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1  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: June 30, 2017, 10:19:18 AM
Also so I can remove the storage in an instant so that I can’t be forced to give up my encryption key. Although this reason conflicts with my statement that a smartphone is not a secure device, yet there may exist a more secure, locked down variant Android.

Meaning I would like a laptop docking station with a larger screen, keyboard, and a co-processor on board. Possibly in the future, the co-processor could be on a server accessed over the wire.

In the absolute, the only thing mobile device should store are personal accounting information to access remote services, and should not really be seen as stand alone computers.

Agreed that a docking station something like Sentio but with an extra CPU is just an interim solution for what will eventually be all processing power located remotely on servers with our computing device communicating wirelessly. If the CPU on our docking station never accepts apps (only accepts requests for computation with no buffer overflows nor privileged escalation possible) then it can be designed to be secure and thus we do not have to expend much effort maintaining it and it can be a publicly shared device.

Within the next 5 years*, our smartphone will be our secure device, but not in the way Apple is planning. Every smartphone will have essentially a Trezor on board (a minimal extra circuit adding maybe $10 in cost at high volumes and IC integration) and it will be an isolated computer from the rest of the smartphone with only a secure serial communication line. The secure hardware will be 100% open source (not this closed source BS from Apple) so that we know the Five Eyes national security apparatus have no back doors (although we need some way to verify the chip fab is not introducing back doors). Whereas, the generalized computer on the smartphone can never be a secure device because for example I read that smartphones are even vulnerable to hacking of the radio hardware on the device to for example turn on the microphone surreptitiously.

For privacy and security, our smartphone will be our identification and signing apparatus that we carry at all times (and eventually wearable and later embedded in the body 666 style). Our shortened passphrase or biometrics for signing will be rate limited and thresholded such that if stolen it will brick itself after too many failed attempts, because as I wrote before about HumanIQ and Proof-of-Person, biometrics can be fooled with synthetics. Your paper wallet will retain your master keys which you can use to recover your accounts (and invalidate the keys on the stolen smartphone) if you smartphone is lost or stolen.

And we need everyone even the fish vendors in developing countries to have a smartphone because this will be much more efficient than cash (vendors often run out of change here in the Philippines for example). So $600 iPhones are not going to fit. I know Apple’s overconfident/arrogant attitude is they do not care because they are generating huge revenues from the affluent class, but w.r.t. to currency I agree there will only be one; thus the masses will dictate the winning currency (note I am not referring to unit-of-reserve which will likely remain for example the US dollar for fiat and Bitcoin for cryptocurrency for the time being). All that do-gooder environmentalism and security FUD marketing from Apple, yet the truth is they do not give a fuck about humanity and only care about extracting maximum profits.

Apple (with the highest revenue of any company of the world, but not the largest market cap probably because of the following point) will refuse to provide this in a smartphone because it conflicts with their business model for Apple Pay. Apple’s walled garden services are their fastest growing revenue source and their market cap is highly dependent on them being able to monopolize the extraction of rents from their ecosystem. In short, Apple must own you the user, else their market cap will collapse. That is unless Apple could entirely reinvent themselves but changing culture of the employees is virtually impossible. There is absolutely no way that Apple Pay will win against permissionless blockchain payment system which nobody owns or extracts fees from. This problem has only been solving the scaling and winner-take-all centralization problems of blockchains, but I have already solved that.

Very interesting to me is our software for small screens (or more saliently less detailed gesture control due to large screens possible with wearable AR glasses) must integrate/adapt better with our software for large screens (or more saliently fine grained gesture control over interaction with the system). For the interim this can mean that the generalized computer on our smartphone is enabled with something like Sentio, so that the app (must be programmed to) adapts immediately with any screen size.

This is why apps that require mostly only finger gestures for most actions are more popular on mobile. But I rarely use my Blutooth keyboard, because the setup time/hassle is greater than the occasional terse note I want to type.

@miscreanity, I can talk faster than I can type, but last time I tried it on Android, the recognition engines can’t reliably keep up with my fast speech (never tried Siri). If ever speech recognition (and latency back to the server or local computation) gets good enough, then possibly I can finally ditch the keyboard except I think it will be exhausting to speak everything I type and especially “cursor up”, “cursor down”,  “cursor to end of line”, etc.. I agree that the monitor could plausibly be replaced by a headset (or perhaps holographic projection?), except still need a docking station for the pointing device and when presenting (unless all of the audience was also wearing headsets). But in any case, we still need apps that work well at many different display sizes and modes of use (i.e. terse gestures vs. detailed manipulation), which is one of my main points here w.r.t. to my plans for an “app browser" concept for Bitnet.

The viruses being introduced by apps on Android can be solved with my idea for an “app browser" that creates a stricter sandbox. Most apps do not need to have accesses to the low-level APIs and buffer overflow injection holes (that can enable privilege escalation attacks in order to for example gain root access) they get with the full generality of the Android OS. Also the “app browser" can be upgraded immediately on any Android phone solving the problem of latest version of Android OS not diffusing through the ecosystem of hardware. This applies the concept of separation-of-concerns; whereas, Apple attacks problems by conflating concerns into a top-down controlled jail which creates more problems. There is no need for Apple’s walled garden. Curation of qualities of apps can be done by user curation, with users signing with their cryptographic reputation to eliminate the user spoofing problem with user driven curation. Each of us can choose which moderators we follow w.r.t. to curation. All decentralized. No 1984-esque Apple Big Brother owning our lives.

* Someone raised the point of it being dubious whether people will be ready to trust their smartphones within 5 years. My thought was that within 5 years, the necessary blockchain will be in place and gaining usership, and that smartphone will become available. Not that we will achieve even 50% market adoption within 5 years. My point is that writing will be on the wall in terms of a fledgling new market within 5 years that is growing much faster than anything else and subsuming everything. Reviewing the comments made by Millennials in my prior post, it is clear to me that Millennials are hungry for change, embrace technology fully, are not loyal, and are pragmatic. Their main failing is they’ve been indoctrinated by boomers (about BS lies such as environmentalism and the value of non-STEM field education) and thus they are unrealistic about economics. But some minority or perhaps up to half up them will turn very quickly as they start to wake up. They will get on the cryptocurrency train because they have no other chance for a future. Apple corralling them into a consumer-only swiping jail on their mother’s sofa while China races away totaling obliterating Apple and laughing their heads off at the nonsense ideology of the foolish Westerners. Chinese are astute about economics and Apple is too. But Apple depends on their users being dumb (i.e. indoctrinated with lies, marketing spin, and FUD).

Someone also asked if people will not have money to pay for iPhone then they will not have money to pay for TV (in his country the citizens pay for TV and I suppose everyone does in any country if they have cable TV). I responded as follows. People will stop paying for TV and get their TV over the Internet. It is all about not wasting resources on things that are not a good return-on-investment. The clever of the Chinese think of every expenditure as a business investment. See how iFlix is undercutting Netflix in Asia ($3 monthly instead of $7 in the Philippines) and addition to Western also with Asian content not available on Netflix. And they will stop paying through the nose to Apple, when they can get everything for 1/3 the price on Android and more freedom too. Bitnet will not be available on iPhone. If the global currency everybody is using is not available on iPhone, most will stop using iPhone. Apple’s business model is all the ecosystem has to give Apple a percentage and thus iPhone is a jail tightly controlled by Apple. Whereas, since Google’s profits come primarily from advertising sales, Android’s business model is open and any .apk can be installed even if it is not on the Google Playstore.

Related, but fits into the whole privacy/security sphere would be the Operating System "Tails", a way to boot up your computer from a flash drive that would then leave zero tracks on your computer.  A link to the below comes right from the page, so I presume this is legit.

Tor and Tails have significant flaws. I do not recommend them. Did you not read my blog (not yet finished) on anonymity?

My friend, I must say that nearly everything you post about privacy and security is wrong and unsafe. For example, you keep wanting to use off chain mixers even I have told you many times that (they are either jammable or) you must trust the mixer site to not be compromised. And then you use an iPhone too. Which shows that you are not knowledgeable of the technological issues and you just trust whatever you read. Which is why you are making so many mistakes.

I saw this at a recent thread (;all), it is a new way to mix coins:

Clearnet link:
Tor link: http://chipmixerwzxtzbw.onion/

I have not tried it, but I hope to sometime soon.

Also re encryption, for sometime has NOT offered their mixing service (a version of CoinJoin I think).  I think I read that someone found a bad flaw.  Pity!

we need stuff like that ASAP.

I am happy at least one reader understands. More will understand once we get in action and they have tried it. And we have perfected blockchains and payments with them.

P.S. I am having a severe allergy problem from my toxic liver in that my immune system is attacking my only non-blinded eye. I am fearful about going blind. I stopped the liver toxic TB antibiotics (had 9 days remaining) last night. I can not keep my eyes open they hurt so much when light hits them. I think I may try to go to an eye doctor to get the pressure in the eye checked. Maybe I can get glaucoma drops to lower the pressure if that is one of the symptoms. Very scary moment for me.

Other than the eyes, I feel fine and want to work.

As you can probably tell from my writing I am exasperated that I can not work for past several years! I prefer to let my code speak.


Subject: eye doctor found a serious problem

I was at eye doctor (who happens to a specialist on cornea surgery) and she said I have a 6mm x 1mm abrasion on my cornea in my only non-blinded eye. She scraped to put on slides for the laboratory, to check for bacteria, fungus, and TB, Will get results at 4pm. It is 11am now. It could be an infection or it could be autoimmune reaction. We will get a better indication once we get results from lab. She prescribed Tobramycin drops interim every hour (a gram-negative antibiotic). She said my eye is very inflamed and she is very concerned. Any way, if it is TB then we will know I have MDR-TB. I suspect Michelle brought me this infection when she returned here this past week. She has still been coughing. I told her she is not allowed to go any where any more and bringing me infections, else she can not stay with me any more. I am so tired of filipinos bringing me infections. I restarted my probiotics just now (with butter) to try to strrengthen my natural immune system. I could definitely feel the immune reaction connected to my gut, so I am suspecting maybe it is just an autoimmune reaction. Will update you later. This is very worrisome.

I also did another set of liver enyzmes and CBC blood test (so I can see how high my lymphocytes are). Will get the results later today.
2  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: June 29, 2017, 09:16:03 AM
This relates to the OP of this thread.

Is the future of mobile computing small screens or docking on large screens?

The original comment was made here, but as usual I seemed to get banned where ever I go.

P.S. James A. Donald who first challenged Satoshi on the scaling (and centralization?) problem, has written about the Scalepocalypse. Yet I have those technological solutions he wishes for in an altcoin. (note side-chains are irreparably insecure). Details will be forthcoming on my Steemit (so follow me there!).

Edit: Will Millennials have to learn to do creative work, so they can work remotely to live in lower cost jurisdictions, or just continue to swipe their life away on a smartphone while sleeping on someone’s sofa? Is pulling income forward 30 years with debt not a massive bubble compounded by sovereign debt/welfare/socialism bond bubble that has finally come to its Minsky Moment? (Bingo!) (There you go!) (note the Millennials in UK with their leader Corbyn are trying to turn the UK towards Communism) (interesting the perspective of a borderline Gen X/Millennial)

The above comments are very interesting for getting inside the minds of Millennials. Whoa so Henriikka-Keskinen says (and you see the environmentalism indoctrination in her writing which Apple cleverly markets to) they are going to save the fucking planet with educated women and get the same fucked result we get every time we do that because…!

Mark apparently does not think that there are serious problems today that could impact the a move away from iPhone's walled garden to Android's more open ecosystem. I claim that we need large screens and keyboards to be productive and he claims that only coders need that and that smartphone users who spend money are not (and by implication do not need to become) creators. Afaics, he is essentially arguing there is no need to focus on the needs that creators might have on mobility that might differ from those who use computing only to be consumers. The implication is that 700 million iPhone users can never significantly be creators, only consumers. So where is their income going to come from?  I posit that perhaps new monetization models can enable people to earn money in more ways as creators and that such monetization (e.g. via blockchains) models might be incompatible with a walled garden, i.e. I think Apple will stifle such innovation because they want to funnel all payments through their services so that Apple can take 30% fees. No way the world is going to give Apple 30% of everything. I believe the world will become much more level playing field with fierce competition.

My point to Mark is that if everyone will only be consumers and not creators, then who will have the jobs to pay Apple $1 per day? If Apple is catering to a bankrupt world in which everyone just swipes and never creates, they will not succeed long-term. If the world has become more financially difficult, people are not going to be willing to give 30% fees on everything to Apple! Competition of the free market will route around that parasitic rent.

-- iPhone

I hope you did not drink the iPhone security and privacy FUD Koolaid. You give Apple closed-source control of your life and then claim you want anonymity and privacy. I presume you do not use the iPhone for anything you want to remain private from authorities. (A smartphone is a metadata leaking device (e.g. hotel IP address) even if you are using another device for sensitive activities.)

If you are not intalling shady apps on Android, the anti-malware advantages of Apple’s (technological and) economic totalitarianism are probably not significantly better in practice if you are upgrading your OS every 6 months or so.

Docking?  Perhaps not in m y case, as I can email myself pdf's (etc.) if I need to print something from one OS to the other.

Seems you may be missing the point? By docking and having the ability of your smartphone to function as a full-fledged computer, then you do not need to repurchase the laptop every time you upgrade your CPU. In other words, over time the software utilitizes the faster CPUs so normally we upgrade our CPU. Without docking, you would have to buy a new laptop and a new smartphone, instead of just a new smartphone.

Also all of your files and work are immediately (within a second) accessible simply by plugging in your smartphone to the docking laptop. No need to lose time transferring files around. This also presumes that apps on small screens will add features for working with documents (e.g. a quick annotation added) that you primarily edit on a large screen.

Also it means you can dock on a friend’s or public access docking station (e.g. a 50" screen at a conference room) without needing to lug around another laptop.

Wireless data access (especially WiFi) may become so fast, ubiquitous, and cheap that the different devices can get the necessary documents off the cloud. But the duplication of CPU/GPUs cost argument remains (and we probably want the most powerful CPU/GPU we can afford, especially for highly creative work such as animation). Also the more we travel, the less sure we can be that in every circumstance we can get files off the cloud fast and low-cost (gouging tourists is known profit activity). And what about those rare instances when the cloud goes down, e.g. that 2016 Dyn DDoS attack that took large chunk of the entire Internet down (would suck if you have a conference presentation or other time-critical important work to do).

Even more important from my perspective, is not needing to maintain the file systems, apps, and OSes of two or more devices. That is half of the hassle. My life is already too complex. I do not want to maintain more devices than I need to. You must have extra time on your hands. I find maintaining multiple devices to be burdensome.

It is all about simplifying our lives and conserving scarce time.

Also although perhaps you can afford to buy multiple copies of CPUs, the billions in the developing world probably can not. I am talking about a world where there is much greater competition and incomes on average are much lower than they are now in the West (virtual employee gets less than 50% of quoted rates and I anticipate possibly those not-highly-specialized-expertise rates will be initially for a decade be driven down or stagnant by developing world competition and Western economic implosion). Asia is coming. My Belgium friend and I were relating how the Philippines will see incomes double or triple in the 10 years, but that still this would be unacceptable quality-of-life for our Western expectations.

My cellphone is good enough when not in my hotel, and who CREATES anything while walking the streets of Italian cities?

You never had an idea you wanted to jot down while walking around?

I think that for my next trip I will leave the iPad at home, I have used it the least.

Tablets do seem to be dying.

Personally I never wanted a tablet(almost useless to me), except for reading books, but decided to buy kindle instead.

ePaper screen (non-backlit, easier on the eyes for reading but too slow for animated pointers and such on screen) which Blutooth docks to my smartphone would be perfect.

A tablet can be useful when we want a larger screen and only want to point and swipe. But the use cases seem to be too few to justify lugging around and maintaining another device. I do not know if Blutooth docking (wireless) I/O would be fast enough so that the docking laptop screen could be detached and also run as a tablet.

Quote from: Traxo
(I don't like to install apps as well, if I don't have to - e.g reddit, I prefer browsers - multiple devices also means multiple installations)

Another motivation for an “app browser” is that users will not have to be concerned nor involved with installing and uninstalling apps. The sandbox will be secure and one will simply click an app link to run it and the caching of the code will be automatic.

Quote from: Traxo
Agree, did you check superscreen tho?

Ah, I see that is what I just wrote about above for a wireless display. It would nice if it also optionally attached to a keyboard to make a laptop or if has a built-in flip out stand and if my smartphone can accommodate a Blutooth keyboard and mouse. A tablet without an attachable keyboard, probably still needs a screen protector (or carrying case) when traveling with it.

this is why i like my note 4 with its built in stylus. pull the stylus out it automatically opens a window to draw/write with. OCR can be done on it later if needed …

When I need to sketch (as opposed to structured shapes+text drawing), I prefer a pencil. I suppose there might be a few cases where I would be okay with a stylus on a slippery screen, but I really need the friction of paper and pencil to sketch. My sketching with a stylus slips all over the place and is fugly horrible. As for text, even though I had beautiful handwriting in elementary, I can barely handwrite now as it an order-of-magnitude too slow compared to my typing speed. I loathe typing on mobile! Can become an enormous waste of time! I try to do a little as possible on mobile. This is why apps that require mostly only finger gestures for most actions are more popular on mobile. But I rarely use my Blutooth keyboard, because the setup time/hassle is greater than the occasional terse note I want to type.

… and i can sync it with evernote on my pc. annotate it with the pen or whatever.

Syncing is for me yet another step that consumes my time. I have no free time. I have a TODO list that only grows longer the older I get.

most androids can also output HDMI and accept a regular pc mouse and keyboard via a otg cable.

Yeah I remember now having researched that option years ago but a problem at that time at least, was it did not seem to work plug-and-play on every device. Some fiddling and frustration and failure. Probably glitchy too (as even Blutooth seems to be at times).

And still even if it is now reliable, we have to lug around a full size monitor which is not compact and then we have no battery option to use it unplugged. I like that laptop docking idea because it also charges the smartphone meaning the smartphone CPU will run at run speed as if it is plugged in to a wall socket.

allows a lot more work to be done with only a phone. of course still cant touch the horsepower of a pc and youre limited to android versions of software but its not too bad

Well the fact that mobile apps do not adapt well to work well both in large and small screens is one of the important aspects I want to address with an “app browser" concept for Bitnet. Because I want convergence between mobile, desktop, and browser code, so we developers can write-one and run every where.

I think I read that mobile CPUs are roughly about 1/8th of the performance of a desktop CPU fundamentally limited by TDP power dissipation (can not dissipate more than about 3 watts for extended period of time and perhaps 7W in bursts inside of a plastic mobile phone). But the faster CPUs get, the fewer computing activities we do which have a noticeable delay, so the noticeable nominal differences are shrinking over time. Also the desktop CPUs can’t increase TDP on same die and multi-core can’t always be leveraged optimally by all software, thus the gap may close proportionally over time as well. However, we must bear-in-mind that the smartphone uses for example dedicated hardware video codec processors in order to attain TDP efficiency at such computationally expensive tasks. Thus a smartphone is underpowered as a general purpose CPU for highly computationally intensive tasks such as video editing. In that case, we would need an additional processor in your docking station. But note that by leveraging the CPU and specialized processors in the smartphone, the docking station’s TPD can me much lower (more battery efficient) than a desktop. Thus the docking laptop idea seems to make more sense than lugging around an HDMI monitor that can only be used where there is an electrical plug, because the portability and battery life are another factor that make it worth leveraging the low TDP CPU and processors in the smartphone. Meaning I would like a laptop docking station with a larger screen, keyboard, and a co-processor on board. Possibly in the future, the co-processor could be on a server accessed over the wire.

syncing between the phones and desktops onenote is automatic once setup.

But once again another special case device complexity between two filesystems and OSes that I have to figure out how to setup, remember how to setup if ever (i.e. a form of long-term maintenance after I long since forgotten how I set it up).

I would rather have something that works the same with all Android phones and does not require me to maintain synchronicity between two disparate systems.

as for hdmi output i was thinking more along the lines of using the tv in a hotel room. my note 4 can wirelessly use some of them via a "mirror" option but im not sure what percentage of hotel tvs would have this feature. but there is always the hdmi cable as backup. so basically otg adapter with mouse/keyboard/hdmi cable would be the minimum needed. but outside of the hotel room yup youre stuck with the phones screen.. less than optimal.. also, some phone apps do not display correctly via hdmi.

More and more complexity and Murph’s law.

@miscreanity, I can talk faster than I can type, but last time I tried it on Android, the recognition engines can’t reliably keep up with my fast speech (never tried Siri). If ever speech recognition (and latency back to the server or local computation) gets good enough, then possibly I can finally ditch the keyboard except I think it will be exhausting to speak everything I type and especially “cursor up”, “cursor down”,  “cursor to end of line”, etc.. I agree that the monitor could plausibly be replaced by a headset (or perhaps holographic projection?), except still need a docking station for the pointing device and when presenting (unless all of the audience was also wearing headsets). But in any case, we still need apps that work well at many different display sizes and modes of use (i.e. terse gestures vs. detailed manipulation), which is one of my main points here w.r.t. to my plans for an “app browser" concept for Bitnet.

I'm looking into this

it looks super cool Smiley

I will explain why i think that is nonsense, at the appropriate time and in a venue where I am not banned.
3  Economy / Economics / Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion on: June 07, 2017, 12:49:48 AM
@r0ach, fungible money is the problem. Collaboration via forced consensus is the solution. Solving the defect-defect problem is the paramount issue. Gold and silver have nothing to offer.

Hopefully @CoinCube will post my last private rebuttal to @dinofelis, and I am banned, so do not expect this comment to stay here very long.

Goodbye, I will see you on the Bitnet side if you are smart.

Government is going away. Networks never will go away again. Your conceptualization is all wrong.

The Luddites (those who refuse to accept that technology changes everything) are always the losers.

@r0ach why don’t you go join the Amish? But they do not use gold and silver.

Quote from: anonymous

Lukejr (bitcoin dev) seems to want to create an altcoin but calls Litecoin a scam.  Quite humorous if you ask me.  Proves how fragile the state of Bitcoin truly is.

Ignore the drama. Bitcoin is not likely going away any time soon. (Orthogonal to selling high and buying low, and buying altcoins which actually introduce something very new such as when I advised to buy Byteball at $1 million mcap because the consensus algorithm introduced something important and new, although Byteball has serious other flaws it has not stopped it from being an excellent speculation during a bullish BTC market phase)

Bitcoin will likely spawn important ecosystem effects (i.e. was Napster representative of the final outcome of P2P networks and decentralized file sharing?), some of which may correct flaws and expand on what decentralized consensus is really for (which is not mainly fungible money, but rather fixing the defect-defect problem of civilization and hopefully eliminating the winner-take-all power vacuum if the ecosystem figures out how to do this).

The silver of Litecoin is that it can apparently be modified more easily, as it is apparently more controlled by Bitmain. Good or bad, it is what it is. (In 2013, LTC reached 0.05 before BTC crashed. Might happen again, might not.)

@sidhujag, the black swan is not very black. We know it is the dollar short vortex stampede as the EU goes into cardiac arrest. That will only be a dead-cat bounce for the USA though. The Western governments+socialism are a clusterfucked morass that will destroy itself in an accelerating rate with the EU going over the cliff first 2018 or 2019ish (and the USA+US dollar+US equities will be a deadcat bounce beneficiary and then the USA follows into absolute political chaos by 2022ish and then actual chaos in the streets 2024 forward and by 2032 - 2040 the USA will wither away in the height of coming mini Ice age which is confirmed by scientists). The intelligence and technology of the West can not overcome the defect-defect organization of society at the winner-take-all devolution end game stage. And China’s demographic problem is not as catastrophic as it is feared to be, because they and Japan have billions of people in their economic region which they will migrate to, cultivate, and invest in. It is the common cultural values that most all Asians actually believe in hard work, family, death penalty for drugs, etc... all those core values of a productive, coherent civilization we lost in the decadent West. So Asia can coalesce in one economic region with no significant demographic weakness, unlike the USA and Europe whose immigration has lost the cohesiveness of a common language and set of core, productive values. Note there are laggards in Asia, but the leading productive societies in Asia can cherry pick migrants and thus the laggards will either get their heads out of their asses or wallow in squalor (socialism will not be coming to their rescue any time too soon ... socialism is what destroyed the West). That the white Asians are forced by economics and demographics to cherry pick integrate with the brown Asians is another factor that will drive the economic engine of the region and counter-balance the historic xenophobia. In Singapore, I saw Indian workers all over. I know more and more educated filipinas are in China. I just hope we do not go into a Dark Age. The tinfoil hats would take us there if most productivity was buried in the ground as they do (which is an abomination in the Parable of the Talents), but hopefully the technologists will show us the way forward with decentralization technology.

Asia is already integrating at a rapid pace. It is more an indentured servant model, and that motivates the brown Asians to take on the culture of the white Asians to some degree. But you are correct that they do resist cultural adaption to a large extent and do backslide, but then they get sent home and replaced with a new set of indentured newbies. Very strict laws and discipline in the white Asian countries. For example in Hong Kong there are timers on cross walks and police standing there if you do not obey. It is perhaps not as potent as the model we had in the USA importing white Europeans who quickly assimilated to a very hard working culture, but the sheer size of the population of Asia is a greater economic force and economies-of-scale. Also Asians can build their own economies with their diverse cultures in addition to coalescing with the white Asians, which seems to fit well with the coming age of decentralization (which will also fit well with breakaway States such as probably Texas and perhaps Florida). But I do not see why those breakaway communities would choose gold or silver as money! They will of course choose blockchains because more efficient, less dangerous, more options for fitness, etc..

If you must stay in the USA, I suppose pick your State and community carefully. Probably Texas and Florida (and maybe S. Carolina?). Also the Midwest such as Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, but the coming Little Ice age makes those unattractive. I am not European so I can not comment with any insight on Europe other than what I read from Martin Armstrong and hear from other European friends. I suppose there will be breakaway State (countries?) in Europe as well. It is not clear to me if the UK has made clean break and sufficiently away from socialism to abate the clusterfuck. I would probably lean towards States more affiliated with Russia and not in the EU. I am not there on the ground so I do not know which States have low levels of socialism in Europe?

but it's still there somewhere and they can find it.

The government does not need to find it. They can stop you from selling it in liquid and safe markets. With all cash being electronic, they can shut off all reasonable black markets. Instead you will either bury it in the ground thus destroying all the capital it could have represented (impoverishing your future generations who inherit it), and/or when you do try to trade it at some ridiculously low trade value, you will also expose yourself to becoming a target of kidnapping, house break ins, ambush, and extortion. You simply can not trade gold without some people knowing that you did.

Tinfoil hats think the current gold dealers and trading options will remain or expand. They going to have a nasty reality check. And when totalitarianism and capital controls does abate after some decade(s), then the public is not going to want gold, because civilization will have so far advanced into the digital age. Really the epoch for tangible stores of value is ending. Those who cling to it are Luddite dinosaurs.

Also remember that the government will always steal the lowest hanging fruit first. So of course even though many people will stampede into gold as the governments collapse because it is historically known safe haven, it is the perfect way for the government to destroy the majority who do so. The minority will go into blockchains and will be too difficult and not cost effective for the government to confiscate en masse. Confiscating gold is very easy, just block all the on/off ramps and transport hubs (checkpoints). The majority is always wrong and always the greater fools.

I entirely believe gold is now entering its final days. Digital communication changed everything.

not forced consensus but voluntary consensus that is the solution where ever growing transparency ensures honest participation.

Without a force of consensus there is no convergence and you get defect-defect divergence.

You are referring to it being voluntary whether to participate in the consensus. Well it is also voluntary whether you live and vote in the USA or not, but many people would argue it is not really voluntary to live in the USA due to family obligations and other inertia. And not voting does not mean it is voluntary to disobey laws created by governments who are voted in.

I also think it is a mistake to group the USA and Europe together into "the west"

They both have the socialism and winner-take-all corrupt governance problem that will not resolved in any other way except collapse and disintegration.

Both must splinter into breakaway states in order to avoid a Dark Age.

and similarly to group Japan and China together into "Asia".

At the macro level both are major technological and investment drivers of Asia. Japan is bottoming on its economic collapse at about same time as China is finishing its correction in 2020 and then both will rise together along with S. Korea & Singapore leading Asia to be dominant in the world. India will also play a role. And China is massively investing in Africa as well.

That to me is the dominant theme, although of course there will be other sub-themes such as your Christianity focus as historically tried solution to defect-defect (which works but also leads into ideological decadence like any other mass delusions so, i.e. it makes a very fertile soil for Marxism, socialism, totalitarianism).

Culturally China is undergoing a transformation that will profoundly alter the country and set it on a path to future prosperity whereas Japan appears utterly locked into a medium term spiral of stagnation and decline.


As usual and expected, I think you demonstrate aliasing error confirmation biases because of your infatuation with religion as a solution.

Christianity is one of many phenomenons going on in Asia. It is not the macro dominant theme as far as I can detect.

The dominant theme afaics (and I am here) in Asia is 1800s style capitalism.

Similarly I would argue USA is in the process of slowly decoupling from Europe.

USA and Europe both are gluttons on socialism. The USA is following Europe’s lead. When the USA economy collapses, then you will see how few Americans really have the independent anti-socialism culture of our ancestors. I suspect it is rather small minority.

It is easier for people to claim they are conservative when they are well fattened and have jobs. But when their skills are no longer needed, then we will see their true character when they beg the government to do something. And then fight and steal when hopelessness sets in.

Look at the churches. They are mostly all corrupt. Most all took non-profit status with the IRS and there is a huge corruption issue there.

White people are in a massive defect-defect arrangement stealing as much as they can from each other before the debt machine breaks down.

After that, all hell breaks loose and we will see the true character of people.

Bitcoin shows us what can be achieved when a a small group chooses to voluntarily cohere around and promote an external ideal in a verifiable and transparent manner.

There are greater and more powerful ideals then that of sound money.

And it is not religion or any other such "solution" which operates by delusion and mind programming.

Decentralization technologies are what I am pursuing. I had my time to experiment with the religion delusion. Been there, done that.

EDIT: And CoinCube, I am not against the wisdom in the Bible on personal choice basis. What I am against is using ideological mind control as a weapon of mass destruction as the side-effect of employing as ephemeral defection prevention paradigm. I see you expecting that Christianity will sweep over China and cause a glorious transformation. But to me this is the sort of ideological conquest expectation that causes religion to be so dangerous. This morphs later into ideological conquest via other means such as socialism when the religion is unable to achieve absolute conquest (because the underlying motivation/desire/delusion for ideological perfection). I am so tired of snotty white people trying to "teach" others right and wrong, etc, when they can't even manage their own households. To all religion folk, keep it to yourselves on a personal (or even family clan or local community) basis as Jesus instructed in Matthew 6:5. Then we know your intentions are not overreaching. If I want to spread blockchain consensus, it is because it is an objective rational paradigm which has nothing to do with any particular ideology being forced on anyone. Only the consensus of ordering is forced by the blockchain. The blockchain is agnostic to what sorts of arrangements humans decide to encode on it.

EDIT#2: Of course, I want to help the world become one where diversity and maximum divison-of-labor can prosper. So that the world can become more interesting. That is congruent with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics as well, which is the trend to maximum uncertainty. Defection is only a problem when we require group coherence, e.g. for reproduction for example. But as we increase the degrees-of-freedom, we need less absolute total ordering of coherence. The paradigms are changing. We may not even need our bodies to reproduce when we become digital. When we think about how we relate to each other, are we able to truly accept and appreciate our differences? Jesus was I think very far along in terms of that. I think the scripture someone quoted for me Luke 9:51-62 he is saying that all these worldly things do not need to get in the way of aligning our heart with the basic principles of goodness in the Bible, i.e. do not covet, do not steal, do not idol, do not be selfish, basically respect the maximum diversity and support it within the limitations of the world in which we live in. But that world is changing. The degrees-of-freedom are probably increasing. I do not understand all of this yet. I need to think about this when I am well rested. I enjoy this philosophical stuff, but right now is not the right time for me to really dig deep on it. I think this is why I do not like organized religion. It stomps on diversity. I think I should have emphasized that blockchains may be trying to increase diversity of coordination more than they are increasing control against defection. They are increasing degrees-of-freedom and reducing the amount of total ordering consensus we require in order to interop in civilization. Instead of this monolith of governance+legal tender, we can flatten the structure to just a total ordering and let the diversity of partial orders proliferate within that less confining structure. I will have more to say about this when I am well.


nothing inherently evil about polygamy provided it was voluntary with lifelong marriage if possible

It depends what we mean by voluntary. If we make everything voluntary for female, her instincts are to defect.

Women need structure because typically their priorities are short-term and localized (i.e. selfish and myopic). Women are not interested in building anything multi-generational such a group selection.

Weak men do not need anything, but to be allowed to destroy themselves.

Strong men need to prevent the weak men from having any access to the gene pool.

In that way of competition, the weak men are filtered out and we end up with strong men and more competition.

Bottom line is strong men need to cultivate compliant women and fulfill their happiness/purpose.

Weak women and men enter the defect-defect pool and mix their genetics. Hopefully strong men will devise a way to selectively extract the genetics without any of the other baggage.

Technology is radically changing the world and making organized religion unnecessary.

We needed governance and State religion when strong men depended on physical compliance of a preponderance of men for warfare. Warfare is now technological and soon digital. Thus we can simply ignore the weak men and women. We no longer need to organize and control them.

This will create new opportunities for designer cultures.

Women have myopia. Fulfill it is all that is necessary in order to maintain reproduction. Maybe eventually we will not even need women for reproduction, but then I wonder what happens to love, honor, and cherish. So it is a strange concept if we can move all the way to digital. But I suspect we can create virtual games that are analogous. In fact, perhaps our reality is just a holographic virtual game.

This is area of research I want to dig deeper into later. Relativistic quantum theory and this book OROBTC sent me Information Mechanics.

I do not like a historic prescription as dogma. I would rather base in actual study in fact. I am very skeptical.

In the past, the most successful evolutionary strategy for an alpha male was to not marry, but rather to scattershot his sperm.

We needed top-down force in order to prevent every male from competing to be an alpha male, because society would collapse without someone raising the children.

As we move into the knowledge age with maximum division-of-labor overtaking the Theory of the Firm, because of better coordination in the transparency of the Inverse Commons (why do you think I am working on blockchains for maximizing degrees-of-freedom of transparent coordination and filtering of free-rider defectors aka rent-seeker parasites Coasian costs/barriers such as closed source centralized databases!), scattershot no longer is effective because of the amplification that knowledge will provide. Thus now alpha males also need to shift strategies into harems where they are responsible fathers. If alpha males throw their male offspring to the chaos of upbringing in the general society, their offspring will rarely attain the knowledge to be effective in competition in the gene pool. Because we are moving from a random dart throw on mating to a categorization of genes and informed selection.

Information theory is becoming paramount.

An alpha male could potentially devise a system wherein he has other males doing the raising, loving, and cherishing, but these males can not be random. He can no longer just scattershot and walk away and expect to be successful. Well I guess that is what religion was for, so he could insure there was an adequate pool of compliant men to take care of his offspring. But top-down State level control is no longer effective due to advancement of information technology. Diversity is proliferating. So just as the economies-of-scale of fungible money, fixed capital investment, usury, and the Theory of the Firm are dying, so is the economy-of-scale of scattershot sperm for the male. Sperm needs to now be directed with information.

Alpha males need a more efficient and information based delegation system for raising offspring. Essentially organized religion was the efficient way to delegate the alpha males corporation of family. But now that level of economy-of-scale will no longer be viable/competitive.

So alpha males will become more numerous, not less. But their strategies will become more informationally attuned.

Moralizers’ and ideologue’s perspective is far too moralistic and arbitrary. They need to look at it more factually and scientifically. They idolize women too much for example. Just look at it from the standpoint of maximizing group selection. We do need the alpha males.

The historic nation-state level scattershot alpha males are failing now. We are in a transition to the smaller economies-of-scale and more specialization, and the society is highly misdirected into weak activities because of the debt bubble (which is going to have a catastrophic implosion). The top-most of those historic alpha males will attempt to move to globalized scattershot, i.e. increase economies-of-scale to offset the loss of efficacy, but this is futile (as the Bible predicts). We are moving forward towards "the return of Jesus", which I think is just an information theory advancement.

Sorry if my stance is not as romantic and more based in trying to discern what will evolve as factual success in terms of reproduction, maximal production, and maximal effective reproduction.

Atheism is a religion. The problem is that it encourages defection to individual rationalizations yet provides no economic model to make that viable. Thus it only survives on debt socialism.

The economic model of Christianity is one of subjugating individual priorities for maximal production, cooperation, and non-destructive behavior. These principals and wisdom are fine. I think the key for me has been learning about how defecting from those principles actually destroys my individual multi-generational strategy. Then I do not need fear of a God to hold me accountable.

I think the fear is really about self-destruction. And isn't that what the Bible says. God does not decide to destroy us. We do it to ourselves.

My problem with religion is when people do not understand it rationally and get all wide-eyed. And also I do not like the notion that we have control others, such as control the weak men. Even the Bible speaks a lot about letting it work itself out naturally (delegating to God). Of course there is Romans as to what kind of strict governance we will get if we can not learn to not defect en masse.

I am trying to find the technological means to optimize. I do not like ideological dogma and winner-take-all top-down control of large-scale (eventually totalitarian) organized religion (this seems just like another form of governance which is why JAD is correct then you need a State religion).

Faith and Future

It is relevant to the conversation.

The universal strategy is that by supporting cooperation and the increase of the diversity of competition, we enrich our own experiences and increase our species fitness. This is why we reach out to our fellow man who is in need, because we appreciate that without each other then our existence is irrelevant.

But I do not conflate that with a need to top-down control all the outcomes or the need to have one strategy for everything. My goal is to reduce Coasian costs to enable better fitness.

Just because we have diversity does not mean our only strategy is to defect and destroy each other. When we realize that our own success hinges on the group success, then we are incentivized to support the group and not support those who defect in the sense of valuing mankind overall even though there can be a diversity of activities which are not all universal. The universal strategy only needs to cover the broad theme of valuing each other but does not have to dictate only one way of organization when in fact those different competitive strategies are not preventing any other group from attempting their own strategy. As long as there are no Coasian costs preventing the strategies from co-existing, then there is no conflict which requires one strategy necessarily defeat the other one.

With technological improvement to remove the Coasian costs then defectors can do much less damage thus we do not need to top-down control them. This removes that failure mode of a winner-take-all power vacuum.

Without a force of consensus there is no convergence and you get defect-defect divergence.

The "force of consensus" = Schelling point = gold and silver, of which there are only two, not 700 different cryptocurrencies with horrible distribution of which there will never be convergence on anything.  Cryptocurrency not only has no Schelling point, it has a...REVERSE Schelling point because you're incentivized to break off from bitcoin, buy a bunch of lower priced coins, then try to pump it higher (like Sidhujag).  Nature, "god", whoever, created a very small amount of noble metals so it's not really possible to do this with real money.

You are only focused on the scarcity of the fungible money supply but that it not the main use case of blockchains nor the important future direction of civilization. Blockchains are about maximizing degrees-of-freedom of transparent coordination while providing an objective means to bypass and filter out parasitic Coasian costs. It does not matter if we have 700 different blockchains as long as everyone can find the coordination they need on one of them.

However, society does tend to rally around a standard. The problem up to this point is that none of the blockchains have gotten all the technological and marketing details honed well enough to take the standard bearer tag. Bitcoin had first mover status and the widest liquidity for the monetary token, but it can not scale on chain (ever no matter what happens bcz linear block size increases do not solve exponential scaling and unlimited block size does not have consensus!) and it can not fulfill the more salient use cases of blockchains. Ethereum and others still have not gotten the details worked out. All blockchain consensus algorithms thus far are winner-take-all power vacuums, i.e. that have a long-term failure mode analogous to democracy, governance, and politics. Why do think I am working on Bitnet. Once a blockchain attains standard usage for example replacing all the centralized databased on the Internet, the other 700 altcoins will wither away. And then one monetary token will win. It is difficult to predict how Bitcoin will evolve in this scenario. So many factors at this point are in competition and we do not know how all this is going to play out exactly. I for example am still moving frustratingly too slow because of the antibiotics make me delirious and can't keep my eyes open for more than few hours a day (but at most only about 45 more days of these fucking meds and I may just quit early because my liver seems to be at limit of the toxicity it can tolerate although this risks a higher chance of return of the TB). So much in flux right now so I can not give you a more definitive rebuttal at this time. Just stay tuned and do not think that no one sees the opportunity. Of course the majority of the ecosystem will continue to just focus on taking speculator money with the easiest half-assed bullshit copycoin designs. More masternode PIVX, Decred, etc nonsense. But there are some who are determined to do something and who have declined very gracious, lucrative offers to cash out to speculators (ask @sidhujag).

IMO, you are misjudging the ecosystem far too early as if you had said P2P file transfer will always fail because Napster failed.

Bitcoin is important at least because it enables this ecosystem that will very likely eventually spawn the government killing, fiat killing, precious metals killing solutions. Whether it ends up being Bitcoin or not is not really relevant as Bitcoin will appreciate in either scenario. Bitcoin will at least remain the on/off ramp between fiat and any crypto currency for the time being. And any transition away from that will have an adequate period of development to be obvious to all those who are paying attention. Maybe Bitcoin will somehow figure out how to do everything off chain, but do note that I already explained that Side chains are fundamentally insecure and can not be fixed. And I explained that off chain transactions are fundamentally centralized thus moving away from the entire use case purpose of blockchains. The links to these detailed expositions are in my archives and are cited in my whitepaper.

Yea, you can try and drop the blockchain to lower redundancy and increase scalability like Fuserleer is doing with Emunie, but then it becomes even less sound money (or scale via partial order instead of total order and blackswan the system to death).

The majority has an incentive to reject any invalidate state, because otherwise the entire blockchain becomes a farce. Defection becomes impossible over the long-term and the blockchain is self-healing. I think it is possible to attain this without PoW and without PoS.

So it is just a matter of having a deterministic rule and paradigm for recovering against exceptions, but the devil is in the details of this because most such designs would get stuck in a defect-defect divergence scenario, e.g. if the network splits then PoW splits into two chains which if sustained for too long can possibly never be re-merged due to the vested interests in the double-spends and block rewards that would need to orphaned. But this is because the miners are vested. Now if you change who is vested and the majority of those who are vested are not complicit in double-spending, then the recovery and deterministic rule is dominant. This is the sort of revolutionary design work I am doing. Again the further details are even more interesting.

Then everyone has an incentive to provide this redundancy. This is one of key design decisions in Bitnet which enables unlimited scaling. The details though are IMO even more interesting.

I have not yet seen eMunie’s (renamed to RadixDLT) consensus algorithm specification but that he is planning a pegged currency indicates to me guaranteed failure. When analyzing USDT, I researched all the pegged designs (e.g. Bitshares, etc) worked out the theory of pegged currencies and realized they can never be viable over the long-term, no matter how you design them (I forgot where I wrote down that analysis). I notice the Scrypto JavaScript based language for apps, so I wonder if they are trying to copy my Lucid PL ideas. Any way, no problem. I wish someone else would fix the JavaScript ecosystem so I do not have to, but I do not think anyone else will or can any time soon, so thus I must do it.
4  Other / Meta / Re: Where are you 'Iamnotback'? on: May 26, 2017, 11:30:38 PM
Farewell to BCT with this final post. Follows a summary of wisdom (re-)gained.

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 2:18 am
Just this week at the 4th of the 6 month antibiotic treatment for my 6+ year disseminated (e.g. gut, lymph nodes, brain, lungs) Tuberculosis infection, has my health improved such that I can function normally in work and daily intense athletics without crashing. I want to code and think about code only. This speculative trading and Internet discussions activity is a huge distraction that will destroy my focus on the Bitnet project if I do not cease it. That would be a damn shame.

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 2:15 am
So to K.I.S.S. principle, I am remaining in BTC and if LTC drops to 0.009, then I will buy. I have no strong compelling reason I must buy here at 0.0115. I need to not lose money, more than I need to make money. My BTC is for my expenses so I can focus on my programming and complete Bitnet pronto. And I need my regular sleeping patterns, not being slave to staring at a trading screen.

The hypothesis since April 2 was that in 2013 LTC had to move towards 0.03 then 0.05 in April and November, in order for BTC to start moving towards a significant new ATH. When LTC caught up at 0.05 in November, then BTC crashed and we entered a 3 year winter. Why wouldn’t that pattern repeat. Remember the majority is always wrong. If everybody is afraid LTC will crash (and BTC has peaked), then LTC will not crash and BTC has not peaked. When everyone starts thinking BTC to $10,000 or $100,000, that is when BTC has peaked at perhaps $4000. Just remember that any linear increase in blocksize such as 2MB + SegWit does not resolve nor stop the exponentially rising transaction fees which will force everyone off chain, and even SegWit enables Lightning Networks which places more demand for on chain transactions for settlement of off chain centralized Mt. Box aggregators who will easily afford to pay $60,000 per transaction fees. Every blockchain consensus technology to date is winner-take-all political struggle of the whales. And we have a ICO bubble that will probably also soon burst. Are we really surprised that the recent scalability agreement is not a panacea and thus BTC price is not going to the moon in a straight line.

Edit: In that ICO link above, Ethereum is Netcape and I hope Bitnet will be Firefox, W3C standards, Chrome, and the iPhone.

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 4:30 am
The main impediment was the illness. You could research what chronic illness does to a human. You really have no way to understand it. Imagine you had to spend the next 6 years inside a barrel of oil with a breathing tube.

Try to code drunk with someone punching you in the stomach while working and get food poisoning also. Something like that describes my condition before these antibiotics. The high dose vitamin d3 would give me enough hormones to fight through a 2 hour workout, but the crashing after it was like my first sentence. I am not exaggerating. It was really horrible. My intense desire not to fail somehow super-willed me to get some work done, but when I remember working in that chronic illness condition, I shudder.

That is 100% truth.

That description didn't really accurately describe the malaise though. It is like you are asleep and can't not wake up. And very bad feeling in your head and body. And feel so fatigue can not hold your eyes open, but if you lay down you can not sleep either. I really can not describe it well. Until you have experience it, you can not know the feeling.

The feeling is so horrible. You just wish it would end. You wish you could just sleep and never wake up. I need to think about how to describe it with words such that someone could visualize the feelings.

Unlike in a normal health, we enjoy being awake. We feel interested to do things.

During my 6+ year sickness or especially the last 2 - 3 years, doing anything (including doing nothing) was so horrible and difficult. You just want it to all end.

The only thing I could do was fight and try to be productive so as to try to not think about it, but it is nearly impossible to ignore it. Ah I really can not describe it. Just so very thankful I am feeling better, even if I still have a little bit of the symptoms remaining.

Quote from: anonymous 27 May., 4:33 am
yeah I remember those moments you had lost the hope and were talking about just starting to run somewhere and run until you die, can't really imagine what it was like

if you didn't have your athletic spirit and talent you wouldnt' be here today, I'm certain

when someone is sick normally with fever or stomach flu or even has a hangover, the knowledge that it'll be over in a few hours or days makes it bearable.. but if there's no hope that tomorrow will be any better, then... well let's just say I'm happy I haven't had to experience it!

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 4:37 am
Yeah sort of like that!

But now I wake up and I am interested to do things. I am enjoying life mostly.  Still some symptoms but not so continuously and not so horrible. Just slight.

Quote from: anonymous 27 May., 2:19 am
It certainly would be. Do you feel your stance on discussion has changed for the better? Has it been helping at all?

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 2:26 am
When I was a very productive programmer in the 1980s and 1990s (before I was attacked and lost my right eye on 12/1/1999), there was no Internet (or at least I did not participate in any Internet discussions). I started to dabble in Internet discussions around 2005.

What I have learned during this illness when I spent a lot of time exploring, learning, and discussing on the Internet, is that it is a valuable activity for gaining awareness and information, but it is a horrible activity for coding productivity. So to mix the two is not good.

Also it has helped for me to learn the importance of posting more judiciously and with more careful thought about writing positively and just not post if it would be negative and/or if it is not that important. We can not discuss every minutiae (minute detail) with others and expect to get any productivity in our own work. Our minds move much faster than we can communicate. Which is precisely why the Mythical Man Month exists and why the future is Inverse Commons (open source and everyone thinks on their own and contributes to a commons which improves and does not have a tragedy-of-the-commons).

Fungible money was important for aggregating economies-of-scale during the fungible mass production age (agriculture and factories). They are winner-take-all paradigms. Bitnet and Inverse Commons are about individualized production.

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 2:38 am
But yeah it has been very helpful to observe how you communicate positively and thinking about how I can handle discussion with different personalities.

The key is reduce (especially PUBLIC) posting and think a lot before posting something. If it is not valuable enough to put enough time into thinking out carefully (and thinking about the potential pitfalls of the people in the discussion), then do not post on that issue. Every PUBLIC post is a liability that has a cost. They are not free. So I must budget my public posts more carefully.

That is not for judging others. It is a diverse world. Everyone should be free to do it their own way, because we need diversity. So when I communicate, I need to think more about the liability, costs, and pitfalls, and not blame nature for being a snake pit of diversity that can suck up order into disorder. The Second Law of Thermodynamics requires it to be so. Order is not anti-fragile, thus the less of it we require, then the more conducive our activities to the trend of maximum entropy. In other words, be like water in the sense of not creating unnecessary burdens, not by doubling-down on a clusterfuck as @Skalpell demanded, but by not participating in the clusterfuck.

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 4:22 am
And if we sell any of the smallish premine on exchanges (maybe our own decentralized exchange per my discussion with @miscreanity last month), those are fungible, unlocked tokens. We can just sit on the Ask for the volume rate which we need to sell to meet our expenses. Those investors who are astute will be buying when it is under the radar and underpriced. So gradually onboarded tokens will become free trading (unlocked) so they can also be traded on exchanges. But locked up tokens can still be transferred, i.e. spent to app devs, they just are not fungible for exchange trading.

In other words, we do not stop the locked tokens (awarded to users in return for the activity to encourage onboarding) from being transferred, but they can not appear as transaction inputs with other tokens that have a different lock period. We might also limit the rate at which locked up tokens can be transferred, so that they can be transferred in smallish amounts for spending to app devs, but not viable for exchanging in bulk.

Once the lock period expires, the tokens are free trading and fully fungible.

The entire point is that onboarded users can not just join and then sell their tokens too fast. They can spend them for apps and other services on Bitnet (providing revenue to encourage more apps and developers), and they also see the tokens rising in value over time (their balance growing), thus they learn to value the tokens and not cash out. It is sort of a teach by forced experience. I can imagine some users leaving and forgeting about it, then later realizing it has become valuable and coming back. A form of long-term stickiness.

Quote from: anonymous 27 May., 4:28 am
you have been thinking this non stop for the last years, and it shows.. if you had rushed something way earlier it probably wouln't have been the success Bitnet has a real chance to be

your plan has multiple attributes feeding each other into a positive cycle, like onboarding, if it goes viral, app devs will find the large audience irresistable, and the more and better apps there will be the more people will spend the tokens within th ecosystem and tell their friends etc

but it can also be a chicken-egg problem, hopefully it's gonna be the former Smiley

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 4:45 am
Yes it would have been worse if I had rushed. But I could not rush. I was really ill. In hindsight, I was much more ill than perhaps you realize.

The hen-egg problem resolves itself if you have something that the participants need. I am creating a decentralized foundation on which others can build without the problems of centralized systems. I think a wealth of advantages will percolate out of it. I am an idea machine, so I will just keep adding features and advantages and eventually it will gain traction. The long-term quality product wins in the end. But obviously we must launch something within this year, else we are getting too late.

Quote from: shelby 27 May., 6:10 am
Decentralization is the theme of the coming global transformation given the developing short dollar vortex will drive safe haven capital stampeding into the USA with the 40+ year sovereign bond bubble peaking in 2018 and ensuing waterfall collapse, devolution of the West accelerates next year and then the civil war in the USA and collapse starts in 2022 with Asia’s coming flash crash bottoming in 2020. By 2032, Shanghai and Singapore will replace (see also) New York and London as the financial capitals (centers) of the world.

(Philippines standard time is GMT+0700)
5  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 23, 2017, 12:06:09 PM
If you weren't being a retard in the first place, you wouldn't have received that trust. Lauda does what she wants and you can't do shit about it. Also, maybe ever considered stopping spreading bullshit and then ask Lauda to remove her trust. I guess someone as stupid as you never thought of that.

When we have decentralized forum, then Lauda can do what ever he wants and others can do what ever they want, and they will all have no one to complain to because nobody will be in control.

There is no unequivocal proof for your allegations of retardness, thus what does that say about the retardness of your post? Centralized systems (like tying our shoelaces to each others) make us all retarded.

If you actually read the trust rating that lauda gave, you would realise that it wasn't the quality of the posts she was condemning, it was what OP was posting. If you are trolling and have an abusive behaviour, you deserve a negative trust.

If you actually read what I wrote (and the background explanations of why we need a decentralized forum), then you would understand that it isn’t the content of @Lauda’s actions that are relevant to the problem at hand, but rather the fact that he has privileged centralized appointed power due to the default trust list.

By default putting all new forum users into a crab bucket with our shoelaces tied together, creates a crab bucket outcome.

With a decentralized forum, I could careless what @Lauda does. He and zillions of other idiots can off doing as much retarded stuff as they want and it will all be ignored from my areas. @kiklo can also do what ever he wants to do. And nobody can blame any centralized power for abusing their privileged position of authority.

Crab buckets become extreme as society descends into a clusterfuck of political correctness. For example, now if you are not gay, you are discriminating against a gay if you refuse to let him fuck you in your asshole.

(and if you had read my posts, you would understand that I think the activity of @Lauda and the mods is idiotic)
6  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 23, 2017, 08:14:46 AM
If you weren't being a retard in the first place, you wouldn't have received that trust. Lauda does what she wants and you can't do shit about it. Also, maybe ever considered stopping spreading bullshit and then ask Lauda to remove her trust. I guess someone as stupid as you never thought of that.

When we have decentralized forum, then Lauda can do what ever he wants and others can do what ever they want, and they will all have no one to complain to because nobody will be in control.

There is no unequivocal proof for your allegations of retardness, thus what does that say about the retardness of your post? Centralized systems (like tying our shoelaces to each others) make us all retarded.
7  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 22, 2017, 02:26:44 AM
Quote from: anonymous
About the postings, I understand that you have a hyper-competitive nature and that they may have started with ad hominem. However, there's the old adage: eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.

It is not true that the most productive action is to mire one's productivity with those who will waste it, thinking that amiability will make for a better result. That is why I wrote to you before that the smart people (the A-listers) do not participate when they see gatekeepers railroading a bad design. Instead they go do productive work, while the clusterfuck destroys itself.

It is somewhat analogous in these groups where they have a Code of Conduct which says they respect all diversity of humans, but then they use their political clout in insidious ways (passive aggressive behavior) to stifle an objective technical debate and also they do not have an open mind and instead want to be in control. The entire CoC thing is really a mechanism for control (as is always centralized governance, which is why I am working on blockchains to replace all centralized databases on the Internet, bcz all those centralized things are going to destroy themselves).

So really the smart thing for me to do was to never participate in that Node.js Issues thread.

Actually I am a man of peace, not of war. Yes I am very competitive, but that is for sports. Work should be a collaboration, but amongst A-lister peers.

Point is if we involve ourselves in failure, we also become a failure. I think this is a very important point that applies to all of at this time wherein the West is collapsing. I think we all need to be very much more aware of the failure we are exposing ourselves to by not wisely choosing who (and which groups, jurisdications, situations) we do and do not involve with. In my case, if I continue to involve myself with failure, then you all would be wise to not involve with me. I am making some changes in my activities.

Remember that democracy exists because what can not be "solved" via voting goes to civil war. So the "solution" is to run up the debt and satiate everyone, until that solution runs out of rope.

Quote from: anonymous
I wasn't suggesting that ongoing participation was necessary, just that patience is needed if you do so - even when encountering hostility.

I need patience to understand the other A-listers are often correct or at least partially correct, as was the case recently with @keean and the closures issue. It was JavaScript's 100% dynamism that was fooling me and made me conflate the function instance with the closure (because that is what JavaScript does). It was some miscommunication between us also. Also I still have the effects of foggy brain not yet always 100% alert or clairvoyant due to these meds and illnesses. Very frustrating!

But no patience with the B-listers, instead never even engage. My huge mistake in life has been engaging with people of all walks of life, because I was idealistic wanting to emulate Jesus also believing that I came from nothing and didn't want to view myself as different or higher than others. So I got frustrated. Now I need to learn that I will not survive if I do not learn that I can not engage with B-listers (nor lunatics!).

There is something in the Bible about not trying to speak to those who will not listen. Do not throw your pearls at swine, etc..

Quote from: anonymous
Disengaging seems to be what you need to adhere to.

Absolutely. That is my biggest weakness. Has always been.

P.S. the discussion continued into being supportive of all humans, not viewing others as beneath you, how to deal with irresponsible people or those who drag you down without being judgmental, about how I am not Jesus and can not bear everyone's suffering on my back in order to be totally understanding and supportive of every person. Then myself shutting down the conversation because I need to go to gym and how my resources are finite and how at this time I am trying extricate myself from the situations that have depleted my resources and no comprehending how I could possibly be supportive to everyone except on some superficial level, and then just throwing out there that maybe that means I didn't delegate to Jesus (claim that he died for our imperfections so that we do not need to be perfect) or something like that, but then it feels like I am losing my rationality and becoming insane so I just shut it down.
8  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 21, 2017, 08:51:45 AM
The internet def needs a censor resistant forum. Reddit just went full retard and locked a sub with 400,000+ users of which 20,000 were online at any given time. Its not just the mods here that like to abuse their power.

Frankly, it's embarrassing to have so many developers and computer wizards here and not have things like encrypted messaging or ip masking built into the site, or just basic protections to the users and the intellectual property. The degrees of freedom are lacking and the abuse runs rampant. My use of this site declines everyday, and trying to find informative discussions is becoming harder and harder. It makes me wonder how many have been driven off so this place can become an echo chamber.

Very true. Our world has gone insane. Another example is Github just allowed me to banned on a very important topic about how Node.js will transition from the old module system (CommonJS) to the new ECMAScript ecosystem-wide standard one.

The gatekeepers there are clearly wrong. They should not create a new JavaScript file extension (breaking many things) just so they can conflate require and import. The new EMCAScript standard module system should not be shoehorned (forced unnaturally) to interopt with the old one. They are forcing very bad design onto a very large ecosystem and I am very confident I will be vindicated in the end.

All centralized databases must die. I intend to kill Github, Reddit, BCT, Facebook, etc.. I am working (as many hours a day as possible) on the foundational technologies. Note that link only updates every few hours so activity so far today does not yet appear (at the time of posting this).

As the sovereign debt collapse worsens in 2018 to 2020, we are going to see massive increase in totalitarianism and people will think that it does not bother them (until it does then it will be too late for them). When you burn the books of free speech, society collapses into a 600 year Dark Age.

P.S. Hahaha. If you think I am blunt...

Kudos to elder ESR.

And this is timely and apropos also:

9  Other / Meta / Re: Where are you 'Iamnotback'? on: May 21, 2017, 08:41:48 AM
The mods do not want you to know the reality about Bitcoin.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

10  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 16, 2017, 03:33:20 AM
Note the edit.

@dinofelis, you need get grip on reality. Bitcoin and crypto-currency is going to be a $10+ trillion phenomenon. And the EU is going to crash and burn.

The relevance of this to the bans and problems of this forum, is that this forum needs to be able to accommodate the diversity of people coming into crypto. It can’t remain a Millennials’ wet-dream and remain #1 and most relevant on our rapidly expanding ecosystem.

Other than that, this is just a chat forum with a feedback system that allows anyone to neg anyone else, and overall it should be a very small part of anyone's life and shouldn't be a cause for ear-smoking.  Kiklo went off the deep end, just like mixan did.  I'm not surprised he got banned.

This is an official forum for Bitcoin (and thus for the crypto ecosystem including altcoins, with 46% of the marketcap in altcoins and increasing rapidly) and there are $millions (soon $100s of millions and then $billions) at stake here and for altcoin developers to be slandered/banned on a whim is a serious crisis from our perspective.

I am sorry but this clusterfuck is not going to stand very much longer. There are many forces that need a decentralized, trustless, permissionless system for communication with this $billion (soon $trillion) market.

This is a big deal.

Essentially BCT is cutting off his own future by not adapting.

Edit: some weeks ago @micreanity mentioned that many investors from outside our crypto-currency ecosystem were approaching him asking about Bitcoin. Then we see lately that $billionaires are investing in Bitcoin and even altcoins (see Tezos). And this week Martin Armstrong who had been very pessimistic about Bitcoin, suddenly recognizes that it could be the alternative global currency after the coming collapse and monetary reset due to the sovereign debt crisis and dollar short vortex with even central banks buying USD-denominated equities.

Armstrong is now starting to understand some of my thesis about the future of Bitcoin:

But he does not seem to understand that Bitcoin was designed to push the masses off chain into regulated scenarios (e.g. Lightning Networks on
Litecoin) by rapidly rising transaction fees (see links below for the math), because the technologically the blockchain can not be regulated by any non-global government (Armstrong is still apparently ignorant of the most important technological facts about blockchains):

The regulation of Bitcoin comes when the world government takes form and the few elite on the hills in Jerusalem want to enslave the $billionaires. Bitcoin is very much part of the 666 plan and outcome coming, but it comes in stages.
11  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 14, 2017, 08:24:59 AM
Perhaps I'm really old school, but I don't get why people use the @ symbol here.  Is that a Twitter thing?  I honestly don't know what it means.

It is an ad hoc convention to tag that a term is a username as opposed to alternative meanings of the term in prose. Also some systems (e.g. Steemit, Github, and Stackexchange) will automatically link the username to their profile if prepended with @. For example, some usernames are English words.

This is just a frigging forum, and it's just a silly, broken trust system on that forum.  I don't view it as anything even close to a crisis, and it doesn't keep me awake at night.  If nothing changed, I'm totally OK with that--and look at all those red trusts fuckers left me.  I'm so past it.

I would agree with you, except that red text plastered on every post in Altcoin Discussion on the person who was abused (for readers using the default trust list which is virtually all the new users that altcoins target). IMO that is a crisis for those afflicted.

Other than that, this is just a chat forum with a feedback system that allows anyone to neg anyone else, and overall it should be a very small part of anyone's life and shouldn't be a cause for ear-smoking.  Kiklo went off the deep end, just like mixan did.  I'm not surprised he got banned.

This is an official forum for Bitcoin (and thus for the crypto ecosystem including altcoins, with 46% of the marketcap in altcoins and increasing rapidly) and there are $millions (soon $100s of millions and then $billions) at stake here and for altcoin developers to be slandered/banned on a whim is a serious crisis from our perspective.

I am sorry but this clusterfuck is not going to stand very much longer. There are many forces that need a decentralized, trustless, permissionless system for communication with this $billion (soon $trillion) market.

This is a big deal.

Essentially BCT is cutting off his own future by not adapting.

Edit: some weeks ago @micreanity mentioned that many investors from outside our crypto-currency ecosystem were approaching him asking about Bitcoin. Then we see lately that $billionaires are investing in Bitcoin and even altcoins (see Tezos). And this week Martin Armstrong who had been very pessimistic about Bitcoin, suddenly recognizes that it could be the alternative global currency after the coming collapse and monetary reset due to the sovereign debt crisis and dollar short vortex with even central banks buying USD-denominated equities.

Armstrong is now starting to understand some of my thesis about the future of Bitcoin:

But he does not seem to understand that Bitcoin was designed to push the masses off chain into regulated scenarios (e.g. Lightning Networks on
Litecoin) by rapidly rising transaction fees (see links below for the math), because the technologically the blockchain can not be regulated by any non-global government (Armstrong is still apparently ignorant of the most important technological facts about blockchains):

The regulation of Bitcoin comes when the world government takes form and the few elite on the hills in Jerusalem want to enslave the $billionaires. Bitcoin is very much part of the 666 plan and outcome coming, but it comes in stages.

You dont need to use the default trust.
You can make your own trust list.
Majority of people here are just to lazy to do it.

I do this myself, great idea to do so.

I never bothered to do it because I do not use the trust system.

The red and green text on avatars caused me to realize there is some corruption in this forum because most users see the same as what I see, because we all do not give a shit about the trust system. We came here for the forum discussion.

I hate kissing ass to centralized authorities. No way. Never will be.

Uhm lauda doesnt rule over anyone.
You people just give way too much credit to the trust system.

Effectively (aka pleonasmically de facto) he does, because of the red text plastered on the avatar for every reader using the default trust list, which is virtually all readers.

And that includes anyone else on the default trust list who is gains pleasure from dictatorial actions.

@The End is Near, has been the only other one with a will strong enough to argue with the peer pressure exerted against @kiko because of a defective trust system ,
and many of you attacked in force after @kiklo was banned and no longer able to be here to defend himself, (what does that say about you?)

Because I do not need those (non-)“peers” in order to succeed. And also when I know I am the correct side of the future outcome, then I am not concerned about losing. Humans herd together in what they (mis-)perceive to be the dominant paradigm, because they do not want to be losers (yet the majority is eventually always wrong).

P.S. your explanations were touching on points that I did not make or did not explain as well as you did. Thanks. And no you are not my sockpuppet!

What is going to be very hilarious is when the scammers learn to game the trust system and turn it into a total clusterfuck.
12  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 14, 2017, 07:56:25 AM
In other words, social behaviour is locked in by a consensus mechanism that became immutable. You can always try to fork off, you will get a 51% attack on your nose.

I will find the post (in the “Bitcoin killer” thread) where I explained how to attain a Nash equilibrium without proof-of-work by leveraging the crab bucket mentality of human nature! (well that might be construed as ban evasion so you will have to go find it)

The end of the fungible, economies-of-scale, tangible winner-take-all, tragedy-of-the-commons age and the ushering in of the Inverse Commons knowledge age changes the paradigm:

A reminder to moderators, @dinofelis and I are continuing this discussion because it pertains to the ban and the fact that BCT does not allow formation of groups.

I'm not saying that a decentralized system cannot implement dynamics that naturally evolve towards forms of leadership, but I consider then that they centralize ; unless they also contain dynamical rules that destroy these leaders, so that leadership is an ephemeral phenomenon.

You are concerned that any system which can centralize will grow ever more centralized.

Actually that is an incorrect fear about the way nature is. That happens in fungible finance because fungible finance is a winner-take-all paradigm:

Edit: we are having a discussion over at slack and Craig Wright (@csw) the self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto is participating. I am posting there as @anonymint:

tula [3:05 AM]
@anonymint ok thx.. so it was as i thought assume unregulated blocksize leads to 100% centralization ..because bigger pools have an advantage over smaller pools (no shit)
thus "proving" that bitcoin does not work (is a ponzi scheme) and we need a central bank.
also mathematically proving that generally free market capitalism does not work and thus the only system that works is communism (this should give you a hint where i think you made a mistake) (edited)

anonymint [9:59 AM]
@tula correct fungible finance is always a winner-take-all paradigm. Marxism rose up (as promoted by the shadow elite to give us a way to deceive ourselves and keep  us preoccupied) as a false antithesis because it is also a loser-take-all paradigm. Neither of these are the solution. But I have good news for you. Both of those paradigms are dying and I know the solution. The death of fungible money is underway and the rise of Inverse Commons in the knowledge age is coming (see links below for more details). My project is all about this. This is why @dinofelis says I have a confirmation bias on my conspiracy theories, yet my math and logic is cogent.

But humans actually refuse to remain in groups larger than their Dunbar limit. They can only be enticed to do so by massive debt-based bribes of socialism, but this is not sustainable.

The masses want hierarchy, bosses and central authority.

Nope they will kill each other if locked into a single grouping and they can not fork off into tribes. That is why the future of the EU is going to be so horrific because the EU refuses to allow the different groups to have their own governance.

I'm not talking about a SINGLE grouping, but *every* form of sustained grouping.  Tribal groupings are also, as I said, centralized from the point of view of a tribe member.  Whether you have to obey to your tribe leader, or you have to obey to the king of the world, doesn't really matter from the point of view of a member.

Users will have the freedom to join different groups and even create their own groups, as they do on Twitter.

P.S. more links on why EU is going to have a hard crash landing:

I view you as a pessimist curmudgeon. You dislike humanity and wish they’d all be culled (except as you said some of your friends which means you are tribal). But humanity is actually fantastically creative.

I still am inspired by humanity. Of course I would like to be able to filter the trolls from my group, but I would not want to ban them from the view of others who wish to see their posts.

Quote from: anonymous
Quote from: the_end_is_near
Quote from: anonymous
Not yet, had to deal with gov't today. Very unpleasant.

I remember some of the inane interactions with the IRS in 2002. Since I have not dealt with that for many years, perhaps I do not quite understand your extreme motivation to relocate to a more sane governance. Your tax and business jurisdiction does not need to be the same as your residence jurisdictions.

If you're familiar with Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, the orcs had essentially a purely competitive and ruthless capitalist social structure. Promotions were obtained by destroying those above you, resulting in a crab-in-bucket situation where only the strongest and most destructive survived at the top and any below were abused. So the incentive to rise was imperative; that to me is hell

Very much like government and politics, and that seems to have creeped into the corporate world to a large extent

The winner-take-all power vacuum of fungible finance, usury, and the tangible (economies-of-scale) industrial and agricultural ages enables that paradigm. The Inverse Commons will break us out of this.
13  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 14, 2017, 07:12:27 AM
@ImHash was on my ignore list when I was @iamnotback. And here is yet another justification for why he was on my ignore list.

84 years old?

When I received a negative from Yahoo, I started to PM admins and DT members after 10 PMs to Yahoo first, but I never bothered theymos because he is the red line and should be for everyone, please don't involve him, if you have to deal with Lauda, he (theymos) has to deal with hundreds of thousands people.

He involved @Theymos because the Trust system design is broken. If it were not broken, nobody would need to complain to Theymos about it.

Theymos is the one who took $50,000 in BTC donations (back when BTC was 1/50th of its current value, so really he took $2.5 million in donations) and promised to improve the forum but never did. I read on Coindesk that he had contracted (afair in 2016) some Blockstream engineers and was spending $50k per month. One can only speculate about the incompetence or corruption that might (or might not) be going on. What ever the case may be, the forum has never been improved.

84 years old?
My man you need to think about what's important in your life, have you prepared yourself for the day you want to meet your maker?

How do you know he has not done that? That is his personal life and he is not obligated to communicate his preparations publicly. It is an orthogonal issue that has no bearing whatsoever on the issue at hand. You’re constructing a strawman argument.

Ridiculing an 84 year elder is despicable.

Why do you care how/what people think of/about you? only thing you should care is how God sees you.

He is running an altcoin thus has a duty to care what people see as red text slandering his forum avatar.

How do you know he does not care about his spiritual situation.

You should know better; forgiveness is a virtue, if they wronged you then try to reply with goodness.

Bearing false witness is not a virtue. Even Jesus said he came bearing a sword against the corrupt, unrepentant ones. @Lauda is not repentant. I quoted him upthread saying he derives great pleasure from dictatorial actions.

I agree @kiklo did lash out and I did write that 4 wrongs do not make it right. But note my point about aliasing error.

See how is that working for opposition, bitcoin is the king and you don't go curse and trash talk in his castle.

Note, the king means there is no democracy here, either work your ways around or try to not invoke the wrong people.

Pride cometh before thy falleth.

Well some of us do not want be part of such a groupthink clusterfuck and we are busy working to form an escape before your clusterfuck collapses.

This is the story just like Ver and Gavin gang saying this forum is censoring but they went and made their own bitcoin version instead and trying to take over the throne all together, I'd suggest you to join them grandpa.

Well they tried to replace centralized idiocy with worse centralized idiocy.

But I am different breed.

For all you Bitcoin maximalists, note Bitcoin’s share of the total crypto marketcap has fallen to 54%. It is about time for you to wake up to reality.
14  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 14, 2017, 06:32:56 AM
Apparently most users are using the default trust list, because trust is not related to anything they would actively need to configure for their priority use cases.

This is a difficult case to solve. Older members complain that the Default Trust system is flawed (which it is to a degree), but if this trust system was removed then newer members would likely complain that there was nothing in place to stop them getting scammed. theymos did want to replace this system, however this replacement system had the downfall of requiring newbies to choose members that they have never interacted with to trust.

Thus as I said, a centralized GUI presentation of the trust as red text on @kiklo’s avatar on all his posts in the Altcoin Discussion retroactively into the past.

I can agree on this somewhat, however it's arguably useless to try and implement for the use that it would get.

There are some quick and easy solutions available.

1. This site is first and foremost a forum and not a site for doing trade deals between individuals (or at least many users join with that perspective). On localbitcoins, I see a trust rating by default, because trading is the primary function of that site and there is no forum. The most egregious flaw is the putting red text on the avatar of the forum identity (apparently only in some sub-forums such as Altcoin Discussion) accusing of being a scammer. This then affects all the forum activity (even retroactively to all historic posts!) which has nothing to do with trades. For example, myself and others have had their past accounts hacked (accounts where I had scrambled the password), then our archive of posts now has bullshit red text on them even though that has nothing do with the activity when I was posting using those account. One of my angel investors has red text all over his past posts because that account got hacked (he quit the forum since that because it is a clusterfuck of waste). It is the conflation of these two activities (forum posting and trading) which is such an egregious clusterfuck. Thus there is no reason to have that red text there. Anyone who does a trade without checking the Trust system for the user who they are trading with, thus has no awareness of the Trust system and thus thinks BCT is only a forum. The forum is not liable, because the Trust system is available and is documented. Remove that damn red text for those who are using the default trust list!

2. Show the trust list blatantly on the Trust page. The “Trust settings” link is not conspicuous enough and clicking it gives no clue what the “Default trust” is about or even how to use it.

Incorrect. Because afaik we start with a default list and have to proactively go edit out and nearly no one knows that.

The de facto trust list is centralized.

Admittedly it could be easier to find, but there is a fair amount of documentation available to anyone interested in the trust system outlining what it is and how it can be used. It's a problem with the users that they do not care to find or read it.

Never is the problem the fault of the users. Until you accept this reality, you will never be a world class software developer. Never blame the users. Those who are offended by my expertise … oh well …

Four wrongs do not make it right, rather it is a clusterfuck.

1. Centralized de facto trust list for most users.
2. @Lauda knows this thus can abuse @kiklo.
3. @kiklo is told to accept this abuse, so he lashes out.
4. You guys have the wrong of blaming the clusterfuck on @kiklo accusing him of being a hypocrite.

3. kiklo was told exactly how to go about trying to change the trust left by Lauda,

And I think he was 100% correct to not waste his time on a broken piece-of-shit design. Why should he beg to @Lauda? Lauda should never have this power to put red text all over his forum avatar.

It is not the fault of the system, nor the people of the forum that kiklo decided to disregard that advice and throw his toys out his cot.

It is the faulty design of the system. And @kiklo was pointing out to the other users how arbitrary the system is and how the fault can waste their time too. Because the nature of collectivized clusterfucks (i.e. tragedy-of-the-commons) is that no one cares until they are affected:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

4. Complaining that a user that you have never traded with has left you negative trust, then leaving negative trust to people you have never traded with makes you a hypocrite. Complaining about defamation of your character, then going to to defame the characters of people not involved makes you a hypocrite.

That is aliasing error akin to looking up at a stopped clock at 6am and 6pm and concluding the clock is functioning properly.

If you just looked at his action as a point sample then yes you could argue that, but taken holistically, then clearly @kiklo was trying to inform others how the system could harm them arbitrary.

Being part of the groupthink, you slander his motives while protecting your collectivist system. Rather than looking objectively at the problem holistically.

Cover your right eye with a patch and try to function (I was blinded in my right eye in 1999). Consume enough rat poison each day to not kill you but to be so sick that you can not think clearly, have a failing liver, have delirum, headaches and barely enough energy to get out of bed. Remove all your finances and all the people who could help you, so that you are forced to work in this condition. Welcome to my life the past years. Until you’ve actually experienced this, then you can not comprehend the reality of it. Even words do not describe what it feels like day after day after day for years, with no respite.

And the fact that you can come here and have a sensible conversation with me about these problems, even after all of the things that you have suffered through, gives kiklo no excuse to act like a child about it. Do you not agree?

I am coming cured from TB and so am having some lucid days (also still some bad days), so I have always tried to not let my illness impact my rationality and perspective, but the fact it that it did many times. And there was not a damn thing I could do about it, even though I tried everything I could to overcome (before I was diagnosed with TB so I did not know about any curative medicine for some years). Physical suffering is physical suffering and even the mind is impacted. You will never understand this until you are chronically ill with a condition that persistently painful or delirious. I was very strong before I got ill with TB, so I also was cavalier and incompassionate as you are (well maybe not totally but I did not have the understanding of chronic illness that I have now). So I do not entirely blame you. I had even asked my (now ex-) wife and others close to me to wear a patch on their eye for a day to know my new life after I was blinded. They all tried it for 15 seconds and refused to do it. Lack of compassion and selfishness is a human nature. Jesus spent his time among the afflicted and suffered immensely. It is something I also tried, but I admit it is horrible.

Eventually I will blog about perhaps we can leave this physical dimension and move onto the informational plane of existence. Yet I think we will also miss this physical existence?

In short, I do not blame you for your perspective. I am informing you about another perspective.

My generation X had to fight for everything (not spoiled, not sheltered)

And due to certain circumstances in my life, I do not believe that I fit either of those descriptions.

Okay I understand the world is diverse and we can not absolutely stereotype. And I will cheer any youth that I find to be interesting and valuable. Yet we perhaps draw some generalizing trends between generations, but of course I hope I can relate to all age groups, because diversity makes life interesting. I am skeptical (because I am so skeptical of anything the boomers and collectivism/socialism created, although I recognize every stage of human development is a prerequisite to the next one) but also I do have some friends in all age groups.

I give respect to people that give respect to others. kiklo has shown through is mass amount of threads, negative feedback spam and threats of legal action that he is incapable of giving respect to others. Therefore, I see no reason to give respect to him.

@kiklo and I also butted heads in forum discussion in the past. He is a feisty or obstinate one (and I am too but I do not put blue text in all my replies when I am agitated). I joked with @kiklo in a PM that I can only imagine what he was like as a teenager if he has this much fight in him at age 84, lol. But it is not my nor @Lauda’s value to decide for everyone else. We need a decentralized moderation system so that we have a more accurate appraisal of the value of the posting to a wide diversity of readers.

And so then if @kiklo finds he is Ignored every where, he will realize it is his fault and can not blame any centralized moderators. I am not assuming he would be. He has his style and he did point out some technical details sometimes. IMO, he was not a worthless poster.

@kiklo was angry because he is/was marketing his altcoin here and the red text on his avatar slandered all his Altcoin Discussion posts. I think this was justifiable and actually he could perhaps justify a lawsuit but these things are difficult to win especially he voluntarily participated in the system. Nevertheless, the system remains broken. Somebody even posted here in Meta, belittling his altcoin as if he is not justified to have that as an economic reason to be angry about the abuse.

I couldn't care about what kiklo does providing he does it in a decent manner. However, he isn't.

Political correctness is a trait that I vehemently hate.

I rather like diversity and indecent behavior when justifiable. Makes life more interesting.

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" — Patrick Henry

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure." — Thomas Jefferson
15  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 14, 2017, 04:52:14 AM
I think that a guideline is not a rule, so banning someone for not following guidelines is a bit too much.

In my other posts (just click my profile as I do not have so many posts), I have explained some details about why banning anyone is entirely unnecessary with a sufficiently designed decentralized system with decentralized moderation.

Of course the trust system is being spammed and abused, and I don't agree with people giving negative trust to people they don't like or consider spammers. Spamming is bannable, so these people should be reported and it's up to a mod to decide their fate.

Banning spamming is analogous to banning any activity that is economic yet some people find offensive (a subjective matter thus can only be properly handled with decentralized moderation and economics, not dictatorial, totalitarianism). Collectivists always think they can ban economic activity and then wonder why it never works, because they flunked Economics 101. Global banning (as opposed to decentralized moderation) is Sisyphean, worse-than-useless (i.e. iatrogenic) busywork for twits who like to be in positions of corrupt, privileged power and authority.

Note I wrote a post and the mods deleted it and didn't even send it to my PM folder (Edit: note it later appeared in), so more of same totalitarian shit ongoing. This time I will archive this thread so I have  record of all their worse-than-useless corruption. I find it hilarious to see these useless mods doing activity which is analogous to the slaves digging the labyrinths of the pyramids with spoons.

Quote from: post deleted by the mods didn't even appear in my PM inbox but they forgot to clear out the Drafts lol
Have all of these been permanently banned? Just the thought of that.. is so pleasing.

Hilarious to see these self-important, dictatorial mods doing needless busywork and feeling proud of it, sort of analogous to slaves being proud of digging the labyrinths for pyramids with spoons.

There are simple decentralized solutions to the relativistic interpretation of spam content, so that no one is ever perma-banned and centralized authoritarian mods are not needed nor desirable.

What will you Sisyphean twits do to feel important in the new paradigm? Maybe you'll actually have to learn to do some real productive work. Shudder.

With decentralized moderation, then the group leaders will delete the spam from their threads and even set spammers on Ignore so that they do not have to repeat the effort. No need for perma-banning globally.

You might argue this is a duplication of effort, but there is a great cost to totalitarianism. Collectivism/groupthink fails catastrophically in clusterfucks.

And when every post has to attach a small micropayment then spammers have to do an economic activity. An economic activity is not spam, regardless if some people are offended by the activity. Decentralized moderation anneals to the fitness of the diversity of subjectivity.

Why would people pay to post? Because they will earn more from posting than they do from not posting. And because the payment is so miniscule compared to the benefits attained. Why would they not then prefer a free option? Because the free option will be laden with totalitarianism, circle-jerking echo chambers, and/or uneconomic spam (e.g. the negative value of Facebook Likes). Note the onboarding paradigm will provide a means for those without money to earn their way into the system in way that is not a road block or discouraging (and is actually encouraging).

Tada! It’s magic.

More magic coming to blow your fucking minds. And to value twits at their actual negative economic value and not the one of delusions of self-importance. An no, I do not respect those who destroy value. Why should I? They have not even exhibited any redeeming humane qualities. It’s always been their dictatorial (“for the lolz” power trip) way or the banned highway.
16  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 13, 2017, 09:46:36 AM
Make a post in Altcoin Discussion and see what I did to your avatar because of this centralized decision to marry decentralized ratings with a centralized choice of shitting on avatars.

Only people who trust you can see your feedback by default on actmyname's avatar. Otherwise, it falls under 'Untrusted Feedback'.
Unlike what people like kiklo seem to think, these aren't directly hidden by theymos. Who can post a feedback that is trusted by default is decided by the user's personal trust list and/or the trust lists of those in the DT network. I can go further into detail about it if needed.

Except if I am not mistaken, there is a global default trust list, and @Lauda is on that list. Apparently most users are using the default trust list, because trust is not related to anything they would actively need to configure for their priority use cases.

Thus as I said, a centralized GUI presentation of the trust as red text on @kiklo’s avatar on all his posts in the Altcoin Discussion retroactively into the past.

With a decentralized interpretation of Trust, then each user would in effect enable moderation of their choice on Trust ratings. So thus those users who think @Lauda is abusing the system by complaining about the way @kiklo posts, would tend to remove @Lauda from their trusted Trust raters list.

That is how the trust system works currently, which is what a huge amount of people seem to forget.

Incorrect. Because afaik we start with a default list and have to proactively go edit out and nearly no one knows that.

The de facto trust list is centralized.

Complaining about the way people debate and discuss in a Trust system is inane.

Precisely, which is why when users such as @kiklo complain about it constantly they are not met with open arms. Being an enormous hypocrite in whilst doing this doesn't help the case whatsoever.

Four wrongs do not make it right, rather it is a clusterfuck.

1. Centralized de facto trust list for most users.
2. @Lauda knows this thus can abuse @kiklo.
3. @kiklo is told to accept this abuse, so he lashes out.
4. You guys have the wrong of blaming the clusterfuck on @kiklo accusing him of being a hypocrite.

Big mess all made by very poorly contemplated design of a forum system.

Now I understand that @kiklo is 84 years old and has chronic back pain, so that explains why he gets so agitated when he feels someone is wrong or offended his sensibilities. If he can find a way to improve his physical quality of life, probably he will be less agitated more often.

Physical factors in a person's life shouldn't affect the way that they treat others.

Well they do.

You apparently have no comprehension based in actual experience of chronic health issues and effects.

Like most things in life, until you’ve walked in the shoes of another, it is impossible to understand and judge correctly their situation.

Cover your right eye with a patch and try to function (I was blinded in my right eye in 1999). Consume enough rat poison each day to not kill you but to be so sick that you can not think clearly, have a failing liver, have delirum, headaches and barely enough energy to get out of bed. Remove all your finances and all the people who could help you, so that you are forced to work in this condition. Welcome to my life the past years. Until you’ve actually experienced this, then you can not comprehend the reality of it. Even words do not describe what it feels like day after day after day for years, with no respite.

Kiklo wouldn't, and shouldn't, get a pass for spamming the forum like a child about some red text even if he was a war veteran with terminal cancer.
If after 84 years of living you haven't managed to grasp the concept that moaning, threatening and abusing the people and systems put in place to try and help you isn't a good way to carry yourself then I don't believe you deserve any respect.

Sorry but this is the sort of attitude from millennials that makes me want to throw them under a bus.

We can co-exist in a decentralized system where your idealistic collectivist rubric need not interfere with my self-reliant, cynical view of collectivized (group) action.

Compared to previous generation, Millennials focus on larger societal needs rather than individual needs.

Millennials are this strange mix of idealizing the collective, while also being so sheltered and spoiled that they often do not perceive reality.

My generation X had to fight for everything (not spoiled, not sheltered), thus we do not trust the collective and do not place a high value on the collective.
17  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 12, 2017, 09:50:27 PM
Guidelines are not damn rules, they're guidelines.  Not only does theymos give the guideline that it's OK to give trust for a person, not a trade, it's also not actually abuse of the system to use it for anything at all.  The system allows anything to happen.  You can decide not to trust the feedback of someone if you want, but that doesn't stop them from making the damn feedback.  Grr.

Decentralizing the trust is good, but not when the GUI choice of red text is centralized:

The only reason anyone cares about abuse of the Trust system, is because the database for it is interpreted in one centralized way by the GUI of the system.

Again I posit that my plans for a decentralized database (on a blockchain) for a Bitnet forum will remedy this problem, because we will all choose GUI clients which we want to choose. So the data will be displayed according to what people think it is rational. Thus of course nonsense data in the Trust system will not be highlighted as red by most participants’ clients.

Yoda says trust the decentralized Force, as it is the powerful ally of truth and production and the enemy of time wasting trolls, scammers, and other forms of waste.

The trust system is unmoderated and sucks. The red crap does not show on your avatar on right side of posts, when you are not posting to Altcoin Discussion.

You can not claim you have a decentralized system and that no moderation is necessary, when you have a centralized shitting on others by the fact that GUI is forced on everyone to be one way and that one way is to put really shitty read "Do not trust this person" on their avatar when posting in Altcoin Discussion.

Since I and @kiklo were posting often in Altcoin Discussion (given we are altcoin developers), we did not like the fact that Bitcoin maximalists could put a red crap on our avatar in Altcoin Discussion. We do not like the centralized shitting on altcoiners.

If you had slaved away to develop an altcoin and then some idiot could put this highly conspicuous "Do not trust this person" by default on your avatar and digital reputation/identity that everyone sees, then you also would not be happy about it and would not invest in BCT.

But am I wrong in saying that prophylactic trust feedback is a good thing?

If someone is known to have scammed someone, is it wrong to say that such an individual is a scammer?

Agreed that sharing information about others can be a good thing, but it needs to be entirely decentralized otherwise really abhorrent centralized outcomes manifest, as explained above.

Make a post in Altcoin Discussion and see what I did to your avatar because of this centralized decision to marry decentralized ratings with a centralized choice of shitting on avatars.

I understand the reason they put the shit on the avatar in Altcoin Discussion is that they thought altcoin discussion has more scams. But then it is no longer is congruent with an unmoderated Trust system. It is just improperly contemplated centralized design.

With a decentralized interpretation of Trust, then each user would in effect enable moderation of their choice on Trust ratings. So thus those users who think @Lauda is abusing the system by complaining about the way @kiklo posts, would tend to remove @Lauda from their trusted Trust raters list. Complaining about the way people debate and discuss in a Trust system is inane. Form decentralized groups for discussion instead (except there are no features for that on BCT). I too do not like the way @kiklo uses blue text when he replies thus trying to focus the readers eyes only on his posts (@Dorky is even worse as he embeds his blue text in the quotes he is replying to which is really discombobulating and difficult to quote). He doesn't do that occasionally but nearly always when he is agitated. I would delete his posts from my moderated view (and users who follow my moderation) when they contain that blue text. He would eventually learn not to do that in threads where I am the prominent moderator trusted by most of the readers. There are decentralized ways to anneal these issues without turning the Trust system into a clusterfuck of purposes for which it is not ideally suited.

(Now I understand that @kiklo is 84 years old and has chronic back pain, so that explains why he gets so agitated when he feels someone is wrong or offended his sensibilities. If he can find a way to improve his physical quality of life, probably he will be less agitated more often. I have some empathy and understanding for aging and chronic health problems+pain)

P.S. if you get the point and need me to remove it, just ask in PM. Having you ask is to impart upon you the inefficiency and lack of individual degrees-of-freedom of the current design of it.
18  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 12, 2017, 03:16:10 PM
(though the first wasn't a wrong, to begin with)

Oh really. Great. Check your Trust rating now.

Let’s clusterfuck.
19  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 12, 2017, 07:46:56 AM
Guidelines aren't rules.

Rules are for Nazis.

We are entering a new decentralized Knowledge Age (Inverse Commons) era in human civilization. Goodbye to fuckard Tangible Age (industrial and agricultural age) authorities and those who cling/ride on their coattails.
20  Other / Meta / Re: Lauda has Broken the GuideLine of the Trust System by theymos own words, ban her on: May 12, 2017, 07:33:38 AM
The trust system is unmoderated and sucks. The red crap does not show on your avatar on right side of posts, when you are not posting to Altcoin Discussion.

Just continue to limp along using the forum as is, until you have an other better alternative.

There is nothing you can do. You’ve registered your complaint but the 26 year old Theymos does not care to respond to you his 84 year old elder. Ah I see you were banned for raging against the system (even though the Trust system is supposed to be unmoderated  Roll Eyes). So much for consistency from 26 year olds. What can you expect from western millennials.

I hope you use the down time to get in the barbell gym. I guarantee you that stimulation of HGH via weight lifting (even if not so heavy) works wonders for holistic health of the body. It is difficult to make a lifestyle change, but it could possibly drastically increase your quality of life in your advanced years. I got back into the gym this week and I am hella sore, but really helps a lot for overall well being and ability to nonchalantly handle stress.
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