take it easy on the CP defense
Every other crime caught on tape is a hit television show ..... I'm just sayinNo, I wont take it easy on the "CP defence". The only reason to do so would be out of fear of being labelled a paedophile and socially ostracised, but this is a pseudonymous forum and I am behind seven proxies. I don't defend CP, I defend peoples rights. The government has ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of people over child pornography, a mere 16% of whom would statistically be likely to offend with a child. When you take into account that their definition of child is anyone under 18, you can see that even this estimate is artificially inflated.
Child porn and child sexuality laws are awful. In the USA tens of thousands of men are sent to prison for having sex with people who are old enough to consent in the majority of the world, including Europe. People in USA are put into prison and labelled sex offenders for having sex with 16 and 17 year olds in some states, despite this being totally legal in other states. Standing by complacently while people have their lives ruined for things that are legal a few miles away is awful and shows only that you are a scared coward afraid of the government created stigma.
Child porn should be protected constitutionally as right to free speech, but this term has been redefined into nothingness by the government. It isn't even possible to defend the people who view child porn with out appearing to support paedophilia. The average person who is rabidly for locking up people who look at child porn and throwing away the key is basing their entire argument off of emotions and not logic, and when they do present logic it is only a facades because the statistics and studies they quote are made up by law enforcement and anti groups.
I don't think Silk Road should become involved with child porn, there are already hidden services for that. I just can't stand to see moral warriors spreading their bullshit at the cost of innocent peoples lives, people who are overwhelmingly not dangers to children and who have as much a right to privacy and protection from censorship as anyone else.