Thank you for all replies.
I have some clues what the password may contain word-wise.
I have tried using the BTCRecover but I am not sure I am enough tech savvy to actually get it to work.
I have downloaded BTCRecover and I am trying to following this:
When I download Python I can't seem to find Python 3.8.5 with a MSI Installer. So I went with 3.9 and I made sure to tick the "Add Python to path". Then it asks you to insert a command, where can I insert this command 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt'?
Then it asks you to download the latest version of PyOpenCL for OpenCL 1.2 and Python 3. First I should insert the command of 'pip3 install numpy==1.9.3' in to Python by just copying it directly in to Python if I am not misunderstood?
I will then download the pyopencl‑2020.2+cl12‑cp38‑cp38‑win_amd64.whl file and navigate from cmd.exe to where I downloaded it and insert command 'pip3 install pyopencl‑2020.1+cl12‑cp38‑cp38‑win_amd64.whl'
and this for Blockchain:
I then test BTCRecover by using 'python -vv' command in Python to make sure it runs as supposed to?
Then there is also talk about PyCryptoDome and this example of Blockchain: