I need help, or at least sympathy. Looks like I may well have lost access to all my BTC in an Electrum wallet. They're still there, but I can't send them anywhere as I have no password.
Here's the story. I installed Electrum in January 2016. As I was going through the installation, I got to the display of the seed and the password prompt, but opted not to set a password as at this point I had no intention of sending coins out from the wallet, but simply of transferring my existing coins from an old QT wallet and storing them long-term in the new Electrum wallet. I had assumed (wrongly it would seem) that if at some point the future I wished to send coins I would be then be prompted to set a password which would in turn enable me also to access the seed if I needed to. It seems unbelievable that you can send any amount of BTC to an un-passworded Electrum wallet and lose it forever, without being warned not to do so, nor prevented from doing so. I should add that leaving the password prompt blank when trying to access the seed doesn’t work!
So we have a situation where almost certainly no password was set. If I had set a password it would always have been meticulously recorded in my passwords file (where I compose all my passwords before copy/pasting them). I have checked my passwords file from January 2016, and tried all possible variants in it without success.
And as for the seed, I would have made no record of it, as I had assumed that this could be revealed at some future point upon creation of a password.
So no password, and no seed. Just the wallet file. Not looking good is it? Is there any way out of here? Or is it finally bye-bye Bitcoin?