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1  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Taxe ANAF pentru Binance Visa Card? on: April 20, 2021, 06:50:17 AM
Binance este bazat in Malta, tu traiesti in Romania. Ei se supun legilor de acolo, tu celor de aici.

Pentru 1 si 2, fie ca faci prin cardul acela sau ca platesti direct din portofelul tau privat non-custodial, ANAF-ul poate ajunge sa aiba la mana o evidenta conform careia clientul X a cumparat bunurile Y cu moneda Z. Atentie! Binance desi e in Malta, inca are KYC. Asa ca.. in orice moment tranzactiile tale pot fi date mai departe in mana autoritatilor, atata timp cat ei considera ca sunt suspecte.

Pentru 3... pai cardul nu-i pe identitatea ta? Smiley

Binance o fi in Malta, dar de unde stii ca Binance nu lucreaza direct cu o institutie europeana anti-frauda care va primi in cele din urma informatia conform careia tu ai cardul respectiv? Pe langa asta... Vorbim de niste carduri VISA care se elibereaza pe numele tau, e o retea globala, nu-i ca si cum cardurile din Malta nu-s recunoscute in Romania!

Legile sunt simple: ai cumparat BTC la $1 si ai vandut la $10? Pe profitul de $9, platesti impozit. Ai mai multe tranzactii? Calculezi cat ai pus si cat ai scos pe fiecare tranzactie ca profit si atata platesti. Pe ANAF nu ii va interesa ca tu lucrezi cu unii din paradis fiscal - ei te vor executa aici..Smiley

Vorbesti in cunostinta de cauza sau doar banuiesti? nu te contrazic ci doar te intreb.

Din ce stiu  ANAF-ul abia in 2021 a primt acces la toate conturile bancare ale romanilor dar doar bancilor care sunt o entitate financiara rezidata in Romania. Nicidecum nu are  acces la o banca din strainatate.

Vezi exemplul Revolut,

Sa iti oferi identitatea nu inseamna atat la bancomat cat si unei entitati bancare straine, nu inseamna neaparat si ca  ANAF-ul are vreun drept asupra ei, asta e motivul topicului, sa descifram cand are si cand nu are.

Eu am sute de mii de  tranzacti, trading, mining, airdrop, fork-uri,stake rewards zilnice timp de 4 ani, a si disparut  exchange-ul de unde am cumparat prima oara, nu calculez asa usor cum zici tu.
2  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Taxe ANAF pentru Binance Visa Card? on: April 19, 2021, 06:42:05 PM
4. Daca cumparam direct cu crypto, fie un laptop, fie o Tesla, apoi vand si a ajung banii in cont?  Ce zice ANAF-UL? ca am facut profit?
3  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Taxe ANAF pentru Binance Visa Card? on: April 19, 2021, 06:35:22 PM

Vin cu intrebarea referitor la cardurile VISA oferite de diferite  exchange-uri precum Binance,, etc.

Stiu ca platesti impozit in momentul in care  retragi fiat din crypto in contul tau bancar romanesc, dar daca nu iti folosesti contul bancar romanesc deloc?

Binance este bazat in Malta, unde nu se platesc taxe pe crypto, la fel si multe alte exchange-uri care ofera servicii similare. Intrebari:

1. Daca folosesc cardul meu VISA Binance sa cumpar produse din Romania, se poate sesiza ANAF-ul cumva?
2. Dar daca folosesc acelasi card sa comand ceva din strainatate? n-ar avea cum sa stie ANAF-ul ce am facut, consider.
3. Daca retrag de la ATM cu cardul binance, in limitele impuse de bancomat/binance, se  poate sesiza ANAF-ul ? cum?

Nu ne supunem taxelor din Malta? in cazul de fata fiind zero

Oare nu este acelasi lucru cu situatia in care un francez vine in Romania si isi foloseste cardul aferent bancii lui? doar nu poate statul sa-l verifice.

Nu incurajez sub nici o forma evaziunea fiscala, dar ANAF-ul a facut o gluma proasta cu impozitul respectiv, oferind multora dintre noi imposibilitatea de a calcula suma datorata, pe langa multe alte nereguli.

Haideti sa incercam sa clarificam cum functioneaza treaba asta si sa nu ne trezim cu sechestru de la ANAF ca ne-am facut cumparaturile la Lidl cu binance card si am depasit 600 ron conform legii
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Best privacy coin? on: January 16, 2018, 06:19:36 PM
Well IOHK is trying to pull the XSPEC tech into Zencash, which would make Zencash the ultimate private coin imo

Charles Hoskinson explains it well:

What do you think?
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Pools (Altcoins) / Re: [ETHEREUM] [POOL] 0% fee, 20 % BONUS per Block ! // on: June 03, 2017, 01:22:39 PM

So I have been mining ETH on flypool so far and I swiched to suprnova today BUT my problem is that it displays very low hashrate in the dashboard. dashboard hashrate ~100mhs (the fulctuate alot but mostly low), my REAL hashrate is ~233mhs

Worker page or suprnova mobile app displays low hashrates as well.

Is that normal?
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Out of on: May 16, 2017, 06:41:57 PM
I'm having EXACTLY the same issues. Some of my cards will do 28Mh/s, some 25. No matter what I set, the miner ignores the values.
I have re-flashed, no change.
Highly frustrating.

So I've found out that the OS is causing it, I installed simplemining and on linux there is no such issue.

Practically, if you OC in Win10 and it crashes , some "auto-protect thingy or bug" gets turned on and you can no longer OC the memory properly

Now I need some good bios for rx480 4gb:) since most custom bioses are made for the 8gig version.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Out of on: May 15, 2017, 09:19:15 PM
So... since the bios sets the clock speeds, if after flashing the bios you're getting WORSE than overclocking that means you're not flashing the proper settings.

28mh/s is pretty good, I'd suggest trying to flash the cards (individually) again and double check all of the settings

You got me wrong, so it's like this, I believe I had one system crash and that's when the change ocured.

-No biosmod and no OC - 25 mh
-No biosmod + OC > 27-28 mh

After the unknown change:

-No biosmod and no OC - 25 mh
-No biosmod + OC > 25 mh
-Biosmod + oc or non-oc > 25 mh

This happens on the SAME card. And on three different PC's with 3 different motherboards, holding 1 GPU each. mclock controller fail or what?

I'm having EXACTLY the same issues. Some of my cards will do 28Mh/s, some 25. No matter what I set, the miner ignores the values.
I have re-flashed, no change.
Highly frustrating.

I feel you bro
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Out of on: May 15, 2017, 06:43:35 PM

So here's my problem, I own several rx480/580 4GB and I used to be able to overclock the memory to get better mh/s for ETH.

However NOW, OCing the memory has NO effect, 1700 or 2250 has the same hashrate, Biosmoding has no effect on the hashrate aswell. WTF!

So I was getting 28 mh's with OC on 480 4gb samsung mem.  Now I'm getting 25 with and without OC or Biosmod or both.

This is what I tried:

DDU uninstaller/reinstalling everything except OS
Older drivers
Extended overclock limits in MSI AB (worked for a short time, I always had max mclock without setting it, and couldn't change it)

Now I'm not using these in a mining rig atm, so I'm guessing it's either a setting in bios that forces stuff OR the OS (using win 10.

Anyone can help me with this?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: First mining rig (7 GPU) , need advice on: April 19, 2017, 03:23:16 PM
Thanks for the help.

Two small questions if possible

-Optimal temps so that the GPU's will last as long as possible?
-Any disadvantage if I combine GPU models, 470-480-fury for example on the same rig?
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: First mining rig (7 GPU) , need advice on: April 16, 2017, 07:54:03 PM
No need to answer everything, but can any of you point me in the right direction to this?

Maybe a post/blog to read on my questions above?

 such things aren't that easy to find on google.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: First mining rig (7 GPU) , need advice on: April 15, 2017, 06:07:59 AM
Thanks @philipma1587 and @Wotan Wipeout

I have been mining with my 3 cards since december on 3 of my work PC's ( I work as IT tehnician so I can use everything there)

My plan is to get experince of cours, I will be using 3 cards, then adding 1 more and 1 more until 7 eventually if possible, I only want the right components from the start Smiley

Also I wanted to go for AMD in case I need to switch from Zec to ETH

What I meainly what to know guys, is if I can run (eventually after experience) 7 GPU on Z87 mpower max OR z97 g45 gaming , AND and if any of those requiered any special bios or smth and where could I get it from

Edit: one more reason for wanting the possibility of 7 is that I don't have much space for multiple rigs, so I need to be as compact as possible in order to put the rig in my office Smiley)
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / First mining rig (7 GPU) , need advice on: April 14, 2017, 10:15:15 AM
Hey, I'm new here and I see you have some cool and helpful people around.

So here's my thing, I'm will be building a GPU mining rig as efficient as possible, and I'd like to have 7 GPU ( I already own 2x Sapphire 480 4gb and 1x with 8GB, 3 in total), 24/7 and last as long as possible, years even.

Here are my questions:

1. Z87 Mpower Max - It has 7 necessary slots and I heard people make it work, but I keep hearing about "shorting the pings on the PCI-E for motherboard to recognize all 7 GPU" I don't know what this means or how to do it, if it's dangerous or not, is there anyone who can help on this. The Reason I like this MB is because I can get it cheap, and I can get 1150 CPU and Ram for it for free , also it has Wi-fi integrated so I can put it in the basement without cables.

Same question for Z97-G45!

Now if you don't recommend the MB above I could look into the Z170 msi Carbon +cpu+ram and try to squeeze some extra cash .... eventually adding a wi-fi usb adapter.

2. PSU- they are not cheap where I come from, and I will be running the rig 24//7 for as many months as I can. Should I get 2x PSU 800w gold with warranty or brand new 1600W gold without warranty from a seller for the same price. Also if I were to get two of them, what adapters should I use and could there be any other problems.  1200W GPU and above are super overpriced, but if necessary I'll look into it.

3. I'd like to keep the GPU's at lowest temps possible, so I'll most likely underclock a little, while getting the best out of it, so what GPU's would you recommend, and could you point me out to tutorials on how to flash their bios so I would get the best hashrate for low temps.

Any other advice would be welcomed because I have worked really hard to raise some cash for the rigs so I wouldn't want to blow it.

Thanks in advance!
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