I have a suggestion for the site. I think you should merge the bonzai games and the regular win-streak games. As it is now, if you score a very high score in a win streak game, people will get scared away from playing that game, since they probably wont be able to beat the score, and if they do beat the score, then even fewer people will play it and they wont make any money anyway. On the other hand, the bonzai games always rewards a high score, since you will get the money when the time expires, but the starting pot is too low to make it lucrative for the players. I realize you can't have many dollars in the starting pot each hour. My suggestion is therefore that you change the games so that you win the prize in one of the ways; either if you reach the win streak, or if you are number one when the time expires (for example after a week). That way the players wont be scared away, since they will have a better chance of winning the gifts.
Edit: Also, I liked the free games with prizes a lot. You should do more of those. To really make your site better you need more customers/players, and this might be a good way, as well as my suggestion above.