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1  Economy / Investor-based games / Re: ►►► - Make Bitcoin Sleeping! Payouts every 8h until 250% on: July 07, 2014, 03:43:16 PM
If the webmasters closes the site he is stupid, he will loose a lot of potential money...
2  Economy / Investor-based games / Re: ►►► - Make Bitcoin Sleeping! Payouts every 8h until 250% on: July 06, 2014, 09:38:11 PM

For old and new investors when this countdown ends, the payout will be x3!
Example: If you deposit 0.2 you get back 4.5% (1.5*3) when this countdown ends.


Payments sent:
1st of the day:
2nd of the day:

Thank you,
James - Make Bitcoin Sleeping!


When will I receive this 4.5%....already new countdown has begun??
Same remark here, still waiting for the 4.5%, please tell us what is going on, thanks
3  Local / Mining et Hardware / Re: Conseils pour config à 5000€ environ on: January 11, 2014, 09:28:51 AM
J'ai 2 pièces donc ça ne me dérange pas, et je peux éventuellement investir dans du watercooling. Enfinjustement si vous avez des idées pour une config qui ne soit pas trop bruyante ou qui ne chauffe pas tant que ça je suis preneur :-) (et j'ai le sommeil profond, quand je dors rien ne peut me réveiller)
J'ai mon propre PC pour jouer, ce serait donc une machine dédiée que je mettrais sous linux.
Ce serait pour miner du scrypt, pas forcément du litecoin mais un peu de toutes les cryptomonnaies
4  Local / Mining et Hardware / Conseils pour config à 5000€ environ on: January 10, 2014, 07:00:37 AM

Je souhaiterai monter une machine avec un budget de 5000€ environ, auriez-vous quelques conseils sur les composants à acheter?
D'autre part existe-t-il des boitiers assez grands pour accueillir plus de 4 CG (je vis dans un 23 m2 donc je ne peux pas trop construire un vrai rig à proprement parler)?
Je suis conscient du fait que je ne suis pas sur de rentabiliser obligatoirement ma config, mais je veux vraiment tenter le coup...

Merci d'avance pour vos conseils !
5  Other / Archival / Re: Do you know legit websites to buy cigarettes online? on: February 16, 2013, 01:17:02 AM
Also, if you're looking for a little help when you decide to stop smoking, you could always try electronic cigarettes.  I had a boss who smoked them inside, but since there's nothing in them but a smoke-like vapor (it smells kinda stale compared to the real stuff but it's thick enough I'm sure), it was okay.

Yes, I think about buying a good electronic cigarette, if you know a good model please tell me !
Also Zyban (bupropion) works fine on me, I already stopped smoking once with this medicine and it was a lot more effective than nicotin supplements (patch, gum...) because it disgutes you of nicotin. But I decided to stop the medicine and I smoked again.
I'll try Zyban with electronic cigarette, it shoud be nice !
So if you know a good brand of electronic cigarettes it would be nice :-)

I smoke 2 packs a day, 6,5 euro for a pack in France, it's way too much.

But before stopping tobacco do you know a legit website where I can buy cigarettes with credit card (I just have no bitcoin this month)? There are a lot of them and for exemple is now a scam.

Thanks again !
6  Other / Archival / Re: Do you know legit websites to buy cigarettes online? on: February 13, 2013, 11:54:43 PM
try the silk road you can buy cartons for like .98 btc
I already know Silk Road, but there are trusted sellers for cigarettes on Silk Road?
Thanks ;-)
7  Other / Archival / Re: Do you know legit websites to buy cigarettes online? on: February 13, 2013, 07:31:36 AM
I want to quit smoking this year, I know it's bad, but for the moment I am smoking and it is a choice and I don't want to spend all my money in cigarettes... So i search for a legit tobacco website. So please respect my choice, i'll stop smoking soon but not now, and your pictures change nothing for me ( there are horribles pictures on every pack of cigarettes in France and I still smoke) !

As I said, I will respect your choice, but that choice often leads to premature death. Clearly someone with my opinion will not be able to direct you to a good store for purchasing cigarettes. Best of luck to you, and I hope you manage to quit. Your life will improve because of it!
I am not afraid of dying. If I stop smoking it's for the money. I have a poor life and my priority is more stopping alcohol.
But thanks for trying to help !
8  Other / Archival / Re: Do you know legit websites to buy cigarettes online? on: February 13, 2013, 07:16:21 AM
I want to quit smoking this year, I know it's bad, but for the moment I am smoking and it is a choice and I don't want to spend all my money in cigarettes... So i search for a legit tobacco website. So please respect my choice, i'll stop smoking soon but not now, and your pictures change nothing for me ( there are horribles pictures on every pack of cigarettes in France and I still smoke) !
9  Other / Archival / Do you know legit websites to buy cigarettes online? on: February 13, 2013, 01:09:46 AM

5 weeks ago I ordered 2 packs of cigarettes on and I didn't got anything, and they don't reply to my emails !
So this website became a scam... I lost 60 euro...

So I ask you, do you know legits websites to buy tobacco online?

Thanks for your precious help,

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