指的芯片,那离最后的成品还有很大一步要走 对于大的公司来说,外围可能不是问题,对那些学校里的家伙来说就很难说了 如果某个公司委托一个高校里的去做研发,只会把核心技术类的东西交给他们 作为一个成熟的商品,还有很多方面要做考量,公司内部的工程师可以尽量去配合高校研发的,但是不会把产品整体全部委托出去。 我看到AVALON的产品照片的第一眼就感觉和我们公司内部做调试用的自研设备一个类型 如果真有一个产品经理在过程中做指导,最后的成品绝对不会是这个模样 拿这样的东西往市场上推,如果是一个企业的行为,那就是在砸自己的招牌。 谁要是说或许看着不好,但是有内秀,那我真没法反驳你 不过我做过很长时间的研发,每年我们行业的展销会也看过很多,我只看到过做的好看但是不好用的 真的没有见到好用但是不好看的。 现代企业...谁还会相信酒好不怕巷子深?
和QQ群里大家的讨论不一样的是 我相信他们的确做了这个事 但是以我和高校研发打交道的经验,我很怀疑他们能不能拿出来成品
我觉得国内的研发是一个很不完善的体系 大企业里真正有能力又有实际经验的人成天忙的连网都上不了 即使知道这人很牛也找不到他 高校里的那批人谁谁都看不起,一个导师带着一堆学生到处捞钱,捞的到钱就是好导师,捞不到没人看的起 而且他们有个特点,因为他们自我感觉特别好,所以在合作研发的时候完全听不进去委托方的意见 委托方和导师沟通完了,导师不去和做事的学生讲 反正这活是你们求着我来做的 做出来好用委托方那是走运了,不好用你也没办法他们,反正钱必须是先给的... 国内研发风气不严谨我不敢说到处都是,但是不在少数 设计完的东西不做老化测试,出现些莫名其妙的问题就往别人身上推 要他们承认设计错误,推到重来那真的是很难
走题了... 南瓜这次发货的方法我很熟悉 我见过有人这么做,做出来的产品良品率低,就从矮子里面找高个的 拼凑出来几台最稳定的机器先拿出去 我和群里的也说过,我相信他发给JEFF的那个机器是工作的很完美的机器 一旦JEFF发了评测,后面的人哪怕拿到的是垃圾也只会认为自己比较倒霉 不过现在看起来,南瓜他们弄不好连一台好机器都拼凑不出来,哈,纯属猜测,再过几天看看我说的准不准吧。
Chinese customs hold the bag poorly customs
I presume that the Chinese customs inspectors don't steal the ASICs and start mining with them, so that might be your explanation of why the hashrate isn't rising before the first customers have received their product.
I know that a new computer product coming into China gets inspected for CCC compliance, but I wonder to what degree they care about a new exported product. It is a sort of crypto brute forcing hardware though, so if any technology arouses suspicion on export, it would be this.
this machine will not get CCC compliance for it's not on sale in public, it'll be export as a product for academic research or just for some test, Chinese customs very busy, no Chinese will mark a machine as for decryption, that will guild much trouble to u. and that's just the way i sent package to my customers, of course not ASIC machine. as i know, DHL from China to USA is fast, to Europe is fast, even to Africa just need 3-5 days, EMS is slower, but 7 working days r enough to any country. so...maybe the package is really shipped by a ship?
這就是NGZ所講的生態最底層, 眼前一點小利就滿意了, 是註定被剝削的一群; 這種只懂挖礦不懂bitcoin的礦工我也瞧不起.
Satoshi發明挖礦, 其中一個目的就是讓更多人可以有較平等的機會分享bitcoin. 將來Bitcoin挖礦競爭愈來愈大, 而且終會挖光, 這些中國礦工們卻一早以賤價把bitcoin賣光了, 將來中國在bitcoin經濟就沒有發言權.
你看整個中國不也是如此嗎? 富士康生產一部iphone賺不了1美元, 然後蘋果以800美元賣給中國人. 而中國人口老化令勞工成本愈來愈高, 土地成本也愈來愈高, 生產線已開始移往成本更低的東南亞國家; 那時候連1美元也賺不到, 環境也被永久破壞了, 中國還剩下什麼?
(看看btcchina的市場深度, 賣的遠多於買, 和MtGox剛好相反, 而且經常比MtGox低價, 就知道bitcoin在中國人眼中的價值 --- 也不錯, 可以讓我買到更便宜的bitcoin, 而且在香港存款到btcchina比存到mtgox容易得多, 手續費也低)
我同意矿工在BTC体系里是最基础的部分,但是我也知道矿工是最必须的部分,BTC这树不管长出来什么妖花,开的多么灿烂,哪怕真到了多少年后每个BLOCK没有新币产出,也需要矿工的工作来维持BTC系统的工作,那就意味着BTC的整个体系必须留出来盈利的空间给矿工,否则就是整体的崩溃。一旦把矿工作为盘剥的对象,就会对整体的稳定性产生影响。 如果BTC体系是有管理者的,我觉得他的首要工作就是维持矿工阶层的稳定性,既然现在没有管理者,就需要开发者和使用者注意这一点,象南瓜这样一边抽人家的血还一边说人家是2B的也就是学生了,要是这脾性在社会上混怕早被人废了。
别老闷头挖矿啊 玩技术活的别成了苦力活 多探讨一下BTC,有嘛问题也都可以说,国内随便哪个论坛想水就水掉了 到这了却这么冷清。
通胀和通缩我觉得不应当直接照搬到BTC或者类似的货币上 在说到通胀或者通缩时,有些默认的条件 1.该货币使用范围和人群相对稳定 2.该货币有最小面值 3.货币的总流通价值巨大,很难被投机者操纵
BTC在这三点上都和以国家信誉做担保的传统货币有很大的区别 所以至少在现在谈论BTC的通胀或者通缩是没有实际意义的 发行量起到的作用至少在现在并不是关键性的。
hey, it's me i said i wont reply, but i ate my tongue. because i realize i made a mistake. i post this issue and speak in a Chinese way. that means i just lift a corner of the mask, the rest need u to think more in that way. if u work in a Chinese company sometimes u'll get a strange question from ur boss but remember, no strange question from boss, never he must wanna say something else, u need to think more for that strange question. it's a funny game, only smarter can survive. u'll like it. to agree with me or not is not important, the market is the final judge. if i'm right, BTC will drop and LTC will risewhen btc drop to $10, i'll back to this post. good luck, everyone.
i'm not a newbie what in ur mind was also in my mind if u just see the title then reply and say it's a bullshit, forget this post or read through again. i have explain all, no more reply for this post.
guys i'm not talking about Avalon or bfl or any other ASIC machine
everyone in BTC area want BTC to be well known and accepted by the world. but how? before ASIC, we can say "everyone use same cpu or gpu and mining in a pool to get little btc and support the network working" but now we must say "everyone is mining with a machine, well, the machine is made a guy well known in btc world, the guy made all machines and he doesn't play the game." hey, am i talking about pyramid schemes?
if ASIC kick all GPU out, the market will never be a free market, for a long time it'll be in a mass and controlled by several ASIC manufactures.
i know my idea is very hard to be accepted when btc price raising. but if i'm right, u'll see the price drop down very soon when ASIC test report shown to public.
60G*300=18000G it's Avalon q1. and Q2 and bfl ASIC followed. guys, do u know what's total hashrate of the whole network now? when u say 51% not possible and need much money, use ur finger to make a calculation first.
If you throw enough money on FPGAs, or GPUs and electricity, today, you can also try to attack the network (if that's your main concern), it has always been possible with enough resources/enough money to spend, the thing is, that if you have that much resources/money, it's more profitable to be an "honest miner" than to attack the network (which doesn't make you any profit at all).
at the beginning i said anyone wanna make a 50% attack will pay huge money and get nothing, that's also what u r talking about. but manufacture of ASIC has enough source but no need to pay anything. because all machines just in his hand before shipping can u imagine the mint join in the market directly? who can supervise and control the manufacture of ASIC? NONE! ok, maybe u can say "i trust that guy" or all miner trust this guy. then back to my first point BTC sys not base on the trust on any human but math and logic. even all miners and developers trust someone is not enough.
i know of millions of people that buy gold and trade gold. but they dont mine it because its expensive to buy the machinery and too time consuming. they would rather continue with their regular day job and buy gold for other reasons, whether its for investing or for making things from.
bitcoin will be the same. hobbyists that gpu mine btc will start to either up their game and make it into a proper profession by buying / making their own bigger rigs or change their method of accumulating wealth.
much like gold miners had to upgrade from pan washing gold to using excavators and wash machines.. or they became gold merchants, trading mined gold which other people mined, for fiat currency and pocketing the profit margin in the middle.
bitcoin will be the same. you will notice more fiat exchanges pop up and other bitcoin related ventures. use this time to think up new avenues of income. EG google "drop shipping" and see if you can find legit products that you can sell for bitcoin without the hassle of packaging up the goods, as the supplier handles all that.
and if you truly want to help the economy and help increase future strengths of bitcoin. aim your plans at the outsiders.
try not to be a sheep making yet another gambling site that only those within the community will use, or another coin lending site only the community will use.all that will achieve is stirring the pot of cash within the same group of people. no wealth creation, just diluting wealth within the community.
and as for the identity of these secretive ASIC creators i think its now widely known that Sonny Vleisides and josh zerlan are behind BFL.. and their address.. you could probably find it..
but with that in mind about trust. do you know steve jobs or bill gates home address off the top of your head? yet people dealt with their companies without issue a few year back before they stepped off their CEO thrones for differing reasons.
i do agree that bitcoin businesses need to be transparent and honest as it creates alot of scepticism when they hide certain facts about themselves. and even now people are not 100% sure about BFL due to the vagueness of facts BFL decide to release. Which is totally understandable.
their PR does suck and i think aswell as miners having to up their game when asics come out, i think bitcoin businesses need to up their game too.
there are only a handfull of bitcoin businesses which i find great, and they are bitinstant, moneydealers, bitcoinstore bitpay. and strangely enough they are all linked together by certain people.
i think other businesses, oops i should say other hobby stores should learn from the legit businesses and up their game.
bitcoin is still growing, not dying. so look forward to change and roll with it.
thanks for reply, i'd like to discuss about it. if i'm wrong i'll be very happy. u talked about gold. but gold is different. in the ancient time, people like gold just because it looks wonderful and rare and easy to store. now we know it's really rare. but if alchemy can change something to gold. do u think gold it worthy? just like ruby and sapphire. several hundred years before, it was very expensive. but how about now? why? everyone like diamond, but any country has diamond reserve? why not? as a virtual currency. BTC must stand on the top of current technology. since GPU is not the most efficient way to mine, it'll be kick off sooner or later. ASIC is a good plan, if ASIC machine is made by TI and well tested for a year, that's great! but homemade? it's a nightmare. and...anyone can tell me why butterflylabs website is blocked by GFW?
i'm not talking about hardware or market i'm thinking about BTC sys. it was a perfect sys but now......
maybe i should post it to Economy discussion?
Hi Admin, dont move this post to mining hardware, i'm not just talking about hardware.
i noticed that every miner r looking forward for the ASIC machine and worry about their GPUs. why dont u worry about BTC itself?
when u join the BTC game, u must have asked urself a question "Is BTC trustworthy" the answer is yes because 1. BTC not base on the trust on any human even the creater but only math and logic. 2. anyone who wanna make a 50% attack to put many btc to his pocket will pay huge money and get nothing. 3. all miners r using same CPU or GPU made by INTEL or AMD, u'll never buy a 20% faster 5870 in any country, right? so the game is fair and trustworthy.
but when we focus on ASIC machine it's super faster than GPU and it's made by mom and pop store. the guy who make ASIC machines is just a forum id u dont know his real name, address or phone number, is he professional or just a liaer. u dont know if any time bomb or bug in the machine when many miners place orders for ASIC machine, some guy will have enough calculation power to make a 50% attack and dont need to pay a penny.
ok, let's back to the question do u still think BTC is trustworthy when ASIC or other fast homemade machines join in the game?
Man, I wish you guys used real imagehosts that are not blacklisted everywhere instead of what you use.
imagehosts u can easily visit r blocked by GFW.