Hi all,
Freebitcoin is mentioned there and there. So I tried. And particularly multiply with HI LO game. It seemed honest (what they say), and I have technics to win with HI LO. Even if wondering how one can make a business with so easy winning technics. Well. Tried going manual mode a little. ok. Beyond probability statistics but manageable. So I tried auto bet. Doubled my deposit, going with very little matchs (100 - 1000). What is important in money games is knowing when to stop. So I put a stop betting at 1/4 of my money. Also checked don't refresh screen (because every hour it refresh to free coins screen so if you are on a big bet because loosing...sry for you). Also put a "stop betting after" when you lose x limit: stop:
Well 4 facts here: 1 is it realy possible to lose 13 times in a row when you have 47% winning ? 2 when you check "don't refresh page" it doesn't care 3 stop betting limit will never be accurate...at all. 4 when you reach at about 2 times your deposit, stop betting limit will simply stop working (not only inacurrate).
So you can try. And have a little hope. And a little wasted money. Up to you. By the way, I have sreenshots of that, will be posted there and there, and nothing to earn warning you with so long post.