I'm wondering, Is anybody else here having problems connecting to the suprnova.cc pool?
I'm getting the following messages: -
I'm getting the following messages: -
[2016-10-30 08:33:22] Stratum connection failed: Failed to connect to xmg.suprnova.cc port 7128: Connection refused
[2016-10-30 08:33:22] ...retry after 30 seconds
i'm using minerd on http://mining.m-hash.com without any problem, walleted over 16 xmg/24h/4 cores
Thanks Groggin.
BTW: Do you know that you still have a link to Cryptsy in your sig. Its been dead for ages =)
I always had lots of issues with supernova and moved to makikiners. The time it took to get 25xmg in superova I get about 33 on maximiners
Starmman I am browsing on https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=735170 but all the links to download a miners return "not found"
...the search continues