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Can it get stuck forever? I read somewhere that it couldn't but I also read that it could just get refunded to the sender if it can't get sent across the network. Which is true?
It's true that I didn't go with his terms. Will I still be able to dispute?
Would obviously hate to be scammed. What options do I have?
The overall topic for my project assignment is: Rethink. I think rethinking money fits in perfectly but I've run into some problems. The subject matter needs to be problematized and it needs a conclusion at the end answering my thesis question/research issue. I'm not really sure what my question should be though. I also need a product. Any suggestions?
The overall topic for my project assignment is: Rethink. I think rethinking money fits in perfectly but I've run into some problems. The subject matter needs to be problematized and it needs a conclusion at the end answering my thesis question/research issue. I'm not really sure what my question should be though. I also need a product. Any suggestions?