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Asensio and vazquez . give you something Ronaldo and bale dont.. Hardwork and trickery. Bale is still decent on the wings but Ronaldo is a total write-off on the wings. with him in the pitch we tend to just put in lots of crosses inside the box.
the positive news, hopefully make the bitcoin price soar up to 500% on this year (never drop under $1100 againn). and I will not sell a bitcoin I that have, maybe will buy more again.
Fast transactions. Easy to use and the best is no bank needed.I feel empowered using bitcoin .
For me is cheap fees, I'm very glad if you send to different countries only charge $0.2, if using a bank transfer for about $20. Bitcoin is the best payment method and beat paypal.
Very impressive comeback by Barcelona against poor PSG I didn't expect for that kind of result. I picked over 3.5 goals and Barcelona found it into 1st half easily there.
I expected Barcelona to win, that was safe bet, but 6 : 1 is surprise for me. More then impressive comeback I would say, and 7 + goals was great bet for brave people. After this amazing win I can say that Barcelona can go to the finals. Dortmund won without much trouble, 4 goals for them and next stage is waiting for them. I didn't doubt in them for a second, they are much stronger team then Benfica. I'm a Madrid fan, but I have to congratulate Barcelona on this victory. They never gave up, and literally fought until the last second, and this is why they are through to the next round. This is hierarchy in football. As for PSG, they should be embarrassed. This result has hurt not only their team, but also French football. Absolutely horrible from them. Enjoy your victory, Barca fans!
Here's a prediction, when anonymous payment system then it is very likely to make the transactions look illegal. porn sites, gambling, the sale of drugs and so forth will be increasing.
For the moment I am doing trading and cloud mining. When I find a new cloud mining then I immediately investing and referring to following through referrals. I helped a lot when I was getting referrer invest so I get profit.
Great news, I am glad to hear it, I know bitcoin about 5 months and I think all can we pay with bitcoin because it is simple, fast and cheap. Unlike the banks that are too complicated for inter-bank transfers.
I'm optimistic that someday bitcoin will be available in banks, so banks and bitcoin will cooperate. I never thought that any bank will disappear, including the presence of bitcoin.
For me the only count on feeling and opportunities alone, because I am also hard looking for tips and tricks to be able to win at gambling dice.
This seems easy, living our intentions and seriousness, if there are people who say no could mean there is no seriousness to stop. perhaps closer to the God is one way.
I voted for 22-30 because I'm still 24 years old. Perhaps I am late know bitcoin, 5 years ago I had heard news of the bitcoin, but I don't care because I thought the same as paypal.
This could have happened, just as much as we could be dead tomorrow. The most important is we must prepare the anticipation. Never keep too long bitcoin, soon selling if get lucky.
Agan mohon batuanx , ane kan newbie, g mn carax biar bisa ikutan signature campaign.. Bitvest gak menerima Newbie gan , signature bitcoin yg terima newbie hanya Let's think about the FutureDaripada agan cepat-cepat masuk signature campaign dengan rate yg begitu kecil , lebih baik naikkan dulu level agan setidaknya sampai Full Member (4Bulan account dengan post tiap hari) dan pastikan post agan selalu constructive dengan mayoritaskan English (tapi jgn terlalu dipaksakan). wah untuk ikut signature yang bagus kisaran 4 bulan ya, ternyata newbie benar2 harus berjuang. Tapi gak ada batasan posting perhari kan dalam 4 bulan setidaknya agan harus posting 1 post dalam waktu sehari . maka akan bisa mendapatkan pencapaian level yang sesuai. mendingan agan jerowacik cari signature campaign lainya agan sudah di kickout dari signature campaignya secondtrade jadi ga akan menerima bayaran lagi dari secondtrade kalau ga percaya bisa di baca di thread nya secondtrade secara langsung iya bener, iseng-iseng saya juga baca thread secondtrade, katanya sih sama dengan "sempak", ini petikan aslinya: i removed jerowacik from our campaign, because i think he use 2 more accounts .. jerowacik is the same user of sempak.
thank you.ada di: kalo boleh tau, si yang punya program signature campaign apa dikasih fasilitas khusus dari forum ini ya? jadi mereka bisa analisa siapa aja yang dianggap punya lebih dari 1 akun? atau hanya dapat warning dari moderator saja?
Dapetnya buat bonus tapi flashcoin-nya kak, bukan mega nya. Satu mega = 1,000,000 flash (satu juta), jadi dapetnya ada di kisaran (0.0002 - 0.012), buat itungan bonus sign up doang, itu udah lumayan banget sih, apalagi kalo nanti rate coinnya naik Berarti sign up di kita hny dapet Flash coin nya aja ya gan. bonus di dapat jika ikut signature campaign nya gan bukan signup langsung dapat coin, ikut signature campaign nya bayaran nya menggunakan bitcoin tapi ada bonus nya flash coin bonus signup untuk sr member keatas lumayan kalo di jual ke btc dan apa nantinya ga akan ada yang curang dan maksud ane disini takutnya nanti ada peserta campaign yang cuma ingin signup bonusnya saja dan apabila sudah dapat maka akan pindah ke campaign lain karena kelihatannya pas applying dan keterima maka flashcoin akan langsung dikirim Yang nekad mau kabur stelah dapet flashnya berarti udah siap kena negative trust. Kayak gitu istilahnya udah berbuat curang, jadi kalo ada member indo yg mau kayak gitu ane saranin "JANGAN" daripada kena merah2 diakun kan kedepannya ribet. Walopun kata agan Nahl klo flashnya itu kalo dijual dapet lumayan tapi ga sebanding dengan resiko yg mungkin didapat. Ya gan, jangan biasakan melanggar rule gitulah. Daripada kena negative trust, mending jgn kabur apalagi sayang bgt kalo dah sr. Member.