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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Scam Andrej Brda/Wili Clip,Gold Hunt,Fish Hunt,earn free lindens,Second Ads Life on: April 26, 2016, 01:29:04 AM
Hi all

Today i had a very nice visit from my local law enforcement, as i reported the IP attempted hack to police, today they have been out and taken a statement, i even admitted i back hacked him and they just laughed and said "well at least someone knows how to trace people".

they have taken a copy of my IP, and a copy of my hard drive (as its a business system and used all day i wasnt able to give them my system, so a backup of my hard drive still shows what they need, they also have traced the IP used to attempt to hack my system and can confirm (as they did it while they were looking at my system over thier radios) that the attempted hack came from where Wili Clip resides (as they also got it up on a police database where the ip is located).

they are going to intial reports then pass this over to the cyber crimes devision who will take this further not only here in my country (i wont say where i live as that will give away who i am in CapEx and easier for Wili to attack me) but also in his country, me thinks wili has really fucked it this time. As this is a business computer and runs all day with a hell of a lot of files on retaining to my business, i am also elegibale to take legal action against Wili for loss of earnings during my time protecting my system from a pathetic attack (toook about 3 seconds to protect it but actually took 24 hours to make sure he didnt get any info Tongue at 5,000$ a hour (yes im fking expensive) me thinks Wili is in trouble. plus on top of that legal fees and international fees between 2 law enforment offices.

i' ll keep you updated as i know more
2  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Scam Andrej Brda/Wili Clip,Gold Hunt,Fish Hunt,earn free lindens,Second Ads Life on: April 19, 2016, 08:41:59 PM
yea noticed you hidden hit to users only, why is that so you can log all thier IPs, interesting

Wili your not part of CapEx anymore, you need to stop posting about CapEx grow the hell up and find a new hobby, cause there is a lot of things going on in world to bring you down, your nothing but a down right scam artist and thief, and trying to make skip (the owner of CapEx) look even worse than you are.

So get a new hobby, your no longer part of CapEx, fook off and stop posting on your pathetic little forums, no one gives a shit. nor will anyone sign up to your forums to see you offer 0.0001L$ per share of ADS and SNUFF, why hide it, so you can log IPs of registered users and use it against them, which incidently is also against LL TOS, but you fail to realise that as rules dont apply to a big shot suck as yourself.

I know one grid that has already point plank refused you to enter and set a instant ban on the username of Wili Clip and also a ban on anything named what you currently have, and they are going to be huge, so your burning bridges Wili and pissing off a lot of people, even hurting CEOs that have a lot of money invested in CapEx and investors, but then you dont see as your doing nothing wrong cause your special and a such a big shot, well thanks to you 12 people i have talked to so far have lost the eqivalent to 2000$ because of your constant posting of crap on your forums, you need to stop, your making a LOT of enemys Wili Clip and fast.
3  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Scam Andrej Brda/Wili Clip,Gold Hunt,Fish Hunt,earn free lindens,Second Ads Life on: April 19, 2016, 02:01:09 PM
Andrej Brda, Wli Clip, Fiortec, chilixy and any other alt you want to use to post on this page to try and hide your scam and theft, are a piece of work i dont claim to be Anonymous as anonymous is a group of Hactivists, really should read up on what we do. and since you wish you attack me now in a patetic attempt to sghift things to make it look like your in the right and everyone else is in the wrong, lets see how your server handles more issues, some of your coins wont work for the next few hours Wili they will give errors and messages that you are a scammer Tongue might loose a few people today, do not try and mess with someone that knows more than you do.

As for saying im a diffrent person, may want to chq my ip, as im in germany, no wait, russia, wait, france, wait ah screw it, mine hidden the right way not by some poxy free proxy you use Tongue

your so easy to trace wili i am not even breaking a sweat.

Were also dealing with your forums host for breaching thier TOS as your forum lists real life names, with is against proboards TOS, as your to stupid and tight ass to set up a forum you use a free one so you will also be dealing with that today making them to thier TOS, shameyou seam to think rules of anyone else do not apply to you, what are you God?
4  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Scam Andrej Brda/Wili Clip,Gold Hunt,Fish Hunt,earn free lindens,Second Ads Life on: April 18, 2016, 03:57:25 PM
Hi all new to this

Just a update on information ive just found, and been following this a lot

ADS products and all items created by wili clip including fish hunt have been banned from certain regions, thats 80+ regions his products are already banned from with one estate

Today it is with much regreat that ive taken the dessision to exclude Fish hunt, ads banners, worm farms and any other items protaining to Wili Clip in secondlife from our sims and parcels.

I can no longer stand idly by and watch him scam innocent people out of hard earned cash (some are uploading to cover the costs) and his blatent attitude of "i could not give a flying fuck as long as i get paid" also his message to me of and i quote directly from the IM log "ban my items and i will destroy you, you will only hurt yourself, CapEx is already getting destroyed and im sending everyone notecards on it.

I do not tolerate threats of any nature on my sims or in my IM, nor will i allow this scam to go on any further, i also know a few other estates that are also banning his products today, so i am not the only one out there.

wili Clip was delisted on CapEx Exchange for breaking the rules, hes also been reported to LL on numorious occasions for now breaking LL TOS by running a skilled game (his own stock exchange) without a skilled licence, this is currently under review by a Linden (i will not give the name but they are a supervisor) as hes taking and paying for it by L$ which is against LL TOS.

his site has also numious complaints about it to "proboards" for breaking TOS on thier forums (revealing rl information (3 users rl name is actually listed), harrisment, intimidation are all against the proboards TOS)

As he was delisted from CapEx hes took it upon himself as he feels hes done nothing wrong (however evidence to his shady businesses practices are all on display for all to see at feel free to take a look and make up your own mind) he has decided to attempt to single handedly destroy CapEx Exchange, not only by hurting skip (the owner) but by hurting all the other share holders and CEO that are legit in there, by spreading lies and propergander (most are banding together to bring wili down, and 1 i know has a shed ton more money than wili ever has), his posts on his own forums (he claims are unbios and open to all) really only list the negative of other companys CEO that have already been delisted.

He also attacks Star and DBX for standing up to him, yet if you post anything bad on his forums he bans your account and deleates the messages, also keeps a copy of your IP used to register the account and lamely attack your ISP IP by use of a pathetic back door exploit to gain access to your computer, however mine is firmly locked (i know this as mine was attemted to be hacked from Lendava in Slovenia where wili clip resides) tough break there wili, i know what im doing and very easily tracked it back, by way how that viagra order going for you and those subscriptions to penthouse magazine (claimed your money back yet for the 33 months you signed up for lmao, 1st one should be arriving soon, and hows the porn pop up links, finding anything useful in there yet, nasty virus you have there Andrej Brda (yes thats your rl name as given to me by your own computer system database and username level)very nasty, might need a engineer to come take care of it, compleate reinstall of windows may stop it, hows windows 8.1 by the way, oh and tried microsoft office yet? nice little suprise for you there, oh and say hello to your girlfriend for me, very nice topless picture you keep in your documents folder, would hate to see that fall into the wrong hands, altho she looks like the back end of a goat to be honest with you and whats that top upper lip hairs is that a mustache, Wili you never told us you swing that way TongueTongue:P:P (lovely bit of photo editing, now she looks like Mona Lisa .. wonder who did that and look at those pointed elf ears, i bet your so proud to be dating that) , need to protect your files a little better Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue), also a few of the coins not working from the server named 'Gold 9'? comming up with errors that they are not avialable? woops my bad .... try password of i_am_a_scammer they may just start working again, dont try and lame back door into someones computer, if your going to do it do it right the 1st time dont go some half assed approach, DarkNet is your friend Tongue amazing what you can do in the Darkness Tongue ... wili tried to be the best, but the best is better than him the one thats better than him is actually a anonymous Hacktivist member, Wili got BURNED badly.


Anyway he deleates the posts to make it look like hes done nothing wrong and everyone is out to get him, he posts stuff on his delistment with info such as "we were wrongly delisted" "CapEx Owner in the wrong" "CapEx Owner breaks own TOS" to try and shift the focus, which really wont work. Wili you need to pay back what everyone has (altho that will prolly bankrupt you which is why your arguing so much as people want thier money from a delisted company) stop being a baby, find a new hobby and move on, grow the FUCK UP, you got busted, accept what you did and move on, look after your own company instead of what everyone else is doing, cause soon one may just take that comfort blankie you hold so dear to you away. You want to play with fire ... LETS PLAY i am game if you are, at least i do not drive a crappy fiat
(Plate number MS D7-819) ... i have a Mercedes Benz in my drive way.

ADS and Wili clip have also been permantly banned from a few Grids out there, so when SL hits the fan (as it will they are killing it off slowly) he will have no where to go, his IP has already been logged and passed around a few grid owners forums. (dont try and hack someone who knows more, kinda backfires Wili Tongue)

I do appologize for this and wish eveyone a happy SL without this scammer
Peace out *************

I removed the name of the one who sent it for privacy

it seams to me that Wili is making quite a few enemys in his hunger for cash and his greed, no one is comming to his rescue, instead they are all still hunting and taking away money that he could claim from accounts, he has a good system that a lot like, shame he does not think of other things like if i lowered what i take from each person then more would come and use it and i would make more money in the long term, instead its how much can i steal today.

Just a heads up on stuff
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