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1  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Master the Art of Crypto Trading: Support Our Education and Invest in Knowledge on: August 24, 2023, 08:18:47 AM
I already spent money for my courses. If I had an opportunity I could expand this course for free. I have already spent lots of money to create this content. If you want to double your community in BITCOINTALK or if you want to help people to understand cryptomarket you can donate.
I understand that it costs money to make great lessons, but it doesn't really paint a good picture for you if you're asking for donations like this. Maybe you can start a Patreon while you create content and offer exclusive benefits to your patrons. Alternatively, you can translate or use English as your lesson language instead. At the end of the day though, you should be aware that making educational content through Udemy needs time and resources if you want to make it profitable, such as spending some money on marketing through other means (creating YouTube videos, etc).

Thank You for ur advice. I dont really think that it will somehow show me from bad side. Everybody has a right to explain his point of view. I see my project development in this way . May be your variant is also good but I know that I will succeed too. Your variant is good for 90% of users. My variant is good for other 10% . Big whales want to expand market but its raising too slow because its very hard to teach ordinary man for cryptotrading. I have a formula that works. If they analyze my lessons they will be sure that it will work. Discussion with you actually, helping me to send them that information.
2  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Master the Art of Crypto Trading: Support Our Education and Invest in Knowledge on: August 23, 2023, 04:13:32 PM
Why the need to donate You're already selling this course, and you'll already be making a profit from the sales of your course, so why ask to translate to other languages your promotion to your course it's like asking to promote it for free without knowing if the course is really that good, I'll be more willing if it's a free course.
If you think your course is that good then why not offer a vouch to seasoned traders here in Bitcointalk?

I'm not going to get a vouch if you are going to offer one, but this is to prove that buyers here will get their money's worth Let seasoned traders check how good your course is.

Thank you for your qeustion. Here in Central Asia people are suffering from financial pyramids because of lack of true information. The sizes of cheaters are enormous. I want to translate with Neurodub and hire workers who will help me to enlight people all over the world. I already spent money for my courses. If I had an opportunity I could expand this course for free. I have already spent lots of money to create this content. If you want to double your community in BITCOINTALK or if you want to help people to understand cryptomarket you can donate.
3  Local / العربية (Arabic) / اجتاز فن تداول العملات الرقمية: ادعم تعليم on: August 22, 2023, 11:32:19 AM
عزيزي الأصدقاء،

نحن متحمسون لتقديم لكم فرصة فريدة في عالم العملات الرقمية والأسواق المالية - دورتنا المثيرة "اجتاز فن تداول العملات الرقمية". تم تطوير هذه الدورة من قبل خبراء ذوي سنوات من الخبرة في تداول العملات الرقمية على منصات تبادل العملات الرقمية وتحقيق النجاح في الاستثمار. هدفنا هو مساعدتكم على التنقل في عالم العملات الرقمية المتغير باستمرار وتعليمكم أساسيات التداول الناجح.

هدفنا هو تزويدكم بجميع الأدوات اللازمة لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة في السوق. نحن نقدم لكم ليس فقط المعرفة النظرية ولكن أيضًا المهارات العملية التي ستساعدكم على تحقيق استقرار ونجاح في تداول العملات الرقمية.

لجعل دورتنا أفضل وأكثر إتاحة لجميع المهتمين، نلتفت إليكم كجمهور رائع لدينا. دعمكم يمكن أن يحدث فرقًا! نحن نقبل التبرعات بواسطة بيتكوين للاستثمار في البحث المستمر، وتطوير دروس تفاعلية، وإنشاء مواد تعليمية محسّنة.

التبرع ببيتكوين لدعم تطوير دورتنا ليس مجرد استثمار في تعليمكم الشخصي ولكنه أيضًا وسيلة للمساهمة في جهد مشترك. كل ساتوشي تسهمون به سيذهب نحو تحسين جودة تعليمنا وسيساعدنا في نشر المعرفة لجمهور أوسع.

نحن نؤمن بقوة التعليم ونثق بأن المعرفة هي مفتاح النجاح في سوق العملات الرقمية. انضموا إلينا، واستثمروا في التعليم، ولننمو وننجح معًا.

نحن نرغب في ترجمتها إلى 50 لغة وجعل تعليمنا مجانيًا للجميع.

شكرًا لدعمكم!

رابط الدورة التعليمية باللغة الروسية:

عنوان محفظة البيتكوين: bc1q5gfv85s8lvaal9fkprgvkp59wsj53eg4865clw
4  Bitcoin / Project Development / Master the Art of Crypto Trading: Support Our Education and Invest in Knowledge on: August 22, 2023, 11:28:45 AM
Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to introduce you to a unique opportunity in the world of cryptocurrencies and financial markets – our captivating course, "Master the Art of Crypto Trading." This course has been developed by experts with years of experience trading on crypto exchanges and achieving investment success. Our aim is to help you navigate the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies and teach you the fundamentals of successful trading.

Our goal is to equip you with all the necessary tools to make informed decisions in the market. We offer not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that will help you achieve stability and success in crypto trading.

To make our course even better and more accessible to all enthusiasts, we turn to you, our amazing audience. Your support can make a difference! We accept Bitcoin donations to invest in further research, develop interactive lessons, and create enhanced educational materials.

Donating Bitcoin towards the development of our course is not just an investment in your own education but also a way to contribute to a shared endeavor. Every Satoshi you contribute will go towards improving the quality of our education and help us share knowledge with a larger audience.

We believe in the power of education and are confident that knowledge is the key to success in the cryptocurrency market. Join us, invest in education, and let's grow and succeed together.
We want to translate to 50 languages and make our education free for everybody.

Thank you for your support!

Education course link in russian language:

BTC wallet: bc1q5gfv85s8lvaal9fkprgvkp59wsj53eg4865clw

5  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Decentralizing Governance: Empowering Crypto Innovation for National Sovereignty on: August 17, 2023, 01:42:15 PM
My task is to launch the concept of an alternative government and show all the people that it is possible to vote without representatives, but directly.

And how can you make sure that as you bring blockchain technology into your country's systems, it doesn't end up giving too much control to just a small group of people?

The second stage is implement Smart contract into two Departments: National Statistic Committee and Central Election Comittee. Using these two departments third countries controling us. Thats why we became colony of big empire. Actually they want to create USSR 2.0. National Statistics Department is manipulating with numbers, we have agregared stats. As a result, we don't know where is hurting in government structures. With election they are choosing only loyal senators. As a result, they are selling our lands against will of people. Who go against they go to the jail. I am succeeded in enlightening people: How Blockchain will help us? Any financial support to my ledger will help to our community to struggle for freedom. You can check I am honest or not via this link:
I didnot sell our iron ore that cost 1 trillion USD while I was Director of Investment agency (equal position to Minister) . They want me to sign the agreement between Agency and Andrew Forrest the owner of Fortescue Metal Group, billioner.
6  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Decentralizing Governance: Empowering Crypto Innovation for National Sovereignty on: August 17, 2023, 01:40:26 PM
I think most of the things that you want to achieve with blockchain, it already being done by blockchain. You can seek for means that the government will legalize bitcoin and cryptocurrency then you realize that blockchain is already the technology for the new age.

I already did a lot in legalizing crypto herein Kyrgyzstan. The second stage is implement Smart contract into two Departments: National Statistic Committee and Central Election Comittee. Using these two departments third countries controling us. Thats why we became colony of big empire. Actually they want to create USSR 2.0. National Statistics Department is manipulating with numbers, we have agregared stats. As a result, we don't know where is hurting in government structures. With election they are choosing only loyal senators. As a result, they are selling our lands against will of people. Who go against they go to the jail. I am succeeded in enlightening people: How Blockchain will help us? Any financial support to my ledger will help to our community to struggle for freedom. You can check I am honest or not via this link:
I didnot sell our iron ore that cost 1 trillion USD while I was Director of Investment agency (equal position to Minister) . They want me to sign the agreement between Agency and Andrew Forrest the owner of Fortescue Metal Group, billioner.
7  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Decentralizing Governance: Empowering Crypto Innovation for National Sovereignty on: August 17, 2023, 06:48:47 AM
My task is to launch the concept of an alternative government and show all the people that it is possible to vote without representatives, but directly.
8  Local / Polski / "Władza zdecentralizowana: Wzmacnianie suwerenności narodowej poprzez innowacje on: August 16, 2023, 01:40:52 PM
Witajcie, drodzy przyjaciele! Nazywam się Daniyar, kiedyś byłem Ministrem Inwestycji w Kirgistanie. Chciałbym opowiedzieć wam o moim projekcie, KELKEL, który napisałem w 2020 roku. Główną ideą jest odzyskanie suwerenności poprzez wdrożenie zdecentralizowanego systemu blockchain. Udało mi się przekonać polityka przebywającego w więzieniu, aby zaakceptował mój program. Dzięki mojemu programowi stał się Prezydentem. Przed wyborami aktywnie promował pomysł wprowadzenia technologii blockchain do instytucji rządowych, ale po objęciu urzędu prezydenta porzucił wszystko, powracając do starych metod i monopolizując wydobycie kryptowalut w kraju za pomocą moich innowacji.

Poszukuję wsparcia społeczności. Jestem pewien, że chcecie zobaczyć quasi-państwo, w którym wszystkie idee społeczności kryptowalutowej ożyją. Możecie zapoznać się z programem na mojej stronie na Facebooku, korzystając z funkcji tłumaczenia z języka rosyjskiego na angielski. Będziecie również mogli zapoznać się z krótkim programem Prezydenta, który napisałem w całości. Potrzebuję waszego wsparcia, aby wdrożyć technologię blockchain!

Podsumowanie programu: "Ponadto, ważne jest podkreślenie, że integracja technologii blockchain nie powinna naruszać podstawowych praw człowieka, wolności osobistych ani prywatności jednostki. Potencjał innowacyjny technologii blockchain polega na zdolności do automatyzacji procesów, minimalizując interwencję człowieka - system komputerowy jest odporne na przekupstwa i niepodatne na negocjacje.

Daleko idące konsekwencje przyjęcia tych nowoczesnych technologii są rozległe i transformacyjne. Wieloaspektowe korzyści wynikające z blockchain obejmują wiele sektorów: ograniczenie i wyeliminowanie korupcji, podniesienie jakości i dostępności usług zdrowotnych dla naszych obywateli, zapewnienie niezrównanej transparentności we wszystkich aspektach rządzenia, ochrona integralności podstawowych danych statystycznych, budowanie niezachwianego zaufania do procesu wyborczego oraz walka z powszechnym problemem zanieczyszczenia środowiska miejskiego.

Dzięki wykorzystaniu potencjału technologii blockchain możemy dążyć do podniesienia ogólnej jakości życia dla naszych współobywateli. Należy dostrzec, że skuteczna integracja blockchain do naszej narodowej infrastruktury wymaga wizjonerskiego przywódcy, który posiada niezachwianą wolę polityczną do wdrożenia tych innowacji i zrzeczenia się absolutnej władzy. Taki przywódca stoi na progu prowadzenia kraju ku przyszłości oznaczonej postępem technologicznym, przejrzystością i odnowionym zaangażowaniem w dobrobyt naszego społeczeństwa."

Mój program:

Program Prezydenta:

Portfel BTC: bc1q5gfv85s8lvaal9fkprgvkp59wsj53eg4865clw

Należy także podkreślić, że w końcu podlegamy kontroli Imperium: wybory, statystyki, rząd - wszystko jest scentralizowane, nawet nie możemy wybierać naszych kandydatów, tylko lojalnych senatorów wybranych przez serwer. W rezultacie straciliśmy nasze ziemie, straciliśmy nasz duży zbiornik wodny, który przeciwstawiał się nam i jest w więzieniu. Sprzedali go!

Mam nadzieję na wasze wsparcie i wkład w wdrożenie technologii blockchain oraz osiągnięcie suwerenności narodowej. Z góry dziękuję za wasz czas i zainteresowanie!
9  Local / Português (Portuguese) / "Descentralização do Governo: Reforçando a Soberania Nacional através da Inovaçã on: August 16, 2023, 01:35:28 PM
Olá, queridos amigos! Meu nome é Daniyar, eu costumava ser o Ministro de Investimentos no Quirguistão. Gostaria de contar sobre o meu projeto, KELKEL, que escrevi em 2020. A ideia principal é recuperar a soberania através da implementação de um sistema de blockchain descentralizado. Consegui persuadir um político que estava na prisão a adotar o meu programa. Graças ao meu programa, ele se tornou o Presidente. Antes das eleições, ele promoveu vigorosamente a ideia de implementar a tecnologia blockchain em agências governamentais, mas após se tornar Presidente, abandonou tudo e voltou aos métodos antigos, monopolizando a mineração no país com as minhas inovações.

Estou buscando apoio da comunidade. Tenho certeza de que vocês querem ver um estado quase soberano onde todas as ideias da comunidade de criptomoedas se concretizam. Vocês podem se familiarizar com o programa na minha página do Facebook, usando a função de tradução do russo para o inglês. Vocês também poderão revisar um breve programa do Presidente, que escrevi completamente. Preciso do apoio de vocês para implementar o blockchain!

Resumo do programa: "Além disso, é crucial enfatizar que a integração da tecnologia blockchain não deve ocorrer às custas dos direitos humanos fundamentais, das liberdades pessoais ou da privacidade individual. O potencial inovador do blockchain reside na sua capacidade de automatizar processos, minimizando a intervenção humana - um sistema computadorizado permanece imune a subornos e é resistente a negociações.

As implicações de longo alcance da adoção dessas tecnologias de ponta são extensas e transformadoras. Os benefícios multifacetados do blockchain abrangem uma variedade de setores: redução e eliminação da corrupção, elevação da qualidade e acessibilidade dos serviços de saúde prestados aos nossos cidadãos, garantia de transparência incomparável em todos os aspectos do governo, salvaguarda da integridade dos dados estatísticos primários, fomento de confiança inabalável no processo de eleições democráticas e combate ao problema generalizado da poluição urbana.

Aproveitando o potencial do blockchain, podemos aspirar a elevar a qualidade de vida geral para nossos concidadãos. É fundamental reconhecer que a integração bem-sucedida do blockchain em nossa infraestrutura nacional requer um líder visionário que possua a vontade política inabalável para implementar essas inovações e renunciar ao poder absoluto. Um líder desse tipo está prestes a guiar o país para um futuro marcado pelo avanço tecnológico, transparência e compromisso renovado com o bem-estar de nosso povo."

Meu programa:

Programa do Presidente:

Carteira de BTC: bc1q5gfv85s8lvaal9fkprgvkp59wsj53eg4865clw

Além disso, por fim, queremos enfatizar que estamos sob controle do Império: eleições, estatísticas, governo - tudo é centralizado e nem podemos escolher nossos candidatos, apenas senadores leais escolhidos pelo servidor. Como resultado, perdemos nossas terras, perdemos nossa grande reserva de água que se opôs a nós e está na prisão. Eles venderam!

Espero contar com o apoio e a contribuição de vocês para implementar o blockchain e alcançar a soberania nacional. Desde já, agradeço pelo tempo e interesse de vocês!
10  Local / Türkçe (Turkish) / "Bloğ Zincir Teknolojisiyle Ulusal Egemenliği Güçlendirme: Merkezsizleşen Yönet on: August 16, 2023, 01:23:30 PM
Merhaba, sevgili arkadaşlar! Adım Daniyar, önceden Kırgızistan'da Yatırım Bakanıydım. 2020 yılında yazdığım KELKEL projesinden size bahsetmek istiyorum. Ana fikir, merkezi olmayan bir blok zinciri sistemi uygulayarak bağımsızlığı yeniden kazanmaktır. Hapiste olan bir politikacıyı programımı kabul etmeye ikna etmeyi başardım. Programımla sayesinde başkan oldu. Seçimlerden önce, hükümet kurumlarında blok zinciri teknolojisinin uygulanma fikrini güçlü bir şekilde destekledi, ancak başkan olduktan sonra her şeyi terk etti ve inovasyonlarımla ülkedeki madencilik faaliyetlerini tekel haline getirdi.

Topluluktan destek arıyorum. Kesinlikle kripto topluluğunun fikirlerinin hayat bulduğu yarı bağımsız bir devleti görmek istediğinizden eminim. Facebook sayfamda programı gözden geçirmek için Rusça'dan İngilizce'ye çeviri özelliğini kullanarak programı inceleyebilirsiniz. Ayrıca tamamen benim tarafımdan yazılan başkanın kısa programını da gözden geçirebilirsiniz. Blok zincirini uygulamak için desteğinize ihtiyacım var!

Program özeti: "Ayrıca, blok zinciri teknolojisinin entegrasyonunun temel insan hakları, kişisel özgürlükler veya bireysel gizlilik pahasına gelmemesi gerektiğini vurgulamak önemlidir. Blok zincirinin yenilikçi potansiyeli, süreçleri otomatikleştirme yeteneğinde yatmaktadır - bilgisayarlı bir sistem rüşvetlere karşı dayanıklıdır ve müzakereye karşı bağışıklıdır.

Bu son teknolojileri benimsemenin derin ve dönüştürücü etkileri yaygın ve kapsamlıdır. Blok zincirinin çok yönlü faydaları, yolsuzluğu engelleme ve ortadan kaldırma, vatandaşlarımıza sunulan sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesini ve erişilebilirliğini yükseltme, yönetim alanındaki tüm yönlerde eşsiz şeffaflığı sağlama, temel istatistik verilerinin bütünlüğünü koruma, demokratik seçim sürecine karşı sarsılmaz güven oluşturma ve yaygın şehir kirliliği sorununu ele alma gibi çeşitli sektörleri kapsar.

Blok zincirinin potansiyelini kullanarak, vatandaşlarımızın genel yaşam kalitesini yükseltmeyi hedefleyebiliriz. Blok zincirini milli altyapımıza başarıyla entegre etmek için kararlı siyasi iradeye sahip vizyoner bir liderin gerekliliğini kabul etmek son derece önemlidir. Böyle bir lider, ülkeyi teknolojik ilerleme, şeffaflık ve halkımızın refahına yenilenmiş bir taahhütle işaret eden bir geleceğe yönlendirmeye hazır durumdadır."


Başkanın Programı:

BTC cüzdanı: bc1q5gfv85s8lvaal9fkprgvkp59wsj53eg4865clw

Ayrıca, son olarak, İmparatorluğun kontrolü altında olduğumuzu vurgulamak isteriz: seçimler, istatistikler, hükümet - her şey merkezidir ve adaylarımızı seçemeyiz, sadece sunucu tarafından seçilen sadık senatörler vardır. Sonuç olarak, topraklarımızı kaybettik, dev su rezervimizi kaybettik ve karşı gelenleri hapsettik. Onu sattılar!

Tekrar teşekkür ederim, zamanınız ve ilginiz için önceden teşekkür ederim!
11  Other / Politics & Society / Decentralizing Governance: Empowering Crypto Innovation for National Sovereignty on: August 16, 2023, 01:15:47 PM
Hello, dear friends! My name is Daniyar, I used to be the Minister of Investment in Kyrgyzstan. I would like to tell you about my project, KELKEL, which I wrote in 2020. The main idea is to regain sovereignty through the implementation of a decentralized blockchain system. I managed to persuade a politician who was in prison to adopt my program. Thanks to my program, he became the President. Before the elections, he vigorously promoted the idea of implementing blockchain technology in government agencies, but after becoming President, he abandoned everything and reverted to the old ways, while monopolizing mining in the country with my innovations.

I am seeking support from the community. I am sure that you want to see a quasi-state where all the ideas of the crypto community come to life. You can familiarize yourself with the program on my Facebook page, by using the translation feature from Russian to English. You will also be able to review a brief program from the President, which I wrote entirely. I need your support to implement Blockchain!

Summary of program: "Furthermore, it is crucial to emphasize that the integration of Blockchain technology must not come at the expense of fundamental human rights, personal freedoms, or individual privacy. The innovative potential of Blockchain lies in its ability to automate processes, minimizing human intervention – a computerized system remains impervious to bribes and immune to negotiation.

The far-reaching implications of adopting these cutting-edge technologies are extensive and transformative. Blockchain's multifaceted benefits encompass a range of sectors: curbing and eliminating corruption, elevating the quality and accessibility of healthcare services provided to our citizens, ensuring unparalleled transparency across all facets of governance, safeguarding the integrity of primary statistical data, fostering unwavering trust in the democratic election process, and combating the pervasive issue of urban pollution.

By harnessing the potential of Blockchain, we can aspire to elevate the overall quality of life for our fellow citizens. It is paramount to recognize that the successful integration of Blockchain into our national infrastructure requires a visionary leader who possesses the unwavering political will to implement these innovations and relinquish absolute power. Such a leader is poised to steer the country toward a future marked by technological advancement, transparency, and a renewed commitment to the well-being of our people."

My program:

Program of President:

BTC wallet: bc1q5gfv85s8lvaal9fkprgvkp59wsj53eg4865clw

PS We are under control of Empire: elections, stats, government - everything is centralized and even we can't choose our candidates, only faithful senators chosen by server. As a result, we lost our lands, we lost our huge water reservoir who went against are in prison. They sold it! 
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: We can escape only with Blockchain on: August 13, 2023, 08:13:11 PM
Write me  message to Facebook
13  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Exposing the Energy Mafia: Help Needed in Kyrgyzstan on: June 22, 2023, 06:30:04 PM

14  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Exposing the Energy Mafia: Help Needed in Kyrgyzstan on: June 20, 2023, 04:22:42 PM
I am tired of being afraid: afraid of being caught, afraid of saying too much, afraid of fighting for justice.
I am not saying you should be afraid. Matter of fact, I am one person who hate corruption but what I am trying to say here is it might not be worth spending your precious time on, especially when the data about energy dedicated to mining is unofficial or claims. I have tried to search up the information about the Bitfury deal, but I can't see anything. Can you help point out the source of information?

From my previous posts, you can understand that my life is a constant struggle. I am a former minister in the Kyrgyzstan government. During my tenure, I refused to sign an agreement with the Australian company Fortescue Metals Group to sell the country's largest deposit, and as a result, I was fired.
Do you have any proof to back this up? Anybody can be anyone in an online forum.

Mining is restricted in Kyrgyzstan from 2018 but our government still open to collaboration and third company Solarcoin signed a contract with The9
Here is an evidence

Altogether we have 22 companies who are operating in Kyrgyzstan
15  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Exposing the Energy Mafia: Help Needed in Kyrgyzstan on: June 19, 2023, 05:38:48 AM
So you are basing on unofficial data or probably rumors to catch the cheats?
Assuming you determine the approximate number of ASICs being used, what's your game plan?
Remember this might be corrupt folks that have a lot of money, how will you stop them if they can just buy off any law enforcement officers or judges? Don't you think all the struggle will be in vain?

I am tired of being afraid: afraid of being caught, afraid of saying too much, afraid of fighting for justice. From my previous posts, you can understand that my life is a constant struggle. I am a former minister in the Kyrgyzstan government. During my tenure, I refused to sign an agreement with the Australian company Fortescue Metals Group to sell the country's largest deposit, and as a result, I was fired. I exposed all their dirty corrupt practices. I am seeking support from my fellow brothers in arms and the cryptocurrency community.
16  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Exposing the Energy Mafia: Help Needed in Kyrgyzstan on: June 18, 2023, 07:47:42 PM
Pretty wrong to refer to power consmption as X wat per X time, so this part

500 MW of power is dedicated to mining. Every winter,

It is either just MW or MWh (mw hour), only the latter cab be linked to time, you probably want to decide which unit to use so that you can strengthen your position and be taken seriously.

Now, with all the things in the post, you are likely going to need a solid proof first, then, try to reach out to independent media in your country, it would be more affective than just posting here.

Hope you find other people here who are willing to support your case.

Guys I really need your help. Help us to find these cheaters! I have heard that you can find asics in chosen country in . I used command antminer country:Kyrgyzstan . It doesnt work.
17  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Exposing the Energy Mafia: Help Needed in Kyrgyzstan on: June 18, 2023, 07:06:09 PM
Pretty wrong to refer to power consmption as X wat per X time, so this part

500 MW of power is dedicated to mining. Every winter,

It is either just MW or MWh (mw hour), only the latter cab be linked to time, you probably want to decide which unit to use so that you can strengthen your position and be taken seriously.

Now, with all the things in the post, you are likely going to need a solid proof first, then, try to reach out to independent media in your country, it would be more affective than just posting here.

Hope you find other people here who are willing to support your case.

 ITS MW PER HOUR. So it means that they are using 166 666 asics with 3 KWT consumption each with 140 TH
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Exposing the Energy Mafia2: Help Needed in Kyrgyzstan on: June 18, 2023, 03:53:45 PM
Hello, dear miners! I would like to share a story about miners from Kyrgyzstan. Our authorities are dishonestly conducting business in the mining industry. They have banned mining for citizens, citing a shortage of electricity, but they themselves have entered into an agreement with BITFURY and are mining at hydropower plants. According to unofficial data, at least 500 MW of power is dedicated to mining. Every winter, we experience power outages or increased tariffs. We are deceived into believing that we have a water shortage, while in reality, they sell water to our neighbors and use the generated electricity for mining. As a politician from Kyrgyzstan, I am requesting your help, the crypto community, to conduct an investigation through and find out how many mining devices are operating in Kyrgyzstan. Let's expose the energy mafia in Kyrgyzstan! Let's help the people of Kyrgyzstan!

Its MW per hour or 166 666 ASICS with 3KWT per hour consumption each

You can send the information to the email address
19  Bitcoin / Mining / Exposing the Energy Mafia: Help Needed in Kyrgyzstan on: June 18, 2023, 03:51:34 PM
Hello, dear miners! I would like to share a story about miners from Kyrgyzstan. Our authorities are dishonestly conducting business in the mining industry. They have banned mining for citizens, citing a shortage of electricity, but they themselves have entered into an agreement with BITFURY and are mining at hydropower plants. According to unofficial data, at least 500 MW of power is dedicated to mining. Every winter, we experience power outages or increased tariffs. We are deceived into believing that we have a water shortage, while in reality, they sell water to our neighbors and use the generated electricity for mining. As a politician from Kyrgyzstan, I am requesting your help, the crypto community, to conduct an investigation through and find out how many mining devices are operating in Kyrgyzstan. Let's expose the energy mafia in Kyrgyzstan! Let's help the people of Kyrgyzstan!

Starting from 2018, our government decided to ban mining in Kyrgyzstan. However, despite this ban, we are still facing an energy crisis, and our reservoirs have been depleted. Curiously, I started investigating and discovered the presence of hidden miners operating in the country. I have identified at least two companies involved in this clandestine activity: The9, a Chinese company, and Computer Power Center (CPC). The9 is utilizing 7,500 ASICs, consuming 31.5 MW/h, while CPC is using 20,000 ASICs, consuming 60 MW/h. I found this information online.

I am deeply concerned that our officials are secretly engaging in mining activities, exacerbating our energy crisis. As a result, electricity tariffs have increased, and we are experiencing frequent power outages. Farmers are also suffering due to water shortages for irrigation. We are reaching out to the crypto community for assistance in locating these miners within our country. Our preliminary estimations suggest that the total mining capacity amounts to around 500 MW/h.

We kindly request mining pools to disconnect any dishonest miners from their pools. We urge regulators to take appropriate measures against these miners, as their activities are detrimental to the entire population. We implore the miners themselves to cease their operations in Kyrgyzstan and provide the wallet addresses they used for safety costs. Additionally, we request assistance in identifying the wallet addresses of the officials involved and sharing the information via email at
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Z Empire controls Kyrgyzstan , We can escape only with Blockchain on: June 17, 2023, 10:46:12 AM
I cant live another way. I see Blockchain Technology is the only way to be Independent from Empires. Every man is looking for fair and struggle against tyranny. My goal is to create such conditions as King of Saudis did before. I have powerful weapon in my hand and this is truth. I know that they can imprison me or even kill but they cant kill my legacy. Herein Kyrgyzstan most of the people know about my idea and I started 5 years ago. And when they think about Blockchan they remember me - Daniiar CryptoPapa in Kyrgyzstan Smiley

It is certain that there is an opposition movement that would recognize your ideas. I suggest you try to get in touch with them, maybe they will give you some guidelines on what to do next. Leading politics is not as simple as it looks, most often honourable people have no place in it.
If you have the feeling that your life is in danger, it would probably be wise to contact an embassy of a country that has a strong influence in Kyrgyzstan. Maybe you can request political asylum. You can be present from a remote position as well, but still with your head on your shoulders.

Not to go into the details of your blockchain implementation proposal, but even if you overthrow the current dictator, expect that quite corrupt politicians will come after him, so they will not be very interested in blockchain either, where it is difficult to hide some facts. Maybe it will be more democratic and open, but most doors will certainly be closed to new ideas.

If I show successful Blockchain implementation in Kyrgyzstan people all over the world will ask their government to do the same and even in US. I did the same as your advice and give my programm to opposition and result is nothing.
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